How can you use deal execution metrics and KPIs to evaluate the performance of a Venture Capital fund? (2024)

Last updated on Jan 20, 2024

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What are deal execution metrics and KPIs?


Why are deal execution metrics and KPIs important?


How to choose deal execution metrics and KPIs?


How to collect and analyze deal execution metrics and KPIs?


How to use deal execution metrics and KPIs to improve performance?


Here’s what else to consider

If you are a Venture Capital (VC) investor, you know that finding and funding the best startups is only part of the job. You also need to track and measure the performance of your portfolio companies and your fund as a whole. But how can you do that effectively and efficiently? In this article, we will explore how you can use deal execution metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to evaluate the performance of a VC fund and identify areas of improvement.

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  • Ola Brown, MFR Founder at Healthcap Africa

    How can you use deal execution metrics and KPIs to evaluate the performance of a Venture Capital fund? (3) How can you use deal execution metrics and KPIs to evaluate the performance of a Venture Capital fund? (4) 21

  • Austin Hwang Principal @Honda Xcelerator Ventures | ex-Entrepreneur(acq.) | Corporate Venture Capital | Startup Mentor | Oxford MSc

    How can you use deal execution metrics and KPIs to evaluate the performance of a Venture Capital fund? (6) 6

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How can you use deal execution metrics and KPIs to evaluate the performance of a Venture Capital fund? (9) How can you use deal execution metrics and KPIs to evaluate the performance of a Venture Capital fund? (10) How can you use deal execution metrics and KPIs to evaluate the performance of a Venture Capital fund? (11)

1 What are deal execution metrics and KPIs?

Deal execution metrics and KPIs are quantitative indicators that reflect how well a VC fund is executing its investment strategy and achieving its objectives. They can be divided into two categories: input metrics and output metrics. Input metrics measure the activities and processes that lead to deal sourcing, due diligence, valuation, negotiation, and closing. Output metrics measure the results and outcomes of the deals, such as return on investment, exit multiples, internal rate of return, and cash-on-cash ratio. Both types of metrics are essential to assess the quality and efficiency of the deal execution process and the value creation potential of the portfolio.

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  • Ola Brown, MFR Founder at Healthcap Africa
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    The input metrics can be further refined by subdividing the deal sourcing Key Performance Indicator (KPI) into cold introductions, deals from accelerators, deals from other venture capitalists (VCs), portfolio founder referrals, and angel referrals.Additionally, recording the number of companies screened out in the initial screening, the number of founder calls that results from this, and the subsequent progression through the funnel to the investment committee in the form of Information Memorandums (IMs) can provide valuable insights.


    How can you use deal execution metrics and KPIs to evaluate the performance of a Venture Capital fund? (20) How can you use deal execution metrics and KPIs to evaluate the performance of a Venture Capital fund? (21) 21

  • Austin Hwang Principal @Honda Xcelerator Ventures | ex-Entrepreneur(acq.) | Corporate Venture Capital | Startup Mentor | Oxford MSc
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    VC Funds can be measured quantitatively by 2 methods:1) Output metrics (the most commonly used metrics to benchmark a fund vs others). These include IRR, TVPI, MOIC, DPI, portfolio valuation increase, etc. 2) Input metrics (related to deal sourcing aka the top of the funnel). These may be the sheer number of relevant deals that a fund has in the pipeline.However, these metrics don't really tell you the qualitative nature of the deals in the pipeline. Are they mostly second time founders or a particular professional groups of founders with higher chance of success?


    How can you use deal execution metrics and KPIs to evaluate the performance of a Venture Capital fund? (30) 6

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    Using deal execution metrics and KPIs to evaluate a venture capital fund's performance involves tracking and analyzing key aspects of the investment process. Key metrics include the Internal Rate of Return (IRR), which assesses the fund’s profitability, & the Multiple on Invested Capital (MOIC), measuring the return on each dollar invested. The time to exit is crucial, indicating the fund's efficiency in realizing returns. The hit rate, or the percentage of successful investments, reflects the fund's ability to pick winners. Monitoring the deal flow rate helps evaluate the fund's market presence & sourcing ability. Additionally, the ratio of follow-on investments can indicate confidence in portfolio companies & the fund's support strategy.


    How can you use deal execution metrics and KPIs to evaluate the performance of a Venture Capital fund? (39) 2

  • Mayank Agarwal Early Stage Investor @ Saama Capital | London Business School


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    The usual metrics used to assess a venture capital fund's performance are IRR and C-on-C. However, a metric that receives less attention is the Public Market Equivalent (PME).It compares a fund's returns with those of a public market index - helping LPs assess if their investment in the fund was more profitable than an equivalent investment in public markets. A PME above 1 indicates that the fund has outperformed the public markets.Consider a scenario where an LP invests $100M in a fund and receives $200M in return. If, during the same period, an investment of the same amount in the S&P 500 would have returned $207M, the gross PME would be 0.97. In this case, the LP would have been better off investing in the public markets.


    How can you use deal execution metrics and KPIs to evaluate the performance of a Venture Capital fund? (48) 2


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2 Why are deal execution metrics and KPIs important?

Deal execution metrics and KPIs are important for several reasons. First, they help VC investors to monitor and manage their deal flow and pipeline, ensuring that they have enough opportunities to invest in and that they allocate their resources wisely. Second, they help VC investors to benchmark and compare their performance against their peers, competitors, and industry standards, enabling them to identify their strengths and weaknesses and adjust their strategy accordingly. Third, they help VC investors to communicate and report their performance to their stakeholders, such as limited partners, co-investors, portfolio companies, and regulators, enhancing their transparency and accountability.

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  • Wojciech Drewczyński VC. Top Voice. I help founders from pre-seed to exit. On a mission to fuel the next generation of startup heroes -> Let’s build the next big thing together
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    From the point of view of an LP that entrusts capital to VCs for management, the most crucial thing is investment returns. Funds that can deliver liquidity while still in the investment period rank among the best. For funds that have been in operation for more than five years, it is also worth considering the aggregate DPI. This is the ratio of all returned funds across all funds to the total capital raised from LPs across all funds. The top funds can show Aggregated DPI > 1.


    How can you use deal execution metrics and KPIs to evaluate the performance of a Venture Capital fund? (57) 2

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    If that nuanced KPI of the company's business life cycle stage is included as part of their thesis and culture, this will affect the other KPIs. The Venture firm will likely have to make fewer investments, so they can make follow-on investments, this increases the risk within the portfolio, but if architected well could also produce much bigger returns for the limited partners and stakeholders. Above the line perspective on the valuation of unicorns is that they have a huge multi-billion dollar market potential. Unfortunately, that valuation is too often based on the amount of money that has been invested and not based on the actual performance indicators of the company's ability to correlate cash revenue with equity investments.


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3 How to choose deal execution metrics and KPIs?

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to choosing deal execution metrics and KPIs, as different VC funds may have different goals, strategies, stages, sectors, geographies, and risk profiles. However, some general principles can guide the selection process. First, the metrics and KPIs should be relevant and aligned with the fund's mission, vision, and value proposition, reflecting what the fund aims to achieve and how it differentiates itself from others. Second, the metrics and KPIs should be measurable and verifiable, based on data that is accurate, reliable, and consistent. Third, the metrics and KPIs should be actionable and informative, providing insights that can help the fund to improve its decision making and performance.

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    The KPIs, and how they are established and then subsequently measured, could very well be a game changer in the venture capital arena. Consider that the very market accepted performance of a 10 company VC portfolio actually indicates that most venture capital firms, and as an industry, does little to look at KPIs before during and after the life of the fund. If the expectation is only one out of 10 companies will actually produce the targeted return on investment, that would indicate that if the fund has KPIs, those KPIs are more of a wish list than an actual thesis to test and measure.


    How can you use deal execution metrics and KPIs to evaluate the performance of a Venture Capital fund? (74) 1

  • Devanshu Bansal, CFA Startup Operator | Venture Capital | Corporate Innovation
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    Choosing Execution metrics and KPIs for a VC fund is somewhat similar to that of a startup. A lot of the times like startups VCs are stuck with Vanity KPIs like capital deployed, which is important to know how active the VC is but it doesn't show the success of the VC. VCs should be Using Formula: TVPI = (Residual Value + Distributed Value) / Paid-In CapitalTVPI is the ratio of the total value of the fund to the paid-in capital. TVPI gives a snapshot of the fund's overall performance, indicating how much value the fund has generated in relation to the capital invested.Another KPI to measure is NPS which is not very common but is really important for long term growth of the fund as this will attract the right founders.


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4 How to collect and analyze deal execution metrics and KPIs?

Collecting and analyzing deal execution metrics and KPIs can be challenging, as VC funds often deal with complex, dynamic, and uncertain environments. However, some best practices can facilitate the process. First, the fund should establish a clear and standardized methodology for collecting, storing, and updating the data, using tools and platforms that can automate and streamline the data management. Second, the fund should define and apply a consistent and appropriate framework for analyzing the data, using methods and models that can account for the variability, risk, and uncertainty of the deals. Third, the fund should review and evaluate the data regularly and systematically, using dashboards and reports that can visualize and summarize the key findings and trends.

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    This is a valid point. However, it is also valid that any measurable outcome is only as good as the data that is collected. If the fund only looks at the current valuation, the size of the addressable market, the competitive advantage of the intellectual property, etc, then they risk missing the key value proposition from an investor perspective: how will the company achieve an exit, that isn't bankruptcy?Investing in a company that has the ability to maintain its growth path on its life cycle and demonstrates it has the ability to become independent of investment capital and thrive on customer revenue, will translate to market value in the public market of an IPO and in the traditional criteria of setting the value of an acquisition.


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  • Joseph Michael Venture Partnerships at Google
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    Consider using data analytics software.One example popular among VCs is Betterfront. There are some great data analytics tools out there for VCs to visualize KPIs, investment track record and connect with investors in a data room.


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5 How to use deal execution metrics and KPIs to improve performance?

Using deal execution metrics and KPIs to improve performance is not a one-time exercise, but a continuous and iterative process. The fund should use the metrics and KPIs to identify and prioritize the areas of improvement, set and track the goals and targets, and implement and monitor the actions and initiatives. The fund should also use the metrics and KPIs to learn and innovate, testing and validating the assumptions and hypotheses, and experimenting and adapting the strategies and tactics. The fund should also use the metrics and KPIs to communicate and collaborate, sharing and discussing the results and feedback, and soliciting and incorporating the input and suggestions from the stakeholders.

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    Absolutely. When a VC firm establishes Key Performance Indicators and commits test & measure, adjust and validate, and communicate that to their stakeholders, they begin to perform at a higher standard. The Vc firm should as accountable to their investors ad the companies are accountable to their investors.


    How can you use deal execution metrics and KPIs to evaluate the performance of a Venture Capital fund? (110) 3


6 Here’s what else to consider

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    To evaluate a Venture Capital fund's performance using deal execution metrics and KPIs, focus on these key indicators: Investment-to-exit ratio shows how many investments lead to successful exits. Time-to-exit tracks how quickly investments turn into returns. IRR (Internal Rate of Return) measures the profitability of investments over time. Assess the fund's deal sourcing efficiency by comparing the number of deals sourced to those actually closed. Finally, the follow-on investment ratio indicates the fund's ongoing commitment to and confidence in its existing investments, highlighting its long-term growth strategy.


    How can you use deal execution metrics and KPIs to evaluate the performance of a Venture Capital fund? (119) How can you use deal execution metrics and KPIs to evaluate the performance of a Venture Capital fund? (120) 2

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    When sizing up a VC fund, go beyond the numbers and dive into the stories told by deal execution metrics and KPIs. It's not just about returns; it's about the startups transformed, the strategic gems unearthed, and the lessons etched in the journey.


Venture Capital How can you use deal execution metrics and KPIs to evaluate the performance of a Venture Capital fund? (129)

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How can you use deal execution metrics and KPIs to evaluate the performance of a Venture Capital fund? (2024)


How can you use deal execution metrics and KPIs to evaluate the performance of a Venture Capital fund? ›

To evaluate a Venture Capital fund's performance using deal execution metrics and KPIs, focus on these key indicators: Investment-to-exit ratio shows how many investments lead to successful exits. Time-to-exit tracks how quickly investments turn into returns.

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Multiple on invested capital (MOIC) is another common and simple metric that VCs use to measure their success. MOIC is the ratio of the total value of an investment to the total amount of capital invested. For example, if a VC invests $1 million in a startup and sells its stake for $3 million, the MOIC is 3x.

What are KPIs in venture capital? ›

Revenue growth rate is a crucial KPI for venture capitalists when evaluating potential investments. It's a strong indicator of a company's market demand, customer satisfaction, and scalability. High revenue growth rates can also attract more investors and increase a company's valuation.

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Valuation and exit potential are critical metrics to measure a startup's return on investment, growth prospects, and exit opportunities. They show how well a startup is creating value, capturing opportunities, and attracting acquirers or investors.

How to evaluate a venture capital investment? ›

Venture Capital Valuation Method: Six-Step Process
  1. Estimate the Investment Needed.
  2. Forecast Startup Financials.
  3. Determine the Timing of Exit (IPO, M&A, etc.)
  4. Calculate Multiple at Exit (based on comps)
  5. Discount to PV at the Desired Rate of Return.
  6. Determine Valuation and Desired Ownership Stake.

How do you measure fund performance? ›

Since you hold investments for different periods of time, the best way to compare their performance is by looking at their annualized percent return. In this example, your annualized return is 9.42 percent. Tip: Use FINRA's Fund Analyzer to find annual and total return for mutual funds and ETFs.

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They expect a return of between 25% and 35% per year over the lifetime of the investment. Because these investments represent such a tiny part of the institutional investors' portfolios, venture capitalists have a lot of latitude.

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Price-to-Earnings Ratio

The P/E ratio is important because it provides a measuring stick for comparing whether a stock is overvalued or undervalued. A high P/E ratio could mean that a stock's price is expensive relative to earnings and possibly overvalued.

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The Working Capital metric measures your organization's financial health by analyzing readily available assets that could be used to meet any short-term financial liabilities.

How do venture capitalists evaluate venture opportunities? ›

With so many investment opportunities and start-up pitches, VCs often have a set of criteria that they look for and evaluate before making an investment. The management team, business concept and plan, market opportunity, and risk judgement all play a role in making this decision for a VC.

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payback period (expected time to recoup the investment) accounting rate of return (forecasted return from the project as a portion of total cost) net present value (expected cash outflows minus cash inflows)

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By considering the track record, industry focus, and stage of companies the VC firm invests in, you can get a better idea of whether or not they are a good fit for your investment needs.

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Once you have a business idea, use these steps to evaluate it and make sure it's a sustainable idea to help you be successful:
  1. Determine a target market. ...
  2. Create a buyer persona. ...
  3. Conduct a market analysis. ...
  4. Analyze your competitors. ...
  5. Understand your finances. ...
  6. Get feedback.
Feb 3, 2023

How do you measure VC? ›

Vital capacity (VC) is easily measured with spirometry; decreases in VC point to respiratory muscle weakness. The VC averages approximately 50 mL/kg in normal adults.

What is the scorecard method in venture capital? ›

The scorecard method is a relative valuation technique that assigns a percentage weight to different factors that affect your startup's potential, such as the team, the market, the product, the traction, and the risk.

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At the core of every investment is an assessment of:
  1. The proposed solution (i.e. the product-market fit), scientific or technical innovations it utilises to make the solution better than previous or existing solutions and which can be protected.
  2. The competition –other companies and products or alternatives.

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In the Venture Capital method, this is usually calculated as a multiple of the company's revenues in the year of sale. Since thismethod is often used to value early stage, pre-revenue startups with negative cash slows, EBIT multiples are usually not applicable.


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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.