You're curious about Venture Capital. What are some common performance metrics? (2024)

Last updated on May 12, 2024

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Internal Rate of Return (IRR)


Multiple of Invested Capital (MOIC)


Net Present Value (NPV)




Hit Rate and Exit Rate


Here’s what else to consider

Venture capital (VC) is a form of financing that provides funds to startups and early-stage companies with high growth potential. VC firms invest in exchange for equity or ownership stakes in the companies they back. But how do they measure the success of their investments and their own performance as investors? Here are some common performance metrics that VC firms and their limited partners (LPs) use to evaluate their portfolio companies and their fund returns.

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  • Rodrigo Ferreira LP | Backing VCs across the 🌍 and doubling down on their breakout founders

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1 Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

IRR is the annualized rate of return that a VC fund generates for its LPs over the life of the fund. It takes into account the timing and size of the cash flows between the fund and the LPs, such as capital calls, distributions, and management fees. IRR is a widely used metric because it reflects the time value of money and the opportunity cost of investing in a VC fund. However, IRR also has some limitations, such as being sensitive to outliers, being difficult to compare across different funds and time periods, and being influenced by the valuation methods used by the fund managers.

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    Imagine a scenario where you invest a series of amounts at different points in time, and then receive a series of cash flows (returns) at different points in time as well. The IRR essentially calculates the discount rate that makes the sum of the discounted future cash flows equal to the sum of the initial investments. In simpler terms, it reflects the annualized growth rate of an investment.


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  • Sagar Agrawal Founder at Qubit Capital | Investment Banker | Helping Startups Raise Funds Globally
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    IRR measures the annualized rate of return that an investment generates over its holding period. It accounts for the timing and magnitude of cash flows, providing insight into the overall profitability of the investment.


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2 Multiple of Invested Capital (MOIC)

MOIC is the ratio of the total value of a VC fund's portfolio to the total amount of capital invested by the fund. It measures the absolute return that a fund generates for its LPs, regardless of the time horizon or the timing of the cash flows. MOIC is a simple and intuitive metric that can be easily calculated and compared across different funds and stages. However, MOIC does not account for the risk-adjusted return or the opportunity cost of investing in a VC fund. Moreover, MOIC can be misleading if the fund's portfolio value is based on unrealized gains or subjective valuations.

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  • Let's shift focus to a specific investment within a VC portfolio. MOIC, or Multiple of Invested Capital, measures the value an investment has returned relative to the amount of capital initially invested. Imagine you invest $1 million in a startup, and that startup is later acquired for $10 million. The MOIC in this scenario would be 10x, indicating a very successful investment.MOIC provides a clear picture of how efficiently a VC firm invests its capital. A consistently high MOIC across a portfolio suggests a VC's ability to identify promising startups and generate substantial returns for their LPs.


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    Curious about the art of gauging a venture capital fund's performance? Ever heard of MOIC, or Multiple of Invested Capital? Picture this: It's like measuring how many times your initial bet has multiplied in the high-stakes poker game of investing. Simple, right? MOIC tells you the raw score—how much bang you're getting for your buck, without the frills of time constraints or cash flow timings. But beware, this number can be a siren’s call, alluring yet potentially deceptive if based on those tricky unrealized gains or optimistic valuations. #divineintervention #gabenfreude


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3 Net Present Value (NPV)

NPV is the difference between the present value of a VC fund's future cash flows and the present value of its initial investment. It measures the profitability of a fund by discounting its future cash flows by a certain rate, which reflects the risk and opportunity cost of investing in the fund. NPV is a comprehensive metric that incorporates both the absolute and the time-adjusted return of a fund. However, NPV also depends on the choice of the discount rate, which can vary depending on the assumptions and preferences of the fund managers and the LPs.

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    Net Present Value (NPV) is a widely used financial metric that calculates the present value of all future cash flows generated by an investment, discounted at an appropriate rate. In the context of venture capital, NPV helps investors assess the value of an investment opportunity by considering the timing and risk associated with future cash flows. A positive NPV suggests that the investment is expected to generate returns that exceed the initial capital outlay, making it an attractive opportunity for investors. Conversely, a negative NPV indicates that the investment is not expected to generate sufficient returns to justify the capital investment.


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  • Elon Salfati Doubling Startups Success | $1M ARR Product-Market Fit | Salfati Group CEO 🇮🇱🇨🇭🇺🇸
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    🔹 Do your calculations, but remember the discount rate you use is critical. It reflects the risk and opportunity cost of your fund, so it should be chosen carefully.🔹 Understanding your fund's NPV in isolation isn't enough. Compare it with the NPVs of other funds in the same sector or stage. 🔹 Lastly, while NPV is a comprehensive measure, it should not be used alone. Always verify with other metrics to get the complete picture of your fund's performance.🔹 To calculate NPV, you need to subtract the present value of your initial investment from the present value of your future cash flows. This involves discounting these future cash flows by a set rate, which reflects the risk and opportunity cost of the fund.


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  • Elon Salfati Doubling Startups Success | $1M ARR Product-Market Fit | Salfati Group CEO 🇮🇱🇨🇭🇺🇸
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    NPV calculation is crucial for appreciating the intrinsic economic benefit of investments.🔹 Choose a discount rate aligned with risk profile and market conditions. 🔹 Avoid overly optimistic future cash flow forecasts to prevent NPV overestimation. 🔹 Cross-verify NPV with other performance metrics for a holistic view.Effective NPV management underpins informed and rational investment decisions.


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4 TVPI and DPI

TVPI and DPI are two related metrics that measure the realized and unrealized returns of a VC fund. TVPI stands for total value to paid-in capital, and it is the sum of DPI and RVPI. DPI stands for distributed to paid-in capital, and it is the ratio of the cash distributions to the LPs to the capital invested by the fund. RVPI stands for residual value to paid-in capital, and it is the ratio of the remaining value of the fund's portfolio to the capital invested by the fund. TVPI, DPI, and RVPI are useful metrics to track the progress and performance of a VC fund over time, as well as to benchmark it against other funds and market indices. However, they also rely on the accuracy and consistency of the fund's valuation methods and reporting standards.

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  • 🎯 Pawel Maj I share my knowledge and experience as ex-partner of three VC and PE-growth funds, as well as a startup fundraising advisor (between 2021-2022 i was closing on average one round per month).
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    Of course LPs (limited partners) track both TVPI and DPI. However, from their perspective, single most important metrics is DPI since it shows how much of capital was distributed back to its investors. Also, since DPI doesn't rely on valuations of portfolio (which is never truly objective/accurate, especially in case of private-held companies). BTW, as all other metrics, TVPI and DPI should increase over time - the older the vintage year of a fund, the higher TVPI and DPI should be.


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  • Harsh*t Dhawan IIM Bangalore (2025) | IIT Roorkee (2019) | ex Razorpay, Tesco, GE
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    A TVPI value greater than 1 indicates that the VC fund has generated positive investment returns. For example, a TVPI of 1.5 means that for every dollar invested by limited partners (LPs), the VC fund has returned $1.50. Conversely, a TVPI below 1 indicates that the fund still needs to recoup capital invested. TVPI however does not account for time value of money!


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  • Elon Salfati Doubling Startups Success | $1M ARR Product-Market Fit | Salfati Group CEO 🇮🇱🇨🇭🇺🇸
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    TVPI and DPI provide layered insights into both realized and potential fund successes.🔹 Ensure transparent and frequent valuation updates to maintain metric accuracy. 🔹 Compare DPI and TVPI with peer funds to gauge relative performance. 🔹 Balance these metrics with qualitative assessments for comprehensive analysis.These metrics serve as fundamental indicators of both current and future fund health.


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5 Hit Rate and Exit Rate

Hit rate and exit rate are two metrics that measure the quality and quantity of the exits or liquidity events of a VC fund's portfolio companies. Hit rate is the percentage of the fund's portfolio companies that achieve a successful exit, such as an acquisition or an IPO. Exit rate is the percentage of the fund's invested capital that is returned to the LPs through a successful exit. Hit rate and exit rate are important indicators of the fund's ability to identify, support, and exit high-potential companies. However, they also depend on the fund's investment strategy, stage, sector, and cycle, as well as on the external market conditions and trends.

Venture capital is a complex and dynamic field that requires sophisticated and nuanced methods of performance evaluation. The metrics discussed above are some of the most common ones, but they are not exhaustive or definitive. Each metric has its own strengths and weaknesses, and none of them can capture the full picture of a VC fund's performance. Therefore, it is advisable to use a combination of metrics, along with qualitative and contextual factors, to assess the performance of a VC fund and its portfolio companies.

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    Ever felt like you're spinning the roulette wheel when tracking the success of a VC fund? I once bet on a start-up that was like the dark horse in a derby. The Hit Rate and Exit Rate became my go-to metrics. Think of Hit Rate as counting the number of winners out of the starting gate—those that made it big through acquisitions or IPOs. And Exit Rate? It’s like tallying up the winnings from those bets. Both are vital for knowing if you’re in the green, but they don’t tell you everything. It’s a mix of skill, strategy, and sometimes, just good old luck. #divineintervention #gabenfreude


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  • Elon Salfati Doubling Startups Success | $1M ARR Product-Market Fit | Salfati Group CEO 🇮🇱🇨🇭🇺🇸
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    Hit Rate and Exit Rate are critical for evaluating both strategic alignment and execution success.🔹 Cultivate a robust exit strategy to enhance both Hit Rate and Exit Rate. 🔹 Monitor external market trends to anticipate impacts on these rates. 🔹 Integrate rate analysis with broader performance reviews for strategic adjustments.Optimizing these rates is crucial for sustained investment success and strategic refinemen


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6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Rodrigo Ferreira LP | Backing VCs across the 🌍 and doubling down on their breakout founders
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    When looking at emerging managers the financial metrics alone will most likely not be enough to properly assess the opportunity.Especially in early-stage focused funds, by the time a fund manager is raising their second fund very little will have changed in the prior fund in terms of DPI, TVPI, etc.Other metrics that can be helpful when looking at an early fund can be re-up rate of existing LPs, co-investor base, graduation rate, average valuation uptick, average round size vs market averages, average ownership, consistency of ownership and ticket size, etc. Essentially other things that can indicate whether or not a fund manager is showing signs of outperformance and how closely they executed on the portfolio construction strategy.


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  • Oli Harris Impact VC @ Series A+ | Trustee | 2 x Founder | FCIM
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    Very common metrics that will need to be understood by both sides of a deal (aside from what is mentioned above) to help make a genuine decision.LTV - How much is each client actually worth over a period of timeARR - As opposed to R, what amount will come back and how much falls off (churn)CAC - How much does it cost to get the person that pays - how does this stack up Vs LTVTTMR - What was the revenue for the previous 12 months? This is often a line in the sand for many investors and attempts to delineate what stage the companies are at in terms of growthThere are so many more but on a daily these are pretty useful.


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    Ever felt like you're navigating the wild west of venture capital metrics? Beyond the standard MOIC, Hit Rate, and Exit Rate, there's a universe of nuanced factors worth exploring. I remember diving into the impact of external market conditions on a fund's performance—it felt like trying to predict the weather in an alternate universe! It’s essential to remember that VC isn't just about the numbers; it’s also about the stories behind the startups. Every investment is a narrative, and understanding these can give you an edge. Remember, sometimes the devil—or angel—is in the details. #divineintervention #gabenfreude


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You're curious about Venture Capital. What are some common performance metrics? (2024)


You're curious about Venture Capital. What are some common performance metrics? ›

VCs should be Using Formula: TVPI = (Residual Value + Distributed Value) / Paid-In Capital TVPI is the ratio of the total value of the fund to the paid-in capital. TVPI gives a snapshot of the fund's overall performance, indicating how much value the fund has generated in relation to the capital invested.

How do you measure venture capital performance? ›

VCs should be Using Formula: TVPI = (Residual Value + Distributed Value) / Paid-In Capital TVPI is the ratio of the total value of the fund to the paid-in capital. TVPI gives a snapshot of the fund's overall performance, indicating how much value the fund has generated in relation to the capital invested.

What are the metrics for venture capital startups? ›

VCs look for startups that have consistent and high revenue growth rates, as well as positive unit economics (more on that later). Revenue, Revenue Growth Rate (yoy), gross margin %, and pipeline conversion. Another important insight is the trending expansion of contracts within the same customer.

What are KPIs in venture capital? ›

Understanding key performance indicators in venture capital

In the venture capital ecosystem, understanding the significance of KPIs is pivotal. For startups, KPIs act as compass points guiding their trajectory and dictating their potential for growth, differentiation, and ultimately, success.

How do you evaluate venture capital? ›

Venture Capital Valuation Method: Six-Step Process
  1. Estimate the Investment Needed.
  2. Forecast Startup Financials.
  3. Determine the Timing of Exit (IPO, M&A, etc.)
  4. Calculate Multiple at Exit (based on comps)
  5. Discount to PV at the Desired Rate of Return.
  6. Determine Valuation and Desired Ownership Stake.
Nov 28, 2023

Why do venture capitalists use metrics? ›

To determine the worthiness of a particular deal, venture capital firms employ a variety of financial metrics and figures. These include current revenue, revenue growth rate, revenue type, burn rate/runway, free cash flow, product margins, cost of sales, and a slew of others.

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Union Square Ventures and IA Ventures are among the strongest performing UTIMCO-backed venture capital firms with overall internal rates of return (IRR) of 59.25% and 42.99% respectively.

What are capital metrics? ›

The Working Capital metric measures your organization's financial health by analyzing readily available assets that could be used to meet any short-term financial liabilities.

What are capital efficiency metrics? ›

Capital efficiency refers broadly to how efficiently a company spends its money to operate and grow, and specifically, measures how much money is put into the business versus how much money the business generates from that investment.

What are the best financial metrics for startups? ›

Here we discuss some of the key metrics that each startup owner should track:
  • Revenue. ...
  • Profit Margin. ...
  • Cash Flow. ...
  • Burn Rate. ...
  • Gross Margin. ...
  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) ...
  • Lifetime Value (LTV) ...
  • Working Capital.

What are key performance indicators examples? ›

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) gauge the success of a business, organization, or individual in reaching specific objectives. The KPIs can differ based on industry, company, and personal objectives. Popular KPI examples include customer satisfaction, employee retention, revenue growth, and cost reduction.

How are venture capital companies valued? ›

Using the VC method, the value of the target entity is estimated as the value after a few years (the so called 'exit-value'). That value is then discounted to the present value using a discount rate. The DCF method is used for companies where cash flows can be reasonably estimated.

What is the average ROI for venture capital? ›

About 15 percent of companies that go public/are acquired achieve returns greater than 1,000 percent; yet 35 percent of the companies achieve returns below 35 percent; and 15 percent of the companies deliver negative returns. The most probable return is only about 25 percent.

How do venture capital firms value startups? ›

Using the VC method, the value of the target entity is estimated as the value after a few years (the so called 'exit-value'). That value is then discounted to the present value using a discount rate. The DCF method is used for companies where cash flows can be reasonably estimated.


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