How do you handle startup failure? (2024)

Last updated on Apr 25, 2024

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Accept the reality


Analyze the causes


Celebrate the achievements


Seek feedback and support


Explore new opportunities


Embrace the mindset


Here’s what else to consider

Startup failure is a painful and inevitable reality for many entrepreneurs. According to some estimates, more than 90% of startups fail within the first five years. But failure is not the end of the road, it is an opportunity to learn, grow, and bounce back stronger. In this article, you will discover how to handle startup failure in a constructive and resilient way.

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  • Alicia Castillo Holley, PhD, MBA, MSci Investor (post-seed): Health-tech, ag-tech, plant based food, climate, energy, mobility, and space

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1 Accept the reality

The first step to handle startup failure is to accept the reality and acknowledge the emotions that come with it. Denial, anger, guilt, shame, and depression are common reactions to losing something you invested so much time, money, and passion in. Don't ignore or suppress these feelings, they are natural and valid. Instead, express them in a healthy way, such as talking to someone you trust, writing a journal, or seeking professional help if needed. Accepting the reality will help you move on from the past and focus on the present and the future.

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  • Alicia Castillo Holley, PhD, MBA, MSci Investor (post-seed): Health-tech, ag-tech, plant based food, climate, energy, mobility, and space

    I dislike this machine-created list. Number one: CUT LOSSES, review how you can support your employees in finding new jobs. Organize sale of assets, pay debts & return funds to investors. IF YOU CAN AFFORD IT, take time off. If you cannot afford it, find a temporary job to pay your bills. Then slowly ease into understanding what could you have done differently. Sometimes, you could not have predicted certain circ*mstances (who could have predicted covid, for example?). Be kind to yourself, and have some early, small indulgences... a walk around the block, on the beach, etc. You don't want to move on from the past, you want to learn from it, and sometimes it takes a while to separate firm failure from personal failures.


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  • In my experience, failure 😨 is not a unified concept that precludes anger, guilt or depression. In addition, the 50 shades of failure are closely intertwined with the concepts of Time & Money. The real question startups need to ask themselves and answer is, “Do we know how to fail fast and fail cheaply?”Once they know how to do this, they are more than ready to embrace the 50 nuances of failure and start playing a winning game. I am happy to offer trainings to startups who are interested. Get in touch.


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  • Trace Cohen Memes / Family Office advisor / Keynote Speaker / Thought Leader / Super Connector

    It sucks. You feel like you let yourself down, your friends and family, investors etc. There is no easy way to deal with it unless you know you tried everything and it just didnt work out.It's really hard when your reality and life is your startup - all you ever did/talked about for the last few years.Take time off to decompress, write about it and talk about it with others. You're 110% not alone and I know so many founders who take comfort in talking with other founders.


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2 Analyze the causes

The second step to handle startup failure is to analyze the causes and learn from the mistakes. Failure is not a sign of personal incompetence, it is a result of multiple factors that may or may not be under your control. Some of the common causes of startup failure are lack of market fit, poor product quality, insufficient funding, wrong team, or bad timing. By identifying and understanding these causes, you can avoid repeating them in your next venture and improve your chances of success.

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  • Cristiana Deca Data Protection Expert, AI, Ethics, Compliance Advisory Board @ EIT Health

    At this juncture, it became crucial for me to assess whether the factors that played a role in the failure could be channeled positively into a different project. I strongly dislike dwelling on hindsight and engaging in the "what if I had done that" game. My preference leans towards a pragmatic approach – identifying the contributing factors, scrutinizing their relevance to the failure, and determining if the manner in which these factors were employed might have led to the unfavorable outcome. Moreover, it's essential to explore the potential for leveraging these factors in a constructive manner for future endeavors rather than fixating solely on past missteps.


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  • I find accepting failure to be a skill. Those who succeed, have multiple failures under their belt. What makes them different from the others who don't make it in the long run, is the skill of accepting failure and then learning from it, dispassionately. Step back, let go of the first knee jerk reactions to failure, and study what went wrong and - as importantly- what went right. Ask others. Solicit feedback aggressively. Especially from your friends, colleagues and team. They'll know best. One has to crowdsource feedback, there is really no alternative.Lastly, knowing what went wrong takes the sting out of failure. There is nothing worse than going round and round in your own head wishing for a better outcome.


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3 Celebrate the achievements

The third step to handle startup failure is to celebrate the achievements and appreciate the positive aspects of your journey. Failure does not erase the value and impact of your work, nor does it diminish your skills and talents. You have accomplished many things along the way, such as creating a product, building a team, acquiring customers, or solving a problem. You have also gained valuable experience, knowledge, and connections that will serve you well in the future. Celebrate these achievements and appreciate yourself for taking the risk and pursuing your vision.

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  • Facing startup failure is tough, but it's essential to handle it constructively. First, analyze the reasons behind the failure—was it market fit, execution, or other factors? Take responsibility for your choices and seek lessons from the experience.Maintain a positive mindset. Connect with mentors, advisors, and peers to gain guidance and emotional support.Evaluate your options. Consider pivoting your idea or exploring new avenues using the knowledge you've gained. Prudent financial planning is crucial. Cut unnecessary costs and stabilize your finances to weather the aftermath.Transparent communication is key. Be open with stakeholders about the situation; this honesty could lead to potential partnerships or collaborations.


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  • Absolutely! Self-compassion is also important but often missed. Being kind and compassionate towards oneself during such challenging period is crucial. It is important to recognise that failure is not indicative of one's self-worth or abilities. Practicing self-care activities will help one to manage stress and maintain overall well-being.


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4 Seek feedback and support

The fourth step to handle startup failure is to seek feedback and support from others who can help you grow and recover. Feedback is essential to understand what went wrong and what can be done better. Seek feedback from your customers, investors, mentors, peers, or experts in your field. Be open-minded and receptive to constructive criticism and advice. Support is also crucial to cope with the emotional and financial stress of failure. Seek support from your family, friends, co-founders, or other entrepreneurs who have gone through similar challenges. They can offer you empathy, encouragement, and guidance.

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  • Cristiana Deca Data Protection Expert, AI, Ethics, Compliance Advisory Board @ EIT Health

    Delivered effectively, feedback represents an invaluable learning opportunity for entrepreneurs. It's akin to receiving free advice – a clear, unfiltered perspective on what aspects of your services or products resonate with customers and what aspects do not. Within our own company, for instance, client feedback revealed a lack of clarity around utilizing our consultancy services. As a result, we adapted our consultancy process to incorporate post-project navigation and guidance services. This offers clients ongoing support in practically applying the deliverables, reflecting our commitment to enhancing customer experience.


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  • Rishabh Gupta Director of Operations @ TD Group | IIT Kanpur| Token Economics|, CFA Level 3 candidate | RWA, DeFi, Gaming

    An example I Have seen is a company in Blockchain space.A Defi company aiming to build a decentralised exchange raised 2.5 Mn used over a whastapp message (thanks to Bull Market). But soon over the next one year, realised that along with Tech Liquidity is the biggest challenge. And due to lack of experience in BD, they crashed. However the founder was resilient do he and his team (lean culture helped him to avoid firing) came back to their advisors for feedback and realised that their strength is building scalable tech stack. Eventually after 2 years, built a B2B solution that's scaling up really fast now. So analyse, take feedback and most importantly accept and celebrate the failure just like you do with success.


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5 Explore new opportunities

The fifth step to handle startup failure is to explore new opportunities and reinvent yourself. Failure is not a dead end, it is a detour that can lead you to new paths and possibilities. You can use your skills, experience, and network to pursue a different idea, join another startup, or find a job in your industry. You can also use this time to explore your interests, passions, and goals, and discover what makes you happy and fulfilled. There is no one right way to move on from failure, you have to find what works for you.

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  • Dev Raj Saini || Founder : Job Hunters United || 200,000+ Followers || Helping Jobseekers || Top Brand Development Voice || I'm a Content Creator who is investing and building brands with other creators || 100M+ Views ||

    Exploring new opportunities after startup failure is like discovering a whole new game level—it's about finding fresh challenges and exciting possibilities. Look around for different paths or ideas, much like exploring new areas in a game. Consider what you've learned from the failed venture as valuable experience, similar to gaining skills in a game that help you in the next levels. It's a bit like unlocking new features; exploring new opportunities allows you to adapt, grow, and find a game strategy that suits your strengths, just like navigating through the entrepreneurial landscape with renewed vigor and knowledge. Remember, in the game of startups, each opportunity is a chance for a comeback and a shot at a higher score.


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  • Amit Sharma (Khandelwal) Co-Founder Mcare + Sault| BITS Pilani | Professor on Saturdays | House Husband on Sundays

    1st step: start a 'morning routine' and make sure to include some form of physical exercise. If you already have one then start an 'evening routine' with a non-negotiable writing part, mostly free-flow writing style, it works, believe me. Tips: - follow your routine, at least five days a week - make sure you hit 75% of routine tasks2nd step: think of 'three key skills' that you as a co-founder or as a core team member developed only because you were part of this business. 3rd step: too much positivity can be toxic, especially after failure. Now, it's time to take care of your finances along with answering this one big question:How can I leverage the experience of leading a startup in my next professional or entrepreneurial endeavor?


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  • Many believe we become what we think about.Keep engineering the vision of what it is you genuinely want. Desire is the starting point.Napoleon Hill said "Man's only limitation, within reason, lies in his development and use of his imagination." You have six intellectual factors that, when understood, developed and harnessed, will give you everything you need to create what it is you genuinely want.Every health human being is blessed with a marvellous mind. It's the most powerful asset anyone has. It came to us free, but it didn't come with an operators manual.If you want to mitigate risk of not hitting the mark in the future, invest in yourself. Develop your understanding the power of your mind and the truth of what you're capable of.


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6 Embrace the mindset

The sixth and final step to handle startup failure is to embrace the mindset of a resilient entrepreneur. A resilient entrepreneur is someone who sees failure as a learning opportunity, not a personal flaw. A resilient entrepreneur is someone who adapts to changing circ*mstances, not someone who gives up easily. A resilient entrepreneur is someone who tries again, not someone who fears rejection. A resilient entrepreneur is someone who believes in themselves, not someone who depends on external validation. By embracing this mindset, you will be able to overcome any obstacle and achieve any goal.

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  • Alex Pirouz 3x Exits | Host of Scale | Advisor | Aspiring Marathoner | Speaker | Coffee Addict

    Having failed in my first 4 businesses before existing my next 3 successfully, I know first hand just how important it is to have the right mindset. For me dealing with failure all comes down to having a big enough reason why. The impact I want to make and the legacy I want to build is so grand that I don't actually think anything can get in my way. I would have to be incapacitated in order to quit. In saying all that I do believe that it's about failing forward intelligently, learning from every experience and understanding that the game we call business is like a roller coaster. They'll be ups and downs along the way, the key is to focus on the journey and the person you're becoming in the process more than the destination itself.


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  • Elsa van Garderen I help entrepreneurs achieve their business goals with customized strategies | EMBA PHD

    Startups fail due to multiple reasons, internal or external. However, if you had put your best into the previous venture, you have actually not failed: you have learnt. And what you learnt, the technical knowledge and the network you gained, all this is you new "networth", that you can leverage on in a new endeavour. And so you should! Because now, you're worth much more than before, so your probability of success has increased.I wish you success with your next startup!


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7 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Michael Andersen

    When you're on the entrepreneurial road, it's totally normal to think about throwing in the towel sometimes, and trust me, I've been there. I've had my fair share of failed ventures, and each one knocked me down a bit. But here's the thing: every time I failed, I learned something. It's super important to remember that hitting a rough patch and feeling like quitting is just part of the game. It's these tough moments that really test your grit and teach you the most. Sharing these personal ups and downs can be super helpful and relatable for others who are riding the same rollercoaster. Bottom line, every mess-up is actually a step forward, teaching you something crucial for the next big win.


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  • Juana-Catalina Rodriguez 🚀 Innovation Strategist and Advisor | Keynote Speaker | Board Member | Entrepreneurship | Sustainability | 3x Award-Winning Author |

    As with many things in life, it is about resilience and the learning process.- Acknowledge that it didn't work as planned. I know many startups that keep going even if they are already deep in the hole.-Reflect on what went wrong, product market fit, time to market? Team? Investment?-Identify what you could have done differently and how you can apply these lessons.-Seek advice and feedback from your team, investors, and customers... -Take a Break; dealing with failure is emotionally draining. Recharge and regain perspective.-Plan Your Next Move. Successful entrepreneurs faced failures before they found success. It is just a stepping stone towards success. "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." Thomas Edison


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  • D P Ketter Co-Founder and Startup Builder @ D·nvented LabsA Startup Studio placing underrepresented founders in amazing tech startups at scale.

    I have co-founded or been the CTO of at least 5 startups. And yes, some have failed. My formula for handling startup failure is quite simple. Did I do my part to make it successful? Did my co-founders do their part? Was it the right time? Was it the right idea we were executing on? Did any outside influences fight against our success? After adding it all up, if I feel good about the answers, I just move on to the next. It is always better to use your energy building something you think will be great than to waste it languishing over something that wasn't.


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How do you handle startup failure? (2024)


How do you handle startup failure? ›

The first step to handle startup failure is to accept the reality and acknowledge the emotions that come with it. Denial, anger, guilt, shame, and depression are common reactions to losing something you invested so much time, money, and passion in. Don't ignore or suppress these feelings, they are natural and valid.

What to do when a startup fails? ›

The first step after a startup fails is to wrap up the business in a professional and respectful manner. This means notifying your customers, partners, investors, and employees about the situation and fulfilling any contractual obligations. You should also close your accounts, pay your debts, and file your taxes.

How to exit a failed startup? ›

Whether you are an entrepreneur with a startup or a seasoned CEO, you need to consider which of these business exit strategies is the one for you.
  1. Selling your stake.
  2. Family succession.
  3. Acquihires.
  4. Management and employee buyouts.
  5. IPO.
  6. Liquidation.
  7. Bankruptcy.

How do entrepreneurs handle failure? ›

Entrepreneurs who trust themselves and know exactly what they want out of life overcome failures by facing them head-on. Instead of trying to avoid them by getting into partnerships or projects that aren't ideal, an entrepreneur who trust themselves will keep moving in the direction of their own goals.

What happens to founder when startup fails? ›

Of course, not every founder of a sloppily shuttered startup will find themselves in the sights of law enforcement, like Oltyan did, but they could face a series of serious issues ranging from liability for unpaid debts to claims from former employees and vendors.

When to walk away from your startup? ›

It's time to walk away when you objectively determine there is no sustainable market for your product or service and you are not willing to make the investment to educate a market. At that point, there is no upside to continuing to invest time and money.

At what point is a startup no longer a startup? ›

There are a few indicators that a company has graduated from startup to enterprise. If a company that began as a startup has built up revenue to over $50 million and has surpassed 100 employees, it is no longer a startup.

What causes startup failure? ›

The only 8 reasons startups fail (and how to avoid them)
  • Lack of product-market fit (PMF) ...
  • Running out of cash. ...
  • No clear business model. ...
  • Neglecting marketing and sales. ...
  • Failing to hire the right people. ...
  • Not Adapting to Change. ...
  • Mismanagement of growth. ...
  • Lack of Focus.
Nov 16, 2023

Do you have to pay back investors if your business fails? ›

So, while there is no guarantee that investors will be able to get their money back if they're not happy with the progress of a startup, there are a few scenarios in which they may be able to recoup some or all of their investment.

How do you save a dying startup? ›

Reduce costs and prioritize what you pay

To keep your business open, most likely you'll need to “trim the fat,” or reduce costs. Start by cutting discretionary, or unnecessary expenses.

How do successful people handle failure? ›

They Respect Their Vulnerabilities. Mentally strong people use failure as an opportunity to spot their weaknesses. Rather than dispute their shortcomings or hide their mistakes, they seek to be authentic. Their humble, self-aware approach assists them in developing strategies to become better.

How do successful people overcome failure? ›

Overcome the fear of failure, then try again

Your quest to succeed should be more of a driving force than any fear or self-doubt. Pushing yourself helps you grow as a person and a professional, whereas staying within your comfort zone can lead to stagnation.

Do most entrepreneurs fail or succeed? ›

Michael Rosenston is a fact-checker and researcher with expertise in business, finance, and insurance. It's often said that more than half of new businesses fail during the first year.

What is the most common startup failure? ›

Lack of Product-Market Fit

A study by CB Insights found that 42% of startups fail because of a lack of product-market fit (PMF). Startups need to identify a problem worth solving and then develop a solution that meets the market's needs.

Why startups don t succeed? ›

Key Takeaways. According to business owners, reasons for failure include money running out, being in the wrong market, a lack of research, bad partnerships, ineffective marketing, and not being an expert in the industry. Ways to avoid failing include setting goals, accurate research, loving the work, and not quitting.

Why do some startups succeed when others fail? ›

Many startups fail because they do not secure enough funding or they mismanage their finances. Entrepreneurs need to have a solid financial plan and be able to pitch their business idea effectively to potential investors. Lack of a Strong Team: A startup's success heavily relies on the team behind it.

Why do 90 percent of startups fail? ›

Most entrepreneurs who launch with insufficient funding, product or service prices that are not market-related, or optimistic sales projections end up with a failing startup. In some cases, a startup fails because the founders don't have the necessary qualifications or experience.


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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

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Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.