Portfolio Risk: Example, Formula & Analysis (2024)

Portfolio Risk: Example, Formula & Analysis (1)

Understand the fundamental concept of Portfolio Risk within the realm of corporate finance in this comprehensive guide. Delving into the definition and importance of portfolio risk, it presents various types along with practical examples and risk management strategies. Furthermore, it elucidates essential portfolio risk formulas, modelling techniques, and provides a step-by-step guide on conducting a thorough portfolio risk analysis. It's a go-to resource for business studies students and professionals needing to grasp the dynamics of portfolio risk in the corporate finance landscape.

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Table of contents

    Understanding Portfolio Risk in Corporate Finance

    In corporate finance, Portfolio Risk holds a prominent position. It is a fundamental concept that every student studying Business Studies needs to have a firm grip over. Portfolio Risk is an imperative subject in this field as it assesses the potential for investors to lose some, or even all, of the original investment and it plays a vital role in any financial planning.

    Definition of Portfolio Risk

    Portfolio Risk refers to the possibility of an investor experiencing losses due to factors that affect the cumulative performance of multiple investments. It is a probable event wherein an investor might fail to get the expected returns on the investment made.

    Understanding portfolio risk involves complex equations. For example, the standard deviation of the return rates allows us to measure portfolio risk. By using the formula:\[ \sigma = \sqrt{\frac{1}{N-1} \sum (x_i - \mu)^2} \]where:- \( \sigma \) is the standard deviation,- \( N \) is the number of observations,- \( x_i \) is each value from the set,- \( \mu \) is the mean of the set

    Importance of Portfolio Risk in corporate finance

    In corporate finance, understanding portfolio risk is highly important. Here's why:

    • Helps in decision making: Assessment of risk in a portfolio enables the corporate to make data-driven decisions while investing.
    • Assists in risk diversification: Identifying the risks allows corporates to diversify their investments and minimize the potential financial damage.

    The key to successful investing lies in managing risk, not avoiding it. Hence, understanding portfolio risk becomes a necessity.

    Types of Portfolio Risk

    In the business study of portfolio risk, various categories are of interest:

    Systematic RiskAlso known as market risk, it is the risk that is associated with the entire market and not just one or a small number of securities.
    Unsystematic RiskAlso known as specific risk, it is the risk unique to a particular company or industry.
    Idiosyncratic RiskIt is the risk that is endemic to a particular asset and can be almost eliminated through diversification.

    Explanation of credit portfolio risk

    Credit Portfolio Risk refers to the potential loss due to the possible default of a borrower. Default risk arises when the borrowers do not fulfil their contractual obligations to make scheduled payments.

    Understanding the risk associated with credit portfolios is crucial due to the following reasons:

    • Forecast potential losses: The evaluation of credit portfolio risk assists corporates in predicting potential losses. This aids in taking precautionary measures to mitigate such situations.
    • Compliance with legal regulations: Several nations have strict regulatory norms about the management of credit portfolio risks. Hence, a thorough understanding is crucial to ensure compliance.

    Practical Portfolio Risk Examples

    Portfolio risk is not just a concept on paper. It has practical implications and can be better understood with real-world examples. So, let's delve into some practical instances that can help you to get a comprehensive grasp of portfolio risk.

    Illustrating portfolio risk with real-world examples

    One common strategy in managing portfolio risk is diversification. The adage of "not putting all your eggs in one basket" rings especially true here. When you invest in a single asset, the risk associated with your investment tends to be high. But diversification, spreading out investments across various types of assets, can help manage risk. For example, consider a portfolio comprising only shares from the telecom sector. Any regulatory change or technological innovation affecting this sector will have a drastic effect, thereby causing huge volatility in the portfolio. This is an instance of unsystematic risk.Conversely, imagine a diversified portfolio in which investments are spread across many different sectors, such as pharmaceuticals, technology, retail, and finance. A setback in one sector may not drastically affect the entire portfolio because the other sectors may perform well. This is one way to tackle unsystematic risk, by avoiding overexposure to a single sector.To calculate the risk in the portfolio, you can use the formula: \[\sigma_P = \sqrt{ w_A^2 \cdot \sigma_A^2 + w_B^2 \cdot \sigma_B^2 + 2 \cdot w_A \cdot w_B \cdot \sigma_A \cdot \sigma_B \cdot \rho_{AB} }\]where:- \( \sigma_P \) stands for the portfolio risk,- \( w_A \) and \( w_B \) are the weights of investment in asset A and asset B,- \( \sigma_A \) and \( \sigma_B \) are the standard deviations of returns of asset A and asset B respectively,- \( \rho_{AB} \) is the correlation coefficient of returns between the two assets.

    Impact of diverse investment scenarios on portfolio risk

    Different investment scenarios have varying impacts on portfolio risk. For example, consider a situation where you decide to invest in international markets. The introduction of international investment in a portfolio can either increase or decrease the overall risk, depending on various factors.Let's discuss a common real-world scenario that every investor should be aware of: the financial crisis of 2008. During this crisis, a significant drop was observed in the stock market - stock prices across all sectors plummeted. This is a prime example of systematic risk, demonstrating that no amount of diversification could have completely shielded a portfolio from the global event.However, for a diversified portfolio, the drop in value would have been far less stark compared to a portfolio containing only financial sector stocks. This makes a strong case for the importance of diversification in managing portfolio risk.Another useful example is currencies. If the portfolio includes foreign investments, then it also becomes subject to currency risk, due to fluctuating exchange rates. If the domestic currency depreciates in value, foreign investments can provide higher returns. Conversely, appreciation of the domestic currency can cause losses in the foreign investment segment of the portfolio.Each investment scenario has its unique risks, which further convince you to learn to identify and manage these risks effectively, to safeguard your investments better. It goes on to emphasise the importance of continuously monitoring and adjusting your investment portfolios in response to changes in market conditions and financial goals.

    Portfolio Risk Formulas and Modelling

    In the financial realm, various mathematical expressions help in sensible estimation of portfolio risk. The formulas and modelling are pivotal to define quantitatively the potential associated risks.

    Essential Portfolio Risk Formulas

    Portfolio risk is often computed using one or more mathematical methods. The formulas associated with it, guide in measuring the level of risk and often provide valuable inputs for investment strategy. Let's delve into a few critical formulas that you would need on this journey.In most basic terms, the portfolio risk, denoted as \(\sigma_P\), can be calculated as:\[\sigma_P = \sqrt{ w_A^2 \cdot \sigma_A^2 + w_B^2 \cdot \sigma_B^2 + 2 \cdot w_A \cdot w_B \cdot \sigma_A \cdot \sigma_B \cdot \rho_{AB} }\]In this formula,- \( \sigma_P \) stands for the portfolio risk,- \( w_A \) and \( w_B \) are the weights of investment in asset A and asset B,- \( \sigma_A \) and \( \sigma_B \) are the standard deviations of returns of asset A and asset B respectively,- \( \rho_{AB} \) is the correlation coefficient of returns between the two assets.Another important concept is the Expected Portfolio Return which can be calculated using the formula:\[E[R_P] = w_A \cdot R_A + w_B \cdot R_B\]Here, \(E[R_P]\) is the expected portfolio return, \(R_A\) and \(R_B\) are the expected returns of asset A and B respectively.The comprehension of these formulas can aid in identifying the potential risks before they materialise.

    Application of portfolio risk formulas

    Portfolio risk formulas are employed in various contexts depending on the investment objectives and the constraints faced. These range from building investment strategies, estimating future returns, planning for retirement, or simply for understanding the overall financial health of the investments. For instance, insurance companies often use these formulas to gauge the risk and returns on their investment portfolios. The formulas can guide in identifying profitable investment opportunities with optimal risk, helping to maximise the returns on investments.Investment advisors often use portfolio risk formulas to build tailored investment strategies for their clients. By adjusting the weights of the assets in the portfolio based on the client's appetite for risk, the portfolio can be optimised for maximum return and minimum risk.

    Introduction to Portfolio Risk Models

    Portfolio risk models are a set of mathematical representations used for calculating, analysing, and inferring risks associated with investment portfolios. They often involve complex computations but facilitate a more comprehensive understanding of the portfolio risk.There are several models that help assess the portfolio risk. Each has its unique characteristics, benefits, and drawbacks.

    Value at Risk (VaR) modelThe VaR model measures the maximum potential loss of a portfolio, with a given level of confidence, over a specific time period. It is a commonly used method in risk management.
    Expected Shortfall (ES)Rather than considering the maximum potential loss like in VaR, the ES model computes the average of all losses exceeding the VaR, thus providing a more conservative estimate of risk. It is particularly useful in assessing risk in risky, fat-tailed distributions.
    Factor modelsThese are statistical models that decompose the returns of assets into a set of factors, each attributed to a specific source of risk. They are often used in managing systematic risk.

    Understanding different types of portfolio risk models

    Each portfolio risk model noted in the table has its application and is used depending on the context and the specific risk assessment requirements. For instance, the Value at Risk model is very advantageous as it provides a straightforward, easy-to-understand measure of risk. It is most useful when the distribution of portfolio returns is normal or near-normal. However, the model has a significant limitation – it understates the risk in financial situations where the distribution of returns is skewed or has fat tails. To overcome this, the Expected Shortfall model can be used. This model provides an estimate of the expected loss given that the loss is beyond the VaR. Hence, it is more suitable for portfolios with potential for heavy losses that occur infrequently.On the other hand, Factor models are widely used in risk management and portfolio allocation. This is because they help in identifying the various factors that contribute to the portfolio returns, thus aiding in better managing the sources of risk. Understanding factor models can assist you in constructing a risk-efficient and profit-maximising portfolio. They are most commonly used in managing systematic risk, as they allow separation of the systematic and idiosyncratic components of risk. The most appropriate model to use depends greatly on the individual's or institution's preferences, portfolio complexity, and the resources available for risk assessment. These models, coupled with a thorough understanding of their basis and implications, can be the cornerstone of successful investment management.

    Portfolio Risk Management Strategies

    The core objective of portfolio risk management strategies is mitigating the potential risks while maximising returns from the investments. The strategies designed to achieve this balance are multipronged, usually based on the investor's financial objectives, risk tolerance levels, time horizons, and market conditions.

    Overview of portfolio risk management

    Portfolio risk management is a dynamic and comprehensive process that involves regular examining and adjusting of investments to ensure they continue to align with your financial goals. It's essential to comprehend that risk management does not mean eliminating risk entirely, but controlling and minimising potential losses through strategic investments. Understanding of key concepts such as systematic risk and unsystematic risk is fundamental. Systematic risk, also termed as market risk, is inherent to the entire market and cannot be eliminated by diversification. Unsystematic risk, on the other hand, is associated with a particular sector or company and can be substantially mitigated with diversification.For example, political instability affecting all industries is systematic risk. Conversely, a scandal involving a company's management, causing the shares of that company to plummet, is an instance of unsystematic risk.Several metrics are used to measure portfolio risk, such as Standard Deviation and Value at Risk (VaR). The former measures the volatility of an asset's returns, while the latter indicates the most possible loss over a certain period under normal market conditions.

    Role of portfolio risk management in minimising risk

    Efficient portfolio risk management helps safeguard investments against losses, ensuring the steady growth of your capital. It ensures that your investments are not overly concentrated, thereby minimising the effect of any single event. This degree of risk mitigation, achieved through strategic investment in different assets and sectors, is one of the fundamental benefits of portfolio risk management.Proactively adjusting the asset allocation based on changing market conditions is a part of risk management essential in achieving investment goals. It involves realigning a portfolio back to its target allocation to maintain the desired level of risk. For instance, if equities outperform and now make up a larger part of the portfolio, you may have to sell some stocks and purchase other asset types to keep the portfolio in balance.Diversification is a key portfolio risk management strategy. As stated above, it aims to reduce unsystematic risk by allocating investments across various financial instruments, industries, and other categories. It maximises returns by investing in different areas that would each react differently to the same event.Risk management further encourages regular reviews of your investment portfolio. Keeping abreast of market conditions, being aware of any new sectors or opportunities arising, and continuously checking the performance of your current investments against your financial goals is a part of this ongoing process.

    Techniques for effective portfolio risk management

    There are several techniques to manage risk effectively which you might follow. It is crucial to customise these strategies based on the specifics of your investment profile.Here are five fundamental options in portfolio risk management:

    • Asset Allocation: It means investing your capital across multiple asset classes like equities, bonds, and cash equivalents to spread the risk.
    • Diversification: It involves diversifying investments within each asset class across sectors, industries, regions and investment styles.
    • Hedging: It's a strategy that helps to counterbalance potential losses that may be incurred by one or more of your investments.
    • Insurance: It helps to protect the value of specific assets against losses caused by harmful events.
    • Position Sizing: It involves deciding the amount of a portfolio to invest in a specific asset class, keeping in mind the potential risks and rewards.

    It's worth noting that the goal of portfolio risk management is not always about optimising returns. Sometimes, it's about preserving capital and maintaining liquidity. Hence, techniques such as building an emergency fund and ensuring that some investments are easily convertible in cash should also be essential components of your portfolio risk management strategy. These strategies are interconnected and need to be tailored based on individual preferences, market conditions and other factors to minimise portfolio risk and maximise the probability of attaining your financial objectives.

    Conducting a Portfolio Risk Analysis

    Portfolio risk analysis is a robust evaluation process through which you can measure the risk exposure of your investment portfolio. It is a vital part of any risk management strategy and is integral to protecting your investments and ensuring their longevity.

    Steps involved in a thorough portfolio risk analysis

    A comprehensive portfolio risk analysis involves multiple stages. The first step is to establish the investment objectives of the portfolio. This involves defining what you intend to achieve with your investments over a specific time frame. It could range from wealth accumulation to retirement planning.Next, you identify and quantify the risks in the existing portfolio. This encompasses both systematic and unsystematic risk. Comprehensive records of all relevant information about the investments, including past performance and perceived future threats, must be analysed meticulously.

    • Systematic risks, such as interest rates or inflation, affect all investments and cannot be eradicated through diversification.
    • Unsystematic risks, specific to individual assets or industries, can be minimised with a varied investment portfolio.

    The third step in the process involves evaluating the correlation between different investments in your portfolio. This helps to understand how different investments perform in relation to each other. An ideally diversified portfolio will have assets that don't move in sync, thereby reducing the overall risk.Next, there is the application of various mathematical and statistical procedures to estimate the portfolio's risk level. A common risk measure is the standard deviation of the portfolio’s returns, which indicates the degree to which the returns fluctuate. Finally, adjustments might be necessary based on the analysis result to align the portfolio's riskiness with your risk tolerance.

    Interpreting the results of a portfolio risk analysis

    The interpretation of the results of a portfolio risk analysis can be a complex task. Firstly, you'd look at the Total Risk of the portfolio, which combines systematic and unsystematic risk. The total risk can be quantified using variance or standard deviation. For instance, consider the formula for portfolio risk considering two securities:\[P_{\sigma} = \sqrt{W_{A}^{2}\sigma_{A}^{2} + W_{B}^{2}\sigma_{B}^{2} + 2W_{A}W_{B}Cov_{AB}}\]where:

    • \( \sigma_{A} \) & \( \sigma_{B} \) are the standard deviations of securities A & B respectively,
    • \( W_{A} \) & \( W_{B} \) are the weights of securities A & B in the portfolio, and
    • \( Cov_{AB} \) is the covariance between securities A and B.

    Next, the essential metric is the Sharpe Ratio, a measure of risk-adjusted return. The higher the Sharpe Ratio, the better the portfolio’s returns relative to the risk it had taken on.Interpreting the imbalance or skewness in the distribution of returns is also essential. If negatively skewed, the returns are more prone to drastic negative shocks compared to positive shocks, indicating more risk.Finally, you would scrutinise correlational measures and the covariance matrix to interpret the relationship between different investment types within the portfolio, thereby gauging the true extent of diversification.

    Advantages of adopting a regular portfolio risk analysis

    Implementing a regular portfolio risk analysis has several advantages. It facilitates efficient allocation of capital by identifying higher risk areas to avoid and lower risk opportunities to exploit. It guards against unpredicted market changes by highlighting potential risk areas and helps you make proactive changes to the portfolio.A regular analysis also helps maintain a balanced risk-reward trade-off. It allows for the measurement of actual portfolio performance against projected performance, expediting decision-making and avoiding potential traps. Additionally, it enhances investor confidence and transparency between the investor and portfolio manager.

    Uses of portfolio risk analysis in corporate finance

    Portfolio risk analysis is not confined to personal investing. It also has significant applications in corporate finance.Corporations carry out portfolio risk analyses to govern their investment decisions, from deciding on capital budgeting to allocation of resources across divisions. They use it to evaluate the risks associated with their debts or bonds when determining their credit rating.Measured portfolio risk also helps corporations in their risk financing decisions, allowing them to consider options like risk retention, insurance, and derivatives.In summary, whether for personal investing or corporate finance, understanding portfolio risk analysis is pivotal in making informed decisions to safeguard and grow investments.

    Portfolio Risk - Key takeaways

    • Diversification reduces portfolio risk by spreading out investments across various types of assets, thereby differentiating exposure and managing unsystematic risk.
    • A portfolio risk formula used in this context is: \[ \sigma_P = \sqrt{ w_A^2 \cdot \sigma_A^2 + w_B^2 \cdot \sigma_B^2 + 2 \cdot w_A \cdot w_B \cdot \sigma_A \cdot \sigma_B \cdot \rho_{AB} } \] where:
      • \( \sigma_P \) is the portfolio risk,
      • \( w_A \) and \( w_B \) are the weights of investment in asset A and asset B,
      • \( \sigma_A \) and \( \sigma_B \) are the standard deviations of returns of asset A and asset B respectively,
      • \( \rho_{AB} \) is the correlation coefficient of returns between the two assets.
    • Portfolio risk management strategies aim to mitigate potential risks while maximising returns. The strategies depend on the investor's financial objectives, risk tolerance levels, time horizons, and market conditions.
    • Portfolio risk models assist in the calculation, analysis, and inference of risks associated with investment portfolios. Examples include the Value at Risk (VaR) model, Expected Shortfall (ES) model, and Factor Models.
    • Portfolio risk analysis is key to a robust risk management strategy. It involves a thorough examination of investment targets, risk profiles, current financial status, expected returns, and appropriate portfolio risk models. Adjustments might be required to align with current market conditions and financial goals.

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    What is Portfolio Risk in corporate finance?Portfolio Risk refers to the likelihood of investors having losses due to factors affecting the overall performance of multiple investments. It's a potent risk for any investor to possibly getting lower returns than expected.
    Why is understanding Portfolio Risk important in corporate finance?Portfolio Risk understanding is crucial because it aids in decision-making and helps in risk diversification. This understanding allows corporates to make data-driven investment decisions and helps to minimise potential financial damage.
    What are the types of portfolio risk in business studies?The main types of Portfolio Risk are Systematic Risk (associated with the entire market), Unsystematic Risk (unique to specific companies or industries), and Idiosyncratic Risk (specific to particular assets, can be almost eliminated via diversification).
    What is one common strategy in managing portfolio risk?Diversification is a common strategy in managing portfolio risk, whereby investments are spread out across various types of assets to reduce the risk associated with investing in a single asset.
    What refers to the risk where no amount of diversification could completely shield a portfolio, as seen in the 2008 financial crisis? Systematic risk refers to the universal risk that affects all sectors and cannot be completely avoided through diversification, as it is tied to larger economic factors.
    What is the risk associated with foreign investments in a portfolio due to fluctuating exchange rates?The risk associated with foreign investments in a portfolio due to fluctuating exchange rates is known as currency risk.

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    Frequently Asked Questions about Portfolio Risk

    What are portfolio risk and its types?

    Portfolio risk refers to the chance of loss from an adverse change in the values of the investments within a portfolio. The two primary types of portfolio risk are systematic risk, which is unpredictable and affects all industries, and unsystemic risk, which is specific to a certain company or industry.

    How do you identify portfolio risks?

    Portfolio risks can be identified by conducting a thorough risk assessment that includes analysing market risks, credit risks, liquidity risks, and operational risks. Additionally, reviewing historical performance, volatility measures, correlation with market indices, and potential political or economic factors that could influence investment outcomes, also helps in identifying portfolio risks.

    What are the two types of portfolio risk?

    The two types of portfolio risk are systematic risk and unsystematic risk. Systematic risk, also known as market risk, is unavoidable and affects the entire market equally. Unsystematic risk, also known as specific risk, can be reduced through diversification.

    How do you manage portfolio risk?

    Portfolio risk can be managed by diversifying investments across different assets, sectors, or geographical locations, regularly reviewing and rebalancing the portfolio, using hedging strategies, and making risk-adjusted investments considering individual risk tolerance and investment goals.

    How can you avoid risk in a portfolio?

    Portfolio risk can be mitigated through diversification, i.e., investing in a variety of assets such as stocks, bonds, and real estate. Regular portfolio rebalancing and investing in low-risk assets can also aid in minimising risk.

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    Portfolio Risk: Example, Formula & Analysis (2024)


    Portfolio Risk: Example, Formula & Analysis? ›

    To calculate the risk in the portfolio, you can use the formula: σ P = w A 2 ⋅ σ A 2 + w B 2 ⋅ σ B 2 + 2 ⋅ w A ⋅ w B ⋅ σ A ⋅ σ B ⋅ ρ A B where: - stands for the portfolio risk, - and are the weights of investment in asset A and asset B, - and are the standard deviations of returns of asset A and asset B respectively, - ...

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    What is a portfolio risk example? An example of portfolio risk is inflation. If an economy experiences high inflation rates, the prices of securities in a portfolio may change as a result.

    How to analyse portfolio risk? ›

    How to Measure the Risk of a Portfolio
    1. Standard deviation is an expression of volatility that is a statistical measure of the variability of returns around the average return of an investment. ...
    2. Beta measures the sensitivity of portfolio returns to changes in the market. ...
    3. Portfolio Management Certification.
    4. DCF Valuation.
    Jun 15, 2023

    How to calculate value at risk of a portfolio? ›

    That is, VaR = μ - σ portfolio * zscore [1,2], where μ is the mean return of the portfolio, σ portfolio is the standard deviation of the portfolio returns, and zscore is the z-score for the confidence level. This example assumes μ = 0 , which is a common assumption and is approximately true for a one-day time period.

    How can I calculate portfolio risk? ›

    To calculate the risk in the portfolio, you can use the formula: σ P = w A 2 ⋅ σ A 2 + w B 2 ⋅ σ B 2 + 2 ⋅ w A ⋅ w B ⋅ σ A ⋅ σ B ⋅ ρ A B where: - stands for the portfolio risk, - and are the weights of investment in asset A and asset B, - and are the standard deviations of returns of asset A and asset B respectively, - ...

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    What are the different types of investment portfolio risks? ^
    • Market risk - Also known as systematic risk, this risk affects the overall financial market. ...
    • Liquidity risk - This risk arises when an asset cannot be readily converted into money. ...
    • Concentration risk - ...
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    • Inflation risk -

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    How to measure portfolio risk
    • Beta: Beta refers to the fluctuations of a stock with respect to the changes in the overall stock market. ...
    • Sharpe ratio: Named after the Nobel laureate William F. ...
    • Value at Risk (VaR): VaR measures the scope of financial loss of an investment portfolio for a given period.
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    Portfolio at Risk (PaR) is calculated by dividing the outstanding balance of all loans with arrears over 30 days, plus all refinanced (restructured) loans,2 by the outstanding gross portfolio as of a certain date.

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    Risk is the combination of the probability of an event and its consequence. In general, this can be explained as: Risk = Likelihood × Impact. In particular, IT risk is the business risk associated with the use, ownership, operation, involvement, influence and adoption of IT within an enterprise.

    What is portfolio formula? ›

    Portfolio weight is calculated by dividing the stock value by the total portfolio value and multiplying this amount by 100 to get a percentage. For example, the portfolio weight of an asset worth $10,000 from a total portfolio worth $100,000 has a weight of 10%.

    How do I calculate portfolio in Excel? ›

    In column D, enter the expected return rates of each investment. In cell E2, enter the formula = (C2 / A2) to render the weight of the first investment. Enter this same formula in subsequent cells to calculate the portfolio weight of each investment, always dividing by the value in cell A2.

    How do you do a portfolio analysis? ›

    There are four major steps to analysing a portfolio.
    1. Step 1: Revisit or Define investment objectives and understand your resources and requirements. ...
    2. Step 2: Determine asset allocation and benchmark. ...
    3. Step 3: Check the portfolio's performance in light of the objectives. ...
    4. Step 4: Rebalance the portfolio if required.
    Sep 29, 2022

    What is the variance formula for portfolio risk? ›

    You can find the variance of a portfolio by multiplying the squared weight of each security by the corresponding variance of the security. Then, add two multiplied by the weighted average of the securities multiplied by the covariance between the securities.

    What is the percentage of risk in a portfolio? ›

    Most sources cite a low-risk portfolio as being made up of 15-40% equities. Medium risk ranges from 40-60%. High risk is generally from 70% upwards. In all cases, the remainder of the portfolio is made up of lower-risk asset classes such as bonds, money market funds, property funds and cash.

    What is the formula for the minimum risk portfolio? ›

    Minimum Variance Portfolio = W12σ12 + W22σ22 + 2W1W2Cov1,2

    σ1- First asset's standard deviation. σ2 – Second asset's standard deviation. Cov1,2 – The covariance of the two assets, expressed as p (1,2) σ1σ2.

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    The loan portfolio at risk is defined as the value of the outstanding balance of all loans in arrears (principal). The Loan Portfolio at Risk is generally expressed as a percentage rate of the total loan portfolio currently outstanding.

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    In the Markowitz model, three factors determine portfolio risk: individual variances, the covariances between securities, and the weights (percentage of investable funds) given to each security.

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    A project portfolio includes all of the various projects a team or company is involved in. Managing portfolio risk helps organizations understand their strengths and weaknesses and to mitigate risk over time.

    What is a portfolio risk target? ›

    A Target Risk Portfolio is a mix of equities and fixed income stocks and bonds that match a certain risk level. That certain risk level aims to stay the same for a given portfolio over time.


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