How do you recover from entrepreneurial failure? (2024)

Last updated on Jan 26, 2024

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Acknowledge your emotions


Analyze what went wrong


Celebrate your achievements


Seek new opportunities


Adapt and improve


Try again


Here’s what else to consider

Entrepreneurial failure is not the end of the road, but a learning opportunity that can help you grow and improve. However, recovering from a setback can be challenging, especially if you feel discouraged, ashamed, or depressed. In this article, you will learn some practical tips on how to cope with entrepreneurial failure and bounce back stronger than before.

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How do you recover from entrepreneurial failure? (12) How do you recover from entrepreneurial failure? (13) How do you recover from entrepreneurial failure? (14)

1 Acknowledge your emotions

The first step to recover from entrepreneurial failure is to acknowledge and process your emotions. Denying or suppressing your feelings can lead to more stress, anxiety, or resentment. Instead, allow yourself to experience the grief, anger, frustration, or disappointment that comes with failure. You can express your emotions by writing them down, talking to someone you trust, or seeking professional help if needed. By acknowledging your emotions, you can release them and move on.

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    It’s essential that you have a trusted advisor that understands exactly what you are going through. There are going to be really really good days and really really bad days. Unless someone has been there or knows you and/or the business really well it can be a lonely journey, However, when you have a trusted advisor you have someone that will listen and know where you are at without judgment. ❤️


    How do you recover from entrepreneurial failure? (23) 8

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    There are crazy highs and lows as an entrepreneur. We have the opportunity to totally change our trajectory in life - but the cost is that it isn’t linear and it doesn’t always go to plan the first time around.When you can accept that failure is part of the journey and in a lot of cases, the bumps in the road feel much worse than they actually are, it gets easier to embrace the cycle and practise self acceptance.When you can locate your worth internally, rather than externally because of the things you have achieved and how impressive they seem to other people, it allows much more peace on the journey.


    How do you recover from entrepreneurial failure? (32) How do you recover from entrepreneurial failure? (33) 20

  • 🔥 Michael Ly CEO of - I want to serve your small business and buy your accounting firm.
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    Failure should be an expectations for every entrepreneur. It's not a matter of if - it should be a matter of when you will fail. The key to recovery from failure is first having the right mindset that failure is part of the learning process of entrepreneurship. We are all humans and we make mistakes - sometimes massive ones that have heavy consequences. If you are not willing to deal with this type of risk, do not venture into entrepreneurship. Positioning yourself in the right mental place will let you weather the failure. This includes surrounding yourself with the right support group of family, friends and peers. This should also include a setting where you can be completely vulnerable about how you processing the failure.


    How do you recover from entrepreneurial failure? (42) How do you recover from entrepreneurial failure? (43) How do you recover from entrepreneurial failure? (44) 14


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2 Analyze what went wrong

The second step to recover from entrepreneurial failure is to analyze what went wrong and why. This can help you identify the root causes of the problem, the mistakes you made, and the lessons you learned. You can use tools like SWOT analysis, post-mortem analysis, or feedback surveys to evaluate your performance, your product, your market, and your competitors. By analyzing what went wrong, you can gain valuable insights and avoid repeating the same errors.

  • Cory Warfield My reach could be yours too {3M+ views/mo to 530K+ followers of AI, Tech, Sales, Entrepreneurship} e/acc; p(Doom) = [loading]. Podcaster/Investor/Author/Speaker/Amplifier/Impactor. LLMs, LWMs, LAMs. LNMs. TECH FOR GOOD.
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    Everything can be learning lessons and this step is a huge on (failing) on the way to massive success. The more you know what went wrong the more you can ensure doing things right a next time around. There’s no need to blame yourself or anyone - this is counterproductive although often part of the coping process - but view these as data points.


    How do you recover from entrepreneurial failure? (53) 8

  • Dr. Sachin Wadikhaye Product Enthusiast | Startup Mentor | Angel Investor | Enterprise Design Thinking Practitioner


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    While I believe analysis is a great but caution is not to overanalyse. We keep thinking about the situation or the failure so much that we start making wrong judgments. The best way of avoiding overanalysis is to close the loop as soon as possible. Find the root cause what were the inputs and what were the outputs. Build the plan to overcome and avoid such situations and failures in the future.This closure will help capture the analysis in better way and avoid youbfrom over thinking.


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3 Celebrate your achievements

The third step to recover from entrepreneurial failure is to celebrate your achievements and successes. Even if your venture did not work out as planned, you still have many reasons to be proud of yourself. You took a risk, you pursued your passion, you created something new, you learned new skills, you met new people, and you contributed to society. You can celebrate your achievements by rewarding yourself, sharing your story, or thanking your supporters. By celebrating your achievements, you can boost your confidence and motivation.

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    One thing is for sure, please give a pat on your back. How many people think about it and out of that how many actually try. It requires lot of courage. Success or failure is a part of this game/war, you will fall, will have bruises BUT the biggest regret in this life would be not playing that game, not going on war when opportunity presented to you. As they say what ever is the outcome you would be totally different person. One thing to remember , people will forget all failures if you score single win. You have to choose between flight and fight option. Some people get fired up by design andsome by accident. If you decide to fight back, with so much of learning and experience, you would be surprised by your passion to succeed.


    How do you recover from entrepreneurial failure? (72) How do you recover from entrepreneurial failure? (73) How do you recover from entrepreneurial failure? (74) 61

  • Cory Warfield My reach could be yours too {3M+ views/mo to 530K+ followers of AI, Tech, Sales, Entrepreneurship} e/acc; p(Doom) = [loading]. Podcaster/Investor/Author/Speaker/Amplifier/Impactor. LLMs, LWMs, LAMs. LNMs. TECH FOR GOOD.
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    This is huge. A big step toward and into an awesome next chapter. Identifying what got you to this point, recognizing that you’ll have a fresh start ahead when and as you’re ready, and knowing that a next time around much (including fundraising) gets much “easier”.


    How do you recover from entrepreneurial failure? (83) 4

  • Chareen Goodman, Business Coach Catapult your coaching or consulting business in 12 weeks | Harness LinkedIn strategies for #AuthorityBranding and #AI for growth 📈 | LinkedMinded™ Using AI 👇| Founder of Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ | Podcast Host🎙️
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    Achievements are usually the results of having goals. Goal achievement requires having a plan. So, in order to celebrate your achievements... 1) Have a plan, 2) Follow the plan until success happens, and 3) Celebrate your achievements.


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4 Seek new opportunities

The fourth step to recover from entrepreneurial failure is to seek new opportunities and challenges. Instead of dwelling on the past, focus on the future and what you can do next. You can explore new ideas, markets, or industries, or apply your skills and knowledge to a different field or domain. You can also seek new opportunities by networking, joining communities, or taking courses. By seeking new opportunities, you can expand your horizons and discover new possibilities.

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  • Dr. Sachin Wadikhaye Product Enthusiast | Startup Mentor | Angel Investor | Enterprise Design Thinking Practitioner
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    As the saying goes FAIL is First attempt in Learning. Learnings give you new perspectives new directions now thought process and hence new opportunities to work on. Buckle up for a new ride and give your best


    How do you recover from entrepreneurial failure? (102) How do you recover from entrepreneurial failure? (103) 7

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    I remember going through the 5-stages of grief after my first failure. I was sick to my stomach thinking about what went wrong and what I could have done to avert it. I was invited to join an accelerator to support a group of fresh founders by chance. It quickly became apparent that I have gained a tonne of knowledge through the 2.5 years of journey, which I can use to help others. This realisation allowed me to focus on new opportunities and realise the value I can bring; the lessons did not go to waste. Today, that experience is part of the backbone of what I teach so the founders won't repeat the mistakes I made.


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5 Adapt and improve

The fifth step to recover from entrepreneurial failure is to adapt and improve your mindset, strategy, and execution. Failure is not a sign of weakness, but a source of feedback and learning. You can use the knowledge and experience you gained from your failure to improve your skills, products, or services. You can also adapt your mindset to embrace failure as a part of the entrepreneurial journey, and not as a personal flaw. By adapting and improving, you can increase your chances of success.

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    Entrepreneurship is a hard road as a first time founder, but it becomes easier and easier with more ventures that you participate in. Usually the 2 key lessons that you learn from your first startup failure is that 1) there was a lack of product-market fit (PMF) or 2) timing for the product / service was wrong. Once you take some time to reflect what went wrong, you can look forward and plan better for your next venture.


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  • Gijsbertus J.J. van Wulfen Innovation keynote speaker, Number One Thought Leader Design Thinking 2024, LinkedIn Top Voice helping you and your organisation, to become amazing innovators with keynotes, workshops, and a proven innovation method.
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    ADAPT AND IMPROVE by PRETOTYPING. What is pretotyping? YOU FAKE IT BEFORE YOU MAKE IT 🤗✅. Check it out here …Pretotyping is a technique for testing hypotheses and validating ideas quickly and cost-effectively. It involves creating a simplified version of a product or service to collect user feedback and understand market demand.For example, in the food industry, a company may pretotype a new salad recipe by offering a limited quantity to a small group of potential customers to gauge their interest before investing in full-scale production. Pretotyping helps reduce the risk of failure by assessing market response early in the development process.


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6 Try again

The sixth and final step to recover from entrepreneurial failure is to try again. Failure is not the end, but a new beginning. You have the opportunity to start over, with more wisdom, resilience, and creativity. You can use your failure as a motivation to pursue your goals, overcome your fears, and challenge yourself. You can also try again with a different approach, a different team, or a different market. By trying again, you can prove to yourself and others that you are not a quitter, but a fighter.

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    It's never perfect the first time. Uber didn't take off the day they launched. Neither did Facebook. Neither did AirBnb. It takes time to see success in a new business. I've been at my business 6 months and I'm not nearly as profitable as I thought I would be or that I wanted to be by now. But that's ok. I know that what I'm doing is valuable and that it will be profitable when I have the resources I need to scale.You can't get those resources without starting somewhere. So start wherever you are. Fail. Try it again. Fail. Try it again. There's no limit on how many times you can pivot and adapt and launch. Do it as many times as you need to find success!


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  • Kelly Donahue-Piro BFF to Insurance Agency Owners | Dog Mom to America | Pelotoner (kldonahue24)
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    It’s not really failing if you get back at it. You learn, improve and take the next step. So many people hate failure it’s painful but you get better. If you only won everyone would do it.


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7 Here’s what else to consider

This is a space to share examples, stories, or insights that don’t fit into any of the previous sections. What else would you like to add?

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    Move on fast, real fast! to your next journey. If you don't do it within 75days, you might not recover from the "failure". I walked away from 20yrs of my life as an entrepreneur in a particular venture, I launched new projects within 60days because I know that if you spend a lot of time looking backwards into a past you can't change, you have taken your eyes away from the future that you are in full control of!.To anyone out there who think they have failed , lean forward & keep on walking!.. there's so much for you ahead. You are an entrepreneur , keep building! because many people depend on your creative fire!


    How do you recover from entrepreneurial failure? (162) How do you recover from entrepreneurial failure? (163) How do you recover from entrepreneurial failure? (164) 29

  • David Zahn Developer of potential, competencies, skills, insights, and knowledge for business professionals.
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    I often see entrepreneurs and especially solopreneurs thinking they have to do it alone. It can be YOUR business, but that dies not mean you have to do everything by yourself. Ask others to help you assess AS YOU build the business is best to reduce failure, but it can also aid in post-mortem and reviewing what could/should have gone differently for the next venture. Asking those that did NOT buy the product or service for insight into why they did not, why they bought from other vendors or what would have compelled them to buy is highly recommended. Few do it. But there is much to be gained.


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  • Chareen Goodman, Business Coach Catapult your coaching or consulting business in 12 weeks | Harness LinkedIn strategies for #AuthorityBranding and #AI for growth 📈 | LinkedMinded™ Using AI 👇| Founder of Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ | Podcast Host🎙️
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    As an entrepreneur, I have a different perspective. I see being an entrepreneur as a means to an end. My business is not the end it's a means to an end. Having a business that affords me the financial freedom and lifestyle I desire is the end, so I don't see anything along my entrepreneurial journey as a failure and won't until I decide to give up without reaching the end. So, as an entrepreneur, there is no failure, there is only learning. But what I find intriguing, as I work with my clients who are coaches (primarily), consultants, and entrepreneurs is that they try to build a business without having a clear game plan. Taking this approach doesn't set them up for failure, but frustration, which will ultimately lead to failure.


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How do you recover from entrepreneurial failure? (2024)


How do you recover from entrepreneurial failure? ›

Entrepreneurs can recover business from failure by performing a swot analysis, managing cash flow efficiently, analyzing their failures, breaking them down, changing their mindsets, consulting an advisor or mentor, developing smart goals and achievable strategies, focusing on their customers, and surrounding themselves ...

How to deal with failure as an entrepreneur? ›

Here are a few tips for dealing with failure as an entrepreneur:
  1. Don't take it personally. It's important to remember that failure is not a reflection of your worth as a person. ...
  2. Analyze your mistakes. Take some time to analyze your mistakes and figure out what went wrong. ...
  3. Learn from others. ...
  4. Don't give up.
Dec 21, 2023

How to bounce back from failure as an entrepreneur? ›

“Bouncing back from failed business endeavors is an integral part of the entrepreneurial journey. You learn about resilience, adaptability, and people. “Acknowledging and processing the emotions that accompany failure is vital. It's natural to feel a mix of disappointment, frustration, and even grief.

How can entrepreneurs recover from a business failure? ›

Recovering from Business Failures
  1. An overview of business failures.
  2. Common types of business failures.
  3. Think proactively before failures start.
  4. Keep things as simple as possible.
  5. Identify what went wrong.
  6. Use frequent SWOT analysis.
  7. Set SMART goals for realistic strategies and achievable results.

How do you recover a failed business? ›

  1. Accept Reality. Acknowledge that your business has failed. ...
  2. Analyze the Failure. Take time to understand why your business failed. ...
  3. Seek Professional Advice. ...
  4. Settle Debts and Liabilities. ...
  5. Liquidate Assets. ...
  6. Learn from the Experience. ...
  7. Reevaluate Your Goals. ...
  8. Develop a New Business Plan.
Nov 4, 2023

What if I fail as an entrepreneur? ›

Failure should be considered as a stepping stone to a successful venture. It's essential to recognize that most entrepreneurs have failed in their businesses at some point in their journey. If you're not failing, you're not growing. Failure is not the end; it's the beginning of the next chapter.

How do you revive a failing business? ›

10 things you should do to save a failing business
  1. Change your mindset. ...
  2. Perform a SWOT analysis. ...
  3. Understand your target market and ideal client. ...
  4. Set SMART objectives and create a plan. ...
  5. Reduce costs and prioritize what you pay. ...
  6. Manage your cash flow. ...
  7. Talk to creditors, don't ignore them. ...
  8. Organize your business.

How do you pick yourself up after a business fail? ›

Take time to grieve
  1. Forgive yourself. The best thing you can do after failing something is to forgive yourself. ...
  2. Look for the lesson in the failure. A good strategy in the face of failure is not asking yourself why something bad happened to you, but rather what it's teaching you. ...
  3. Set new goals. ...
  4. Be positive.
Dec 21, 2021

What do failed entrepreneurs do? ›

For the founders who had come out of a failed startup, there was a preference for corporate jobs rather than starting a new venture. Statistically, 41% of the founders transitioned into a corporate job, while 33% went on to found another startup.

How do I move on from a failed business? ›

How Entrepreneurs Can Deal with Failure (Large or Small)
  1. Breathe, feel your emotions, and let them out. Your first step is to take a second to breathe. ...
  2. Recognize and reject irrational thoughts about failure. ...
  3. Look on the positive side of failure. ...
  4. Identify learnings by reflecting on the experience. ...
  5. Move on.
Jul 11, 2022

What do successful entrepreneurs see failure as? ›

Embracing failure entails a shift in mindset, moving from fear to curiosity. Rather than regarding failure as something to be desperately avoided, it should be seen as an opportunity for learning and growth. In the world of entrepreneurship, it's not uncommon to come across stories of seemingly overnight success.

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How to Overcome Business Failure
  1. Put together a contingency plan. ...
  2. Make an in-depth analysis of your business. ...
  3. Set SMART goals and develop strategies to achieve them. ...
  4. Seize inspiration from those who went before you. ...
  5. Develop a winning attitude. ...
  6. Prepare for success by hiring a business consultant. ...
  7. Beware of emotional decisions.

How do you get rid of a failing business? ›

Follow these common steps:
  1. Make the toughest decision.
  2. Prepare for an orderly and strategic shut-down.
  3. Get all decision-makers on board.
  4. Let your staff know.
  5. Collect on outstanding accounts.
  6. Alert your customers and begin closing accounts.
  7. File dissolution documents.
  8. Take care of your tax requirements.

How do you bounce back from failure? ›

Don't lose your momentum over it—here's a few things you can do to help dust yourself off and get back on track.
  1. Don't Take It Personally.
  2. Understand What You Did Wrong.
  3. Remind Yourself Of Past Successes.
  4. Adopt Best Practices.
  5. Don't Be Afraid To Ask For Help.
  6. Sometimes You Need To Fail To Succeed.
  7. You Can Always Make It Up.
Dec 11, 2023

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  1. Embrace Your Emotions. Astrakan Images / Getty Images. ...
  2. Recognize Unhealthy Attempts to Reduce Pain. ...
  3. Practice Healthy Coping Skills. ...
  4. Acknowledge Irrational Beliefs About Failure. ...
  5. Develop Realistic Thoughts About Failure. ...
  6. Accept an Appropriate Level of Responsibility. ...
  7. Research Famous Failures. ...
  8. Ask Yourself What You Can Learn.
Nov 29, 2022

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Tips for restarting a closed business
  1. Don't make the same mistakes. If your business closed because it failed, make sure you're not making the same mistakes when you reopen it. ...
  2. Assume you're starting from scratch. A restart is risky and expensive. ...
  3. Reassess the marketplace and competition. ...
  4. File the paperwork. ...
  5. Use a checklist.

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Failure is an integral part of the entrepreneurial experience and, if approached in the right way, can be an invaluable stepping stone on the way to achieving future success in business. For every entrepreneurial success story we hear about, there are thousands more failure stories we don't.

How to overcome fear of failure as an entrepreneur? ›

How do you overcome fear of failure in entrepreneurship?
  1. Acknowledge your fear.
  2. Reframe your failure.
  3. Set realistic and specific goals.
  4. Seek support and feedback.
  5. Take action and experiment.
  6. Celebrate your wins and learn from your losses.
  7. Here's what else to consider.
Jun 22, 2023

How do entrepreneurs handle risk and failure? ›

Weighing the Risk: Entrepreneurs should carefully assess risks before taking them. This involves having backup plans in case the primary idea fails, thereby making the business more viable and sustainable. Plan and Forecast the Risk: Entrepreneurs need to plan thoroughly and forecast potential risks.


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Author: Roderick King

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.