Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (2024)

This post covers Sorlock Build for Baldur's Gate 3. This is an overpowered warlock sorcerer multiclass. This merges two casters giving full access to Sorcerer features like Draconic Bloodline, metamagic, etc. The Warlock class provides - Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (1)Eldritch Blast, Eldritch Invocations, and some powerful control spells.


  • Sorlock Build - Sorcerer Warlock Multiclass
  • Starting the Game - Level 1
    • Races
    • Class
    • Cantrips
    • Spells
    • Subclass
    • Dragon Ancestor
    • Background
    • Abilities
    • Skills and Expertise
  • Leveling Progression - Level 2-12
  • Maximizing Ability Scores
  • Potions, Elixirs and Consumables
  • Illithid Powers
    • Base Illithid Powers
    • Elite Illithid Powers
  • Equipment Recommendations
    • Act 1
    • Act 2 - mid-game
    • Act 3 - Final Build setup
  • How to use the Build
    • Important Mechanics and Combos
    • Early Game Combat
    • Late Game Combat
  • Build Variations
  • Conclusion

Sorlock Build - Sorcerer Warlock Multiclass

This build is the epitome of highest-tier spellcasting, able to handle almost any situation that the game throws at it. It can be support, control, damage, and anything else the caster wants to do.

Sorcerer - provides a wide array of spells up to level 5 like Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (2)Fireball, Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (3)Cone of Cold, Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (4)Sleet Storm, etc. Moreover, you get access to metamagic. This will allow you to cast spells with bonus action or double their amount - yes you heard that right. Moreover, Sorcerer gives interesting features based on the subclass you pick.

Warlock is another side of the coin, with the main highlight - Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (5)Eldritch Blast. This will be the bread and butter of your control - Radiating Orbs, Reverbation, and damage without spell slot usage. Based on the gear you can get it will also deal decent damage against most grunts.

However, you can also check pure Eldritch Blast Spammer Build, which concentrates on as many blasts as possible with a very high critical chance. It is not as versatile, but could satiate that wish - just to blast everything.

Sorlock Build Overview Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (6)

1Sorcerer 1Subclass: Draconic Bloodline/Storm Sorcerer
STR - 8, DEX - 16 (15+1), CON - 14, INT - 8, WIS - 10, CHA - 17(15+2)
Cantrips: Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (7)Friends, Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (8)Fire Bolt, Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (9)Light, Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (10)Minor Illusion
Spells: Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (11)Magic Missile, Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (12)Chromatic Orb, or Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (13)Mage Armour
2Sorcerer 2Spells: Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (14)Shield
Class Passives: Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (15)Metamagic: Twinned Spell, Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (16)Metamagic: Distant Spell
3Sorcerer 3Spells: Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (17)Cloud of Daggers
Class Passives: ​Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (18)Metamagic: Quickened Spell
4Sorcerer 4Cantrips: Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (19)Ray of Frost
Spells:Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (20)Scorching Ray​ or Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (21)Darkness
Feat: Ability Improvement +2 CHA
5Sorcerer 5Spells:Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (22)Fireball​ or Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (23)Lightning Bolt
6Sorcerer 6Spells: Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (24)Haste​​ or Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (25)Sleet Storm
Replace Spell: Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (26)Cloud of Daggers​ -> Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (27)Counterspell
7Warlock 1Cantrips: Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (28)Eldritch Blast, Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (29)Mage Hand
Subclass: The Fiend/The Great Old One
Spells: Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (30)Hex, Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (31)Command​/Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (32)Expeditious Retreat
8Warlock 2Spells: Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (33)Hellish Rebuke
Eldritch Invocations:Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (34)Agonising Blast, Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (35)Repelling Blast,​ or Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (36)Devil's Sight
9Sorcerer 7Spells: Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (37)Ice Storm
10Sorcerer 8Spells:Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (38)Confusion
Feat: Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (39)Dual Wielder or Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (40)Alert
11SorcererSpells: Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (41)Cone of Cold
12SorcererCantrips: Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (42)Shocking Grasp
Spells: any spell
Class Passives: Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (43)Metamagic: Heightened Spell

Starting the Game - Level 1

We start with the early game. I would go into what are the best Races, Abilities, and Skills for Sorlock. Some of these choices are impactful as you cannot respec them.


Picking a race provides various benefits - abilities, dialogue options, looks, etc. Also, keep in mind whether your picked race has Shield proficiency as this can improve survivability or give benefits for offensive.

If you are having difficulties making a choice, pick whatever you prefer in terms of looks or roleplay. "The perfect race pick" is important if you are into extreme min-maxing.

Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (44)HalflingAlthough they cannot wear a shield, they are the perfect choice for builds that aim to land critical hits.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (47)High Half-ElfI think this is the "optimal" choice. High Half-Elfs get a cantrip, Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (51)Darkvision, and also shield proficiency. More or less everything that you need for a good Sorcerer Warlock build
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (52)HumanThis is one of the rare occasions where I would recommend going with a human. You can get Shield proficiency that will be valuable throughout the game for various bonuses and increased Armour class.


We start the build with Sorcerer. First, it will give us Constitution Saving Throw proficiency. Second, we want to get level 3 spells as soon as possible. They have very powerful options like Fireball, Haste, etc. After that, you can pick Warlock.

Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (55)Sorcerer
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (56)Spell SlotsThese can be used to cast spells and are restored each long rest.


The sorcerer gets 4 cantrips. This is a lot, allowing us to make some good choices:

Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (57)FriendsIf you are the main character and do most of the dialogues, this is also a good choice as it gives an advantage during rolls.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (58)Fire BoltUse this cantrip to deal moderate damage or light up barrels with oil. Perfect if you want to save spell slots. Note: Take this Fire Bolt even if you have the one from Elf or half-elf. The other scales with Intelligence and you need Charisma
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (59)LightA very handy spell, especially in Act 2.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (60)Minor IllusionLure enemies together from stealth with the cantrip. Then use Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (61)Shatter, Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (62)Thunderwave, or any other area of effect spell, to deal huge damage.

Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (63)


Sorcerers cannot prepare spells. This means that what they choose during the level-up screen - is what they can use. This can easily cause decision paralysis especially if you are new to the game. Here are my recommendations for what to pick early:

Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (64)Magic MissileI recommend this spell. It is not very powerful, but it can hit multiple enemies and does not miss. You can easily finish off a straggler with a few HP and damage the second foe. The missiles scale with higher spell slots, and are useful throughout the game.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (65)Chromatic OrbThis is a very versatile spell, that can be used to create various surfaces and deal different elemental damage. later you can use Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (66)Metamagic: Twinned Spell​ to double its damage.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (67)Mage ArmourThis spell will give 13 Armour Class. Pair this with a dexterity bonus and you have 16 Armour Class at the start of the game. It's more than a heavy armor user. Moreover, getting a shield will also net 18. Only take this with Storm Sorcerer, Draconic Bloodline does not need it


You can generally go for any subclass, here is an overview of what each does:

Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (68)Draconic BloodlineThis is a great option, especially if you will add something likeBest Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (69)Scorching Ray​ or Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (70)Fireball​ to the mix. It is very useful early in the game with Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (71)Draconic Resilience. Moreover, Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (72)Elemental Affinity: Damage​ will improve relevant element damage at level 6, which can be a big boost when hitting multiple times or multiple enemies
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (73)Storm SorcererYou get an additional Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (74)Tempestuous Magic: Flight​ mechanic after the spell cast. Moreover, you unlock bonus spells - Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (75)Create Water, Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (76)Call Lightning, etc. These are very useful and allow for sick combinations and dealing double damage with Ice and Lightning spells.

For this build progression, I will be taking the one below. however, there is nothing wrong with picking another subclass.

Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (77)Draconic Bloodline
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (78)Draconic ResilienceAn excellent passive for early game which saves you Mage Armor spell every long rest. Later on, as spell slots become readily available it loses its significance.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (79)Draconic Resilience: Hit PointsGain bonus maximum HP for each Sorcerer level.

Dragon Ancestor

This is a unique choice for the Draconic Bloodline subclass. It is important as a level 6 Sorcerer you will obtain a special Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (80)Elemental Affinity: Damage that will increase related element damage. I recommend concentrating on two choices, based on what kind of magic you want to use mostly later on - fire, lightning, or Ice.

All of them are amazing. Fire is straightforward, just blast things with high damage. Ice - gives good crowd control capabilities, but lacks in the damage department, at least before level 9. Lightning, is ridiculously powerful, especially on Wet enemies. However, if you do not have anyone who could apply Wet, I would just go with Storm Sorcerer altogether.

For this build, I would take any that has Fire. My preferred choice would be Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (81)Draconic Ancestry: Brass (Fire) as it gives Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (82)Sleep​ which can be useful early in the game.


Backgrounds are mostly for role-playing and you can pick whatever you prefer with Sorlock. If you want to optimize, then it would be good to pick backgrounds that are based on your ability points of Charisma.

Charlatan/ CriminalDeception
Sleight of Hand/Stealth
Both of these are very similar, however, I think there will be no need for Sleight of Hand or Stealth as these will be handled by others in the group. Unless you are doing a solo run.
Persuasion is a good choice to pick as it will be very useful in multiple dialogue choices.
Guild ArtisanInsight
Another relevant choice as it covers Persuasion and gives bonus proficiency to Insight.
Improves Acrobatics skills and gives bonuses to Performance for some dialogue checks.


Now let's take a look at the abilities of the Sorlock build. Correct allocation will allow us to maximize the early gameplay and get good modifier bonuses.

Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (83)Strength8We do not need strength as we will not be in close range often.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (84)Dexterity16 (15+1)High dexterity will give a bonus Armour Class and higher initiative. This can be used to go first during combat encounters and take out a few enemies before they get to do anything.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (85)Constitution14The constitution will give us bonus HP and increase the success of Constitution Saving Throws
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (86)Intelligence8Not an important stat for us
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (87)Wisdom10Leave it at 10, to not get any negative modifier for Wisdom Saving Throws, as there are many of them.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (88)Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (89)Charisma17 (15+2)The main ability of Sorcerer build. It determines our spell success, and spell difficulty. Moreover, it is used for many dialogue checks, ensuring that you can trick or persuade NPCs. If you will not use Auntie Ethel's Hair to get +1 to Charisma, set it to 16 and use those points on Wisdom.

Skills and Expertise

Overall, the skills should be impacted by your roleplaying and background decisions. However, you would still want those that will give you the best benefits. My recommendations are to pick those at which you have a high ability modifier Charisma:

  • Intimidation
  • Persuasion

Leveling Progression - Level 2-12

Here is the detailed progression for the build to get you started. You can use it as a guideline because early games can be daunting and overwhelming. Later on, once you get the feel for the class you can start picking your options

Level 2

Instantly at level 2, we get a lot of improvements. First, the Sorcerer gets an additional level 1 spell slot, and 2 Sorcery points are added. They can be used for creating spell slots, additional spellcasting, etc.

Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (90)Create Sorcery PointsSpend Spell Slots to gain Sorcery Points. Once you get some more metamagic options, you could sacrifice spell slots, to cast two spells in one turn or increase your range
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (91)Create Spell SlotSpend Sorcery Points to unlock a Spell Slot. You could create a higher tier spell slot, to increase the damage over what you can at the current level


My recommendation for the spells to be included in the spellbook:

Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (92)ShieldI cannot stress enough how powerful this spell is. You can use the level 1 spell slot, to increase your armour class by 5. The result is that you can avoid most of the attacks during the turn. However, I would recommend delaying it to level 4 if you are playing on tactician or balanced as the usage cost is very steep this early in the game.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (93)ThunderwaveDo you see an enemy close to the ledge? Or they are close to you? Use Thunderwave to knock them back and deal thunder damage. It can instantly kill foes that are thrown from the ledge.

Class Passives

Sorcerers get access to unique actions - metamagic. They allow to consumption of sorcery points to enhance spellcasting. New metamagic options will be unlocked as we level up as you have more and more Sorcery Points. Pick two:

Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (94)Metamagic: Twinned SpellSpells that only target 1 creature can target an additional creature. Later on, you can use this to apply Haste on two allies or a Command spell to disable two targets.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (95)Metamagic: Extended SpellThis is especially useful if you will cast spells with short duration like Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (96)Command. It would extend their effect period.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (97)Metamagic: Distant SpellGet a huge distance boost, allowing you to take out enemies before they see you.

Replace Spell

Nothing to replace.

Level 3

The level-up unlocks the level 2 spell slots and spells. You also gain another option for metamagic, this time much better


Because we get level 2 spells it gets interesting. Although there is no "all-powerful" spell at this level, there are multiple ones that are decent. I would like to recommend:

Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (98)Cloud of DaggersThis can be used to target multiple enemies and is very good in passages or choke points. The spell deals damage when it's cast and when the enemy's turn begins. This means you do 2x damage by default.

Class Passives

We are getting another metamagic selection. The good thing is that two new options are introduced. Here is my recommendation:

Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (99)Metamagic: Quickened SpellBy consuming 3 Sorcery points a spell can be cast using bonus action instead of action points. You can cast two damage spells one after another. Or later, you could use Haste and then two spells at the same turn. This unlocks tactical possibilities.

Replace Spell

I do not recommend replacing any spells yet, as all of them still serve a purpose.

Level 4

We get our first Feat selection that will greatly improve both offense and defense. The Sorcerer also unlocks another level 2 spell slot and can select an additional spell.


We can choose another cantrip. Nothing important here but you can get this one:

Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (100)Ray of FrostA cantrip that deals ice damage, slows enemies, and can double its damage on wet foes.


As now you have a decent amount of spell slots getting this option makes sense:

Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (101)DarknessThis spell is okay for now. However, it can become invaluable if you take Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (102)Devil's Sight​ with Warlock when multiclassing.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (103)Scorching RayThis spell will get very powerful as you level up, Specifically for Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (104)Draconic Ancestry: Brass (Fire). For now, it is a decent one and can be used to target multiple enemies. Also, it will be invaluable if you will use Hat of Fire Acuity.

Replace Spell

Nothing to replace.


For the first Feat, there is nothing much to recommend. You only want to improve your ability score for a higher spell success chance and more damage

Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (106)Ability ImprovementAllocate 2 ability points to Charisma. This will increase the modifier by 1 resulting in higher spell success.

Level 5

And you finally reach level 3 spells, which makes Sorcerer much stronger from now on.


There are a lot of good spells at this tier, so it's hard to choose what to pick. You should choose one hard hitter that will be your bread and butter for damage dealing:

Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (107)FireballA very powerful and trustworthy fire spell. You can hit enemies in a decent area of effect for 8d6 damage. With Draconic Bloodline Fire ancestry, each enemy hit will get bonus damage based on the charisma modifier
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (108)Lightning BoltA lightning spell that hits all enemies in a direct line. Try to get the best position possible to hit as many foes as you can. Moreover, try to wet enemies with party members for double damage. Get this for the Storm Sorcerer subclass.

Replace Spell

My recommendation would be to get Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (109)Haste. However, at this stage in-game, the other spells still serve a purpose. So I would not do anything yet.

Level 6

Reaching Level 6 Sorcerer gives bonus subclass features. For example, going as Storm Sorcerer unlocks Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (110)Call Lightning, Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (111)Create Water, etc. Draconic Bloodline would unlock Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (112)Elemental Affinity: Damage​ giving a bonus to elemental damage based on ancestry and charisma modifier.

Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (113)Elemental Affinity: DamageThe ability will activate every time we use relevant elemental spells. In your case, this will be bonus Fire damage, when using Scorching Ray or Fireball.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (114)Elemental Affinity: ResistanceSomewhat situational feature, I have not used it much as I would rather spend sorcery points on metamagic.


Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (115)HasteA very powerful spell that gives an additional action point. In a sense, you can cast two spells. Add Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (116)Metamagic: Quickened Spell, and you can cast 3 spells per turn! Adding Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (117)Metamagic: Twinned Spell allows you to cast for both yourself and an ally.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (118)Sleet StormExcellent spell that can be used for crowd controlling and making foes slip on ice. Take this if you do not care about doubling action points.

Replace Spell

I recommend removing Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (119)Cloud of Daggers​ for:

Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (120)CounterspellA powerful spell that can counter almost any spell that foe casts. Even if you don't use it often, it is good to have it as it will notify you of what enemies are casting and let you decide the next steps
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (121)Hypnotic PatternAn extremely good crowd-control spell should be used at the start of the combat. It will remove enemies from combat for two turns. Cast it with Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (122)Metamagic: Extended Spell for a duration of 4 turns. Also, its success can be increased with Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (123)Metamagic: Heightened Spell. Use it to take out enemies one by one, so it would not be canceled on all of them.

Level 7 - Warlock Lv 1

This is the first dip into the Warlock multiclass. Unfortunately, you do not get the most important bonuses yet, however, it will still be helpful


Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (124)Warlock
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (125)Warlock Spell SlotsThese spell slots can be used to cast spells and refill each Short Rest.


We only need the Eldritch Blast cantrip. For the other choose, what you prefer.

Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (126)Eldritch BlastOne of the cornerstones of this build. We will be using Eldritch Blast to shred enemies to pieces and knock them down. It will become very powerful on the next Warlock level
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (127)Mage HandA utility spell, that can summon a spectral hand. It can help with puzzles and shove enemies.


Now for subclasses, each Warlock option brings something to the table. One has more defensive capabilities, another is perfect for controlling, etc. So let's do a short overview of each of them

The Great Old OneThis is a more offensive option. This subclass can apply Freighten to nearby enemies with - Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (129)Mortal Reminder. Because you will be releasing multiple shots per turn from Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (130)Eldritch Blast​ or Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (131)Scorching Ray, it will be easy to land a critical hit. So while you deal damage, you also can crowd control foes.
The FiendYou can get temporary HP for each enemy killed - Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (133)Dark One's Blessing. Moreover, another attractive option is the level 1 Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (134)Command​ spell. It allows you to Crowd control foes without using a Concentration slot, which is very powerful. Add Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (135)Metamagic: Extended Spell​ to extend the effect for 2 turns.

For this walkthrough, I will go with The Great Old One, as I think it is perfect to utilize Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (136)Mortal Reminder.

Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (137)The Great Old One
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (138)Mortal ReminderAs the build uses spells with multihits, this ensures that you can easily land critical hits and make enemies Frightened.


Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (139)HexBy using Bonus Action, you can weaken the enemy. Moreover, each hit will deal an additional 1-6 Necrotic damage on top. However, it is not as strong as you can use Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (140)Metamagic: Quickened Spell​ to cast any spell.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (141)Expeditious RetreatThis spell is useful as later on you can use it to improve Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (142)Eldritch Blast​ damage using Boots of Arcane Bolstering. So this is optional.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (144)CommandThis is a very powerful spell, that we can empower with Sorcerer metamagic. Only can be selected withThe Fiend subclass. It works as crowd control without the need for Concentration. Moreover, with Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (145)Metamagic: Twinned Spell, you can cast it on two enemies. On the other hand Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (146)Metamagic: Extended Spell increases its duration to two turns.

Level 8 - Warlock Lv 2

Level 2 will unlock the full potential of Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (147)Eldritch Blast​ and you can fully utilize the sorcerer warlock build synergy.


Take whatever spell you prefer, for this level we are mainly interested in Eldritch Invocations.

Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (148)Hellish RebukeI think this can be useful as you get additional cast on the enemy's turn.

Eldritch Invocations

You can only pick two, so here are the options.

Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (149)Agonising BlastImproves Eldritch Blast damage by including your Charisma ability modifier in the damage calculation.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (150)Repelling BlastEldritch Blast now knocks back. This is very powerful as you can throw enemies from ledges. That is more or less the main reason to take the Warlock multiclass for Sorlock.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (151)Devil's SightThis invocation is very powerful if you utilize the Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (152)Darkness​ spell. This way you can just blast enemies from within darkness.

Level 9 - Sorcerer Lv 7

We finally unlock level 4 spells. These will be a great addition to the spellbook, but nothing that will have drastic changes


Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (153)Ice StormI recommend having this spell. It can provide instant crowd control by applying Ice surfaces, making enemies fall. Moreover, using it on wet enemies will deal bonus damage. Another important aspect is that half of its damage comes as Bludgeoning, making it very effective against particular enemies.

Replace Spell

Feel free to replace anything if you feel you have no use for it.

Level 10 - Sorcerer Lv 8

This is a big step, as we fully unlock the potential of Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (154)Eldritch Blast. From level 10 it gains 3 shots. This means you could potentially knock back three enemies from Chasm or into some detrimental effect.


Pick one of the spells. Just keep in mind that your Concentration slots may be already constantly in use:

Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (155)ConfusionMakes enemies lose control of themselves and do unexpected things. They may skip a turn, attack allies, run around, etc. This lasts for 3 turns and can be an effective way to control a large area.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (156)Wall of FireIt is a powerful spell that can be deadly in a choke point. I would not say that it is mandatory as you already have important spells that utilize Concentration. So I put it more as an option.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (157)BlightIt is a powerful single-target spell with 8d8 rolls and can one-shot most medium enemies. It's a good spell to have alternative spell damage

Replace Spell

I did not replace anything.


Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (158)Dual WielderWith this, you can wear two staves at the same time. It is a perfect option for going all in on the offense. You can use something like Markoheshkir with a few amazing weapons offhand during Act 3. Check the equipment section for the recommendations.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (160)AlertThis feat will ensure that you almost go first and with the deadly spell arsenal Sorlock will be able to take out or weaken at least a few enemies. I suggest only taking this if you have multiple casters, and are limited on weapon options with Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (161)Dual Wielder​.

Level 11 - Sorcerer Lv 9

Level 5 Spells are unlocked, but more importantly, we get 1 of each spell slot for levels 4 and 5. These can be used to turn them into sorcery points or cast/upcast spells


Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (162)Cone of ColdIt is a cold spell that can be used from the melee range in a large cone. Make enemies wet before using it for double damage. It also freezes the wet ground.

Replace Spell

I leave the replacement options for you to decide.

Level 12 - Sorcerer Lv 10

We are at the last level of the build, and get some cool picks from level 10 Sorcerer. Moreover, you unlock an additional level 5 spell slot.


You are free to take any cantrip that you find useful. More or less the build has been finished, so this is just a good addition:

Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (163)Shocking GraspGives a melee spell option and disables enemy reactions, so you can run away.


Now this is your last spell pick, so here are my recommended options to make the final decision:

Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (164)Insect PlagueA useful spell that can choke control an entry point that slows down and damages foes.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (165)Sleet StormThis is an amazing spell, that you can use together with other spells to create Ice terrains and immobilize groups of enemies.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (166)Greater InvisibilityIf you have a rogue or other stealth character in the group, this can be used to make it easy for them to land attacks without revealing themselves.

Class Passives

Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (167)Metamagic: Heightened SpellTargets of spells that require Saving Throws have a Disadvantage on their first Saving Throw. It will give a higher chance of spell success. But overall, at this point in the game, it will not matter much.

Replace Spell

Again, I leave this decision in your hands.

Maximizing Ability Scores

Now, as the build progression is covered there are a few aspects and important decisions you will have to make throughout the game. These will decide your final score for abilities.

  1. Act 1 - Auntie Ethel Hair - you will want to get +1 Charisma if you pick this choice.
  2. Ability Improvement - +2 Charisma
  3. Birthright - add +2 Charisma.
  4. Act 3 - Mirror of Loss - pick +2 Charisma.

This will allow you to reach 24 natural Charisma, and result in a +7 ability modifier on your spells and rolls.

Potions, Elixirs and Consumables

Let's take a look at what consumables we can use to further empower the Sorcerer Warlock multiclass build.


These are general consumables, and most of them are activated for a few turns. Potions are separate from Elixirs and can be active together.

Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (169)Potion of SpeedIn case you or your other casters have a Concentration spell slot taken and cannot cast Haste, use this potion. It acts similarly, but the effect is just for 3 turns.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (170)Potion of Animal SpeakingAlthough not something powerful, it is worth stocking up for some dialogues in the game.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (171)Potion of InvisibilityCan be used to get a perfect position before the encounter starts.


Unfortunately, only one Elixir can be active at a time. However, the good thing is that they last until a long rest, making them very useful and economical.

Be sure to activate them before combat as otherwise, you will need to use Bonus Action.

Remember to activate one elixir after each Long Rest. These are found plentiful throughout the game, so don't save them too much.

Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (172)Elixir of BloodlustVery effective elixir that gives another action point if you kill an enemy. I would say this is the best one to use to maximize your output through the turn.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (173)Elixir of Battlemage's PowerGain 3 stacks of Arcane Acuity. I would say this should be the most used elixir for higher spell success.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (174)Superior Elixir of Arcane CultivationGrant's a single level 3 spell slot. Could be useful in case you are preparing for a longer encounter.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (175)Supreme Elixir of Arcane CultivationGrant's a single level 4 spell slot. Could be useful in case you are preparing for a longer encounter.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (176)Elixir of VigilanceFor some encounters, you will want to go first. This elixir will ensure that it overcomes even surprise mechanics. However, if you have Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (177)Alert​ this becomes redundant.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (178)Elixir of Peerless FocusAnother good choice that allows to better maintain spell Concentration.

Illithid Powers

This is a special mechanic in Baldur's Gate 3, that allows you to consume tadpoles and unlock special Illithid Powers. These range from somewhat useful, to extremely deadly. I would like to leave a few recommendations:

Base Illithid Powers

OrderIllithid PowerDescription
1Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (179)Favourable BeginningsVery useful power to take as it does not have any costs, and provides only benefits on the first hits.
2Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (180)Luck of the Far RealmsGuarantees a critical hit, it's not mandatory, but would give a bit more damage for Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (181)Eldritch Blast​ or other spells with attack rolls.
3Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (182)Force TunnelMainly taking for progression
4Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (183)DisplaceA good ability to have if you decide to take Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (184)Repelling Blast, otherwise it is needed for progression.
5Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (185)Concentrated BlastTaking this for progression

Elite Illithid Powers

These become unlocked later in the game as you progress. They are extremely powerful additions to the build.

OrderIllithid PowerDescription
0Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (186)FlyAutomatically unlocked. You can use this to initiate attacks of opportunity without spending any movement.
1Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (187)Black HoleAmazing power, that pulls enemies together and slows them. After that, it can be followed up with any area-of-effect damage spell.
2Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (188)Mind SanctuaryExtremely valuable power that can also help other casters to use up their Bonus action effectively.
3Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (189)FreecastRemoves any cost of spell slots or consumable resources.
4Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (190)Psionic DominanceThis can be used to save spell slots instead of using Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (191)Counterspell.

Equipment Recommendations

Now I would like to go through some gear recommendations to maximize the Sorlock build effectiveness. Items are especially important as they take the build to the next level thanks to their unique effects.

Dual Wielding or One-Handed with a Shield

This is an important aspect of this build as you can go both ways. Generally, dual wielding will give much higher damage output as weapons in Act 3 come with very powerful additions. However, if you have multiple casters, in the group, you will need to make some sacrifices.

Shields are also very good early in the game, where there are not many options for mage to dual-wield. However, especially in Act 3, some amazing weapons get unlocked, and Sorlock skyrockets with Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (192)Dual Wielder​ feat.

Act 1

The early game can be hard, as you do not know where to find items. Picking the correct spells should cover most of the needs.

Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (193)MeleeThe SpellsparklerEach hit generates Lightning Charges that later detonate for bonus lightning damage. This staff should also support you in Act 2.
Melf's First StaffGives +1 to spell attack rolls or DC. An alternative to The Spellsparkler in case it is used by someone else.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (197)RangedBow of AwarenessThe higher initiative bonus will allow you to start your turn earlier.
Hand Crossbow +1Equipping two of these will allow you to attack with off-hand. This is important as you may not have used for bonus action if your Sorcery points have been expended, so this will allow some bonus damage.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (200)ShieldAdamantine ShieldIt provides a substantial defensive boost by reducing critical hit damage.
Safeguard ShieldGives a bonus to saving throws, easily accessible early in the game.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (203)HeadThe Shadespell CircletIncreases Spell Save Difficulty Counter, while obscured. Very easy to activate, use Shift, to see the sun icon, it should be half or full empty.
The LifebringerThe best defensive option in Act 1. Works well with The Spellsparkler. Without it, the item loses its purpose.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (207)Cloak-Anything will work as Act 1 does not have any good options.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (208)ArmorThe Protecty SparkswallWorks well with The Spellsparkler for additional bonuses to Armour Class and Saving Throws with Lightning Charges. The best choice in Act 1.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (211)GlovesGloves of Belligerent SkiesApplies Reverbation when dealing thunder or lightning damage. With 5 stacks, this will deal a bonus 1d4 damage and can make enemies Prone. This can be easily achieved once you have The Spellsparkler.
Daredevil GlovesGives bonus spell attack rolls, making Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (215)Scorching Ray​ and later Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (216)Eldritch Blast​ succeed better.
Bracers of DefenceGives whooping +2 Armour Class. This is the perfect option especially if you do not have shield proficiency.
Gloves of Missile SnaringDefensive gloves that allow to negate enemy ranged attack.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (219)BootsVital Conduit BootsBecause you will be casting spells with Concentration often these Boots will give an additional survivability boost.
Disintegrating Night WalkersAvoids slipping on various terrains and most importantly unlocks Misty Step each short rest.
Boots of StridingGives additional protection against being Prone.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (223)AmuletPearl of Power AmuletA good amulet that allows restoring level 3 or lower spell slots. This way you could get additional sorcery points.
Amulet of Elemental TormentThis amulet can be used to improve the damage of spells like Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (226)Eldritch Blast​ and Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (227)Scorching Ray​ when standing on an element surface.
Amulet of Misty StepA good amulet to obtain mobility via Misty Step.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (229)RingsRing of ProtectionGives defensive bonuses to Armour Class and Saving Throws.
Fetish of Callarduran SmoothhandsAllows Casting invisibility for free once per long rest.
Ring of Absolute ForceBonus thunder damage to thunder spells.

Act 2 - mid-game

This is the mid-game, where most of the areas will be covered by dark. Radiant equipment will shine here and having Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (233)Darkvision​ is recommended.

Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (234)MeleeMelf's First StaffThese items are still relevant in Act 2 and provide very good bonuses.
The Spellsparkler
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (237)RangedDarkfire ShortbowThis bow allows casting Haste without using a spell slot. However, if you do not care about that, continue using the items from Act 1.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (239)ShieldKetheric's ShieldThe only shield that improves the Spell Difficulty class and attack rolls.
Shield of DevotionThe extra level 1 spell slot can be used for Sorcery Points.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (242)HeadFistbreaker HelmThe best choice in Act 2 for any caster. Gives bonus initiative and Spell Save Difficulty Counter.
Hat of Fire AcuityThis headwear unlocks a very effective synergy. Where you can use Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (245)Scorching Ray​ to stack Arcane Acuity and get almost guaranteed spell success.
Covert CowlIncreases the chance of a critical hit. This only works while obscured, which can be activated by standing in dark areas. (Use Shift to see if the area is obscured)
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (247)CloakCloak of ProtectionImproves survivability and Saving Throw success.
Thunderskin CloakUse this Cloak if you will still be using Reverbation items like Gloves of Belligerent Skies
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (251)ArmorPotent RobeOne of the main items that makes the build as powerful as it is. This requires to make some specific decisions during Act 1. However, the boost to Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (253)Eldritch Blast​ damage is worth it.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (254)GlovesGloves of Belligerent SkiesYou can continue using the same items from Act 1.
Daredevil Gloves
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (257)BootsBoots of Stormy ClamourAlthough these boots could be used in Act 1, as we did not have a decent way to apply statuses consistently we delayed them till Act 2.
Evasive ShoesGives armor class an increase. Best choice if you are not using Shield
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (260)AmuletSpineshudder AmuletAn awesome amulet that allows applying Reverbation with Each spell attack. This will reduce the success of some Saving Throws. I would say this is the second-best amulet for this build.
Surgeon's Subjugation AmuletVery interesting choice. Because the build will deal a decent amount of critical hits, this will allow it to paralyze many humanoid enemies. Give this one a try.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (263)RingsCallous Glow RingWhen creatures are illuminated you deal bonus damage to them, this should not be hard, as your cleric will probably be carrying something like Blood of Lathander to illuminate them. Or you could stand closer to enemies and have a Light spell on yourself.
Coruscation RingIt is fairly easy to cast any light spell on yourself or have an ally do that. The Radiating Orb effect will debuff enemies, making it harder for them to hit targets.
Ring of TwilightBecause it is easy to be obscured this allows to gain bonus armour class. Very useful in Act 2.

Act 3 - Final Build setup

This is the last act of the game, where you will get access to the most powerful items. To get them as early as possible you will need some planning, but overall, it should not be a problem.

Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (268)MeleeMarkoheshkir
The most powerful stave in the game. You can imbue it with different elements - fire, for bonus fire damage, lightning - for higher lightning charge generation. So if going all in on Eldritch Blast, set Bolts of Doom.
The unique effect that gives +1 damage for each Scarlet Remittance stack. This requires you to kill enemies (previously you could destroy barrels), but this should be easy in late game where normal grunts will be dead from your blasts in a few hits.
Staff of Spell PowerGives a bonus to Spell Attack Rolls and Spell Save DC. Also allows casting a spell without using a spell slot per long rest. You can also get Dual Wielder feat and use this together with Markoheshkir. But it is outclassed in my opinion by The Spellsparkler and Rhapsody.
Blade of the First Blood
A perfect choice in case you want additional critical chances and other options are taken by other characters. Synergizes well with Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (276)Mortal Reminder.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (277)RangedThe Dead Shot
The best bow to increase critical hit roll range. Although it may be taken by other characters in the group.
Hellrider LongbowImproved bow of Bow of Awareness, with higher initiative boost.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (281)ShieldKetheric's ShieldThis is still the top contender for the build if you will opt out for a shield.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (283)HeadBirthrightI think this is the best choice as it gives higher Charisma and allows reaching the maximum of 24. It also improves every aspect of Sorcerer Warlock - spellcasting, ability checks, attack rolls, etc.
Hat of Fire AcuityThis headwear unlocks a very effective synergy. Where you can use Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (286)Scorching Ray​ to stack Arcane Acuity and get almost guaranteed spell success.
Hood of the WeaveProvides +2 to spell attack rolls leading to higher hit chance and overall better damage output.
Sarevok's Horned HelmetIncreases critical chance and stacks with other items, a worthwhile choice if the ones above are taken. This one is also relevant if you are playing The Great Old One Warlock.
Hat of the Sharp CasterImproves damage output by rerolling low damage rolls.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (290)CloakCloak of The Weave
This is the best cloak for this build as it gives a direct boost to attack rolls. The result is more successful spells.
Cloak of DisplacementImproves the chances of attacks missing the wearer until getting hit for that turn.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (293)ArmorPotent Robe
This continues to be the best robe for Sorlock if you will heavily rely on Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (295)Eldritch Blast.
Robe of the WeaveA very good overall robe that improves spell effectiveness and success rate.
Armour of LandfallGives advantages to Constitution Saving Throws, increases Spell Save DC, and an additional spell.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (298)GlovesGloves of Belligerent Skies
The gloves are even better with all the bonuses that you can get with lightning and radiant damage.
Spellmight GlovesAmazing gloves, that work with spells that use attack rolls. If they are taken by other characters, use the ones from previous acts. However, they will lower attack rolls, so be sure to have Risky Ring to improve success chances.
Helldusk GlovesOne of the best gloves in the game. They would improve your attack rolls and Spell Save DC.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (303)BootsBoots of Stormy Clamour
The boots become even more powerful as your critical chance increases and you can apply conditions more easily from Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (305)Mortal Reminder. This also works with the Coruscation Ring.
Bonespike BootsOptimal choice if you are wearing a robe and go all in on the dual wielding, this way you get bonus armor class.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (308)AmuletSpineshudder Amulet
You can use this amulet to get more bonuses for Reverbation activation.
Amulet of The DevoutGives whooping +2 Spell Save DC. However, this item will be a contender for any other caster builds in the group, specifically clerics.
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (311)RingsCoruscation Ring
This ring can be used to hit multiple foes with Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (313)Eldritch Blast​ and apply a radiating orb.
Callous Glow Ring
Deals bonus 2 damage against illuminated enemies. Although it is not much, this also works with spells. Just be sure to cast Light on yourself. I recommend using the ring together with Gloves of Belligerent Skies.
Ring of Feywild SparksThe ring gives +1 Sepll Save DC even if it is not listed.
Risky RingProvides an Advantage on attack rolls. This works well with Spellmight Gloves. Without those, I would equip the ring on someone else as it is very valuable for almost any build.

How to use the Build

In this section, I would like to dive deep into how to play the Sorlock. This will help you utilize it to the fullest and correctly use various actions and spells throughout the game.

Important Mechanics and Combos

Let's go through key mechanics and tips on how to effectively use the build.

Use Spell slots to create Sorcery Points

Once you expend your Sorcerer Spell slots, you still have Warlock ones. They can be used to cast spells, but more importantly, you can use them to make Sorcery Points. For example, using constant Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (319)Eldritch Blast​ will easily drain them with Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (320)Metamagic: Quickened Spell.

Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (321)

Moreover, keeping Level 2 spell slots is useless in the late game. So use them as fuel to restore your Sorcery Points via the Create Sorcery Points action. Then use these to continue multiple casts with Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (322)Metamagic: Quickened Spell​ or improve success rates via Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (323)Metamagic: Heightened Spell​ in late-game fights.

The same thing could be said about level 1 spell slots, but they will be used for Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (324)Shield, so keep at least two of them for the encounter.

Attacks with Damage Riders - Hex, Lightning Charges, etc.

When using multihit attacks like Scorching Ray and Eldritch Blast, be sure to utilize Damage Riders. These are bonus damage effects that go with the main damage source. The perfect example of this is The Spellsparkler which can be obtained in Act 1, in Waukeen's Rest. The staff gives bonus lightning charges for each time a cantrip hits. In addition, include Hex and you get some good damage per single target

Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (326)

Later you can also get Markoheshkir and dual-wield it together with The Spellsparkler for double the amount of lightning charges. So if you are fighting a strong enemy, be sure to use Hex on them, as this will provide a ton of additional damage. There are more damage sources like this - Phalar Aluve, Callous Glow Ring, etc.

Elemental Torment

This is the last improvement to do to maximize your Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (331)Eldritch Blast​​ damage. In Act 3 you can obtain Amulet of Elemental Torment. With it, you can further add 1d4 fire damage to each missile.

The setup can be done in multiple ways:

  • Walk on a fire surface from a spell like Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (333)Fireball​ or some explosive grease.
  • Use Alchemist's Fire consumable. First, drop it on the ground and then destroy it with offhand attack.

If you are not lazy with this setup this is another 2.5 average damage bonus on each missile.

Twinned Spell and Haste

Even if you did not plan this, Sorcerer can be extremely powerful support. At level 5 you gain access to level 3 spell slots and Haste. This spell gives 2 action points per turn, meaning you could double your damage output.

Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (334)

To do this you need to activate Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (335)Metamagic: Twinned Spell and then cast Haste. You can now target two targets. I recommend doing this on yourself and another group member. This way two members in your party have double amount of actions. This will make your combat encounters much easier.

Use metamagic to empower your first turn

You can use the Metamagic mechanic to create some powerful spell combos. My favorite would be Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (336)Metamagic: Quickened Spell. It allows casting a spell via bonus action. Moreover, you can use Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (337)Metamagic: Heightened Spell to create a disadvantage on Saving Throws on enemies. This means your spells have a much higher chance of success. Here are some good combos:

  • Cast Haste on yourself and then cast two spells on the first turn and three on the second by using Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (338)Metamagic: Quickened Spell. Or have an ally apply it on you via Darkfire Shortbow for instant multiple casts on the first turn.
  • Activate Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (340)Metamagic: Heightened Spell and use Hypnotic Patterns, Fear, and Confusion to debilitate and fully control groups of enemies.
  • Hold Person or Monster, and then cast spells for guaranteed critical hits.

Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (341)

Darkness and Eldritch Invocations

With Warlock at level 2, you can gain access to Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (342)Devil's Sight​ invocation. I briefly mentioned it a few times in the build, but how to use this correctly? You will want to have someone cast Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (343)Darkness​ spells.

Once you have the dark area set up, you can freely stay in it and cast from it without enemies being able to hit with ranged attacks. If they decide to enter they will become blinded, greatly reducing their combat potential.

This also pairs well with other builds like Bladelock and Shadow Monk, which can utilize dark areas for combat advantage.

Wet + Lightning and Cold Spells

I think this is the most important mechanic to learn in Baldur's Gate 3 for the caster. It is very easy to set up and can guarantee you easy wins for most encounters.

The first step is to apply water here are some options for how to do that:

  • Have a Cleric, Druid, or yourself cast Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (344)Create or Destroy Water
  • Throw Water bottle
  • Have someone Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (345)Conjure Elemental​ to summon Water Myrmidon and apply Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (346)Healing Vapours.
  • The easiest, drop the water bottle on the ground and destroy it with an attack (an offhand attack with a bonus action is perfect for that). Once the enemy is wet, they will become vulnerable to Ice and Lightning damage. This means you deal double the amount. After this follow up with your favorite spell - Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (347)Chain Lightning (with Markoheshkir), Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (349)Lightning Bolt, Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (350)Cone of Cold, etc.

Early Game Combat

Let's cover how you should progress combat levels 1-6. overall, you will be a simple Sorcerer, so there are no huge secret combos yet.

  • Very early in the game, you play as a normal caster. use Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (351)Magic Missile, Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (352)Cloud of Daggers​ on grouped enemies, and Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (353)Chromatic Orb​ on wet foes. Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (354)Sleep​ is perfect for disabling them.
  • You can use Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (355)Metamagic: Twinned Spell​ to deal some great damage by double-casting your single-target spells. This will double your damage at the cost of only one Sorcery point.
  • To further improve your damage output you can also use Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (356)Metamagic: Quickened Spell​ for bonus cast using bonus action.
  • Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (357)Fireball​ and Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (358)Lightning Bolt​ are very powerful spells from level 5. For the latter one, I also recommend applying Wet status via Water Bottle or Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (359)Create Water​ to double damage.
  • Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (360)Haste​ is amazing. Use it together with Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (361)Metamagic: Twinned Spell​ to buff up yourself and an ally. Doing this before a combat will give a huge edge over the foes.

Late Game Combat

This is where you will start utilizing Sorcerer Warlock builds fully.

  1. You can turn level 2 spell slots into Sorcery Points using Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (362)Create Sorcery Points. This way you can use improved spellcasting on almost every turn. I would leave level 1 spells for spells like Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (363)Shield.
  2. Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (364)Eldritch Blast​ is your main action for dealing damage when you have control spells in action or want to save spell slots. With correct equipment like Potent Robe and Spellmight Gloves they will deal substantial damage.
  3. Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (367)Eldritch Blast​ also applies various conditions if you are equipped with Spineshudder Amulet, Boots of Stormy Clamour, etc. These include Radiating Orbs, Freighten, and Reverbation. The conditions are perfect for controlling without any Concentration spell usage.
  4. Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (370)Ice Storm​ and Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (371)Sleet Storm​ are great spells to create ice surfaces. Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (372)Cone of Cold​ is another good spell, that deals more damage, but creates Ice Surfaces only if the floor is wet. These can be cast on the first rounds before you start using Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (373)Eldritch Blast.
  5. Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (374)Darkness​ can be used to create a safe zone from which you can cast spells.
  6. Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (375)Confusion​ is an amazing spell, that can be cast on the first turn. I recommend using it if you see multiple enemies bunched up together. This way most of them will get affected, and make encounters easy.

Build Variations

There are a few variations that the build could be changed about. I think it is more for advanced players who are likely doing some deeper optimizations.

Fire Sorlock:
  • 1 Lv Warlock
  • 11 Lv Sorcerer
This is one of the strongest control builds, that relies on fire spells and Hat of Fire Acuity. The level 1 warlock gives a Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (377)Command​ to disable multiple enemies which you follow up with fire spells - Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (378)Scorching Ray, Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (379)Fireball, Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (380)Wall of Fire, etc.
Fighter dip Sorlock:
  • 2 Lv Warlock
  • 2 Lv Fighter
  • 8 Lv Sorcerer
You get access to the level 4 spells, and a decent amount of spell slots. Moreover, 2 levels of Fighter give Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (381)Action Surge, which is great for that initial burst round.
Crit Eldritch Blast Spammer:
  • 2 Lv Warlock
  • 6 Lv Sorcerer
  • 4 Lv Fighter
The build is made to capitalize on Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (382)Eldritch Blast​ and has a high critical chance. The downside is that you get limited access to spells and especially spell slots, but you have the ultimate cantrip at your disposal.
First-turn Eldritch Spammer:
  • 2 Lv Warlock
  • 4 Lv Sorcerer
  • 3 Lv Fighter
  • 3 Lv Rogue
Want to kill a boss in one turn with as many blasts as possible? Well here is a variation for you. It is meant to be a one-turn wonder that lights up like fireworks and exhausts its resources instantly.


Thank you for reading the Sorlock Build for Warlock Sorcerer Multiclass. The build was created with a lot of effort and tons of testing. The gear section and leveling progression should cover all the needs so you could progress through the game smoothly

I would like to thank:

  • Sensha from BG3 Builds Discord on proof reading and suggesting item improvements
Best Sorlock Build - the Ultimate Guide (2024)


What is the best race for a sorlock in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

Best Race For Sorlocks: Halfling Or Half-Elf.

Why is Sorlock so powerful? ›

Two of the the most powerful magic classes in fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons are married in the sorlock. Multiclassing between the warlock and the sorcerer will allow you to combine the powerful root of warlock magic with the high damage potential of a sorcerer, making you a fearsome fighter.

Is Sorlock viable in BG3? ›

The “Sorlock” is a powerful multi-class combination in Baldur's Gate 3. It utilizes key levels of two classes: Sorcerer and Warlock. Both of these are Charisma-based mages with access to some of the strongest spells in the entire game. It is possible to use this build on any character or companion.

Is Sorlock good in D&D 5e? ›

A 5e Guide for Sorcerer Warlock Multiclassing

Sorlocks are one of the classic power builds in dungeons and dragons 5e and they're still likely the most popular character build for their sheer damage output and obscene nova damage potential.

What is the best Robe for a sorlock? ›

Potent Robe is the best overall clothing item because it aids in damage and defensive capabilities. You can multiclass your Sorcerer to a Sorclock (Warlock) and gain a powerful Eldritch Blast.

What is the most op class in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

The Paladin is the strongest class and subclass in Baldur's Gate 3 due to its damage output, survivability, and versatility. The Paladins can access various weapons and armour types, allowing for diverse playstyles. Combining Extra Attack with Divine Smite results in exceptional raw damage potential.

How do you multiclass a sorlock? ›

Breaking Down The Sorlock's Class Levels

After their first level, a sorcerer and warlock multiclass D&D build should take two levels in warlock. This gives access to Pact Magic, Eldritch Blast, and Eldritch Invocations, giving the build its attack option for the rest of the campaign.

What is the most important ability for a warlock? ›

Charisma. Like Bards and Sorcerers, Warlocks are Charisma-based arcane spellcasters, which makes Charisma the Warlock's primary and highest stat. Dexterity. Dexterity is especially critical for a melee Warlock, but it should be highly valued for any build in this class.

What to multiclass with warlock? ›

Every Warlock Multiclass Combo In D&D 5e, Ranked
  1. 1 The Paladin Class Is Tough And Uses CHA For Magic.
  2. 2 The Sorcerer Class Expands A Warlock's Arcane Options. ...
  3. 3 The Bard Class Uses CHA And Offers New Skills. ...
  4. 4 The Fighter Class Likes Hex And Lifedrinker. ...
  5. 5 The Rogue Class Offers New Skills And Likes Pact Of The Blade. ...

Which Warlock subclass is best in BG3? ›

The best Warlock Subclass is The Fiend. The Fiend grants the Dark One's Blessing passive at Level 1, which, upon killing an enemy, grants temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier and your level. At Level 6, you'll earn Dark One's Own Luck for a 1d10 to an Ability Check once per Short Rest.

What is the best fighter subclass in Baldur's Gate? ›

The best Baldur's Gate 3 Fighter subclass is Battle Master, which grants you access to seven Manoeuvres - three at Level 3, two at Level 7, and two at Level 10. These are unique combat abilities that you can activate using an action.

What stats are most important for sorlock? ›

Warlocks need to focus on Charisma and Constitution but don't forget about a stat that's also important. Dexterity is vital for all characters as it goes towards your initiative bonus, AC (Armor Class), and melee attack rolls.

What is the most overpowered D&D class? ›

1) In terms of sheer power, the most overpowered class in D&D 5e is (and almost always has been, in all editions) the Wizard. The spells a Wizard can command can solve just about any problem, and beat any opponent.

How strong is the Tarrasque? ›

Anything in Tarrasque's stomach takes 2d8+8 acid damage and 2d8+10 crushing damage per round; we need to make sure that he can't digest the block before he drowns. The Tarrasque has a strength of 45, and he's a Colossal sized creature, so his maximum load is roughly 200000, or 100 tons.

What is the best race for classes in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

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RaceBest class
GithyankiMonk, Fighter, Rogue
High Half-ElfDruid, Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard, Cleric
Wood Half-ElfRogue, Ranger, Monk
Drow Half-ElfCleric, Monk
17 more rows
Dec 8, 2023

What is the best race for clerics in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

The Duegar is the best race to select for a Cleric in Baldur's Gate 3. Any Dwarf would do because they get extra proficiencies for many different bludgeoning weapons. However, the Duergar is the best choice for a Cleric because they also gain advantage against being charmed or paralyzed.

What is the best race for coffeelock build? ›

The best race to do this with are elves. You do your long rest in 4 hours, and the next 4 you can do the short rest dirty tactic. The Warforge, or Aspect of the moon Eldritch invocations, allow you to not sleep. But they don't allow you to skip the long rest.


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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

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Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.