How can you get Venture Capitalists to notice your startup? (2024)

Last updated on Apr 5, 2024

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Know your target VCs


Connect through warm introductions


Craft a compelling pitch


Follow up and build rapport


Seek referrals and introductions


Showcase your traction and social proof


Here’s what else to consider

Getting funding from venture capitalists (VCs) can be a game-changer for your startup, but it's also a highly competitive and challenging process. VCs receive hundreds of pitches every week, so how can you stand out and get their attention? Here are some tips to help you network and build relationships with potential investors.

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  • Jonathan Hollis Accelerating Emerging VCs | Partnering with founders raising capital

    How can you get Venture Capitalists to notice your startup? (3) 14

  • Phuc Nguyen Making fundraising advisory and innovation programs services accessible to those in need.

    How can you get Venture Capitalists to notice your startup? (5) 7

  • Anna Gishko VC investor | startup advisor | ex-Apple

    How can you get Venture Capitalists to notice your startup? (7) 4

How can you get Venture Capitalists to notice your startup? (8) How can you get Venture Capitalists to notice your startup? (9) How can you get Venture Capitalists to notice your startup? (10)

1 Know your target VCs

Before you start reaching out to VCs, you need to do your homework and identify the ones that are most relevant and aligned with your startup. Look at their portfolio, focus areas, investment stage, and track record. You want to find VCs that have experience and interest in your industry, market, and problem. You also want to avoid VCs that have invested in your direct competitors or have conflicting interests.

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  • Phuc Nguyen Making fundraising advisory and innovation programs services accessible to those in need.


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    In my humble experience as VC investor, I strongly suggest founders to do the homework very carefully prior to any fundraising rounds. And learning about the target VCs is one of the key part of that. Among thousands of founders a VC member meets annually, it is critical for you to leave a big, yet positive, impression on the VC. In order to achieve that, please consider researching on: their fund size, their preferred company stage & sectors, their average cheque sizes and their favorite type of founders. It is also good to learn a bit deeper into the leadership of the VCs you really want to work with. Who knows if one day you will meet the GP of a VC at a pottery workshop?


    How can you get Venture Capitalists to notice your startup? (19) 7

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    Pitching is an art form that can be honed and a skill set that comes from experience. Fundamental in this process is the deep dive research about your audience.A deep understanding of the VC funds you’re pitching includes an analysis of the wire portfolio, the sectors they concentrate on, the thematic investment approach to portfolio management, and the type of CEO Founders the VC is interested in backing.


    How can you get Venture Capitalists to notice your startup? (28) 3

  • Anna Gishko VC investor | startup advisor | ex-Apple
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    Do your homework, prepare your CRM for the next investment round, and filter it by geo, stage, and industry. Try to get to know your target investors before you go to them asking for money - invite them for coffee, build a personal relationship, ask for investment thesis or feedback on your startup metrics, tell them what you do without pitching directly.

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2 Connect through warm introductions

The best way to get in front of VCs is through a warm introduction from someone they trust and respect. This could be a founder they have backed, a mentor, an advisor, or a mutual contact. A warm introduction can help you bypass the cold email inbox and get a faster and more positive response. To get a warm introduction, you need to leverage your existing network and ask for referrals. You can also expand your network by attending events, joining communities, and reaching out to influencers in your field.

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  • Arif Damji VC (Conductive Ventures)
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    Cold outreach can be challenging and often ends up being disregarded as mere noise. If you have existing investors, it's advisable to depend on them for introductions. They are familiar with your progress, have a stake in your success, and are likely to have the necessary connections. As your company develops, you will naturally accumulate a network of advisors and mentors. These individuals can prove invaluable in linking you with potential investors. However, it's important to approach this with a degree of subtlety. Overly aggressive selling or insistent outreach can lead to a situation where people might tell you what you wish to hear, rather than their genuine opinions or intentions


    How can you get Venture Capitalists to notice your startup? (46) 3

  • Yotam Rosenbaum YC Founder, Mentor, Investor
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    The way you initially connect with a VC will have a significant impact on how they perceive the opportunity. Since VCs need to assess a large number of opportunities and cannot afford to look at each one closely, they rely on other signals to quickly evaluate whether an opportunity is worthwhile. The most effective way to connect with VCs is through a warm introduction from someone they know and trust, such as an accomplished founder from their own portfolio.


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3 Craft a compelling pitch

Once you have secured a meeting with a VC, you need to impress them with a compelling pitch that showcases your value proposition, traction, differentiation, and vision. You need to tell a clear and concise story that explains what problem you are solving, how you are solving it, who you are serving, and why you are the best team to do it. You also need to back up your claims with data, evidence, and testimonials. And don't forget to tailor your pitch to the specific VC you are talking to, highlighting how you fit their criteria and goals.

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  • Claire Macmillan VC pitch deck coach. Ex criminal barrister.
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    Your pitch deck needs to pass the 15 second test with investors. In other words they need to be able to skim through it from end to end in a 1st pass of around 15 seconds and “get it” - at a high level. To pass the test you need to do 2 things: tell a coherent, compelling story from end to end using big bold messaging and support this through strong content visualization. Think of it this way - if you cut and pasted all the big bold messages into a Google doc, would they read together as one clear, exciting narrative? And in terms of the content you have put on the slides to support those messages - have you been creative? Never just have lists of bullet points, you need strong visuals that convey information quickly & effectively.


    How can you get Venture Capitalists to notice your startup? (64) 3

  • Vishal Bhatia Founder and General Partner at London Fields Venture Capital
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    Founders often try to tailor their offering to win over VCs, which can dilute their purpose and make it solely about securing funds. Stay true to your purpose, immerse yourself in every detail of the business; conducting thorough research, engaging and learning from others. Live and breathe your business and it will enable you to effectively convey the problem you are trying to solve.


    How can you get Venture Capitalists to notice your startup? (73) 1


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4 Follow up and build rapport

After the pitch, you need to follow up and build rapport with the VC. You need to thank them for their time, provide any additional information they requested, and update them on your progress and achievements. You also need to show genuine interest in their feedback, insights, and advice. You want to keep the conversation going and demonstrate your commitment, enthusiasm, and professionalism. You also want to ask for their permission to stay in touch and keep them informed until they make a decision.

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    Follow up can make all the difference. In my experience, founders take initial impressions and feedback personally. Funding and building a startup is a long game, so brace yourself for the Nos and come back strong. Find the decision influencers (typically analysts) and build a rapport and get first hand feedback from them. They are the ones that influence the decision, they also typically have a good network of analysts at other firms and can be open to make introductions to VCs that might be a better fit. Decisions are also not final, if a firm gives feedback and you are able to effect changes within the next quarter, you'd be surprised that it could be a game changer.


    How can you get Venture Capitalists to notice your startup? (82) 1


5 Seek referrals and introductions

Another way to get more VCs to notice your startup is to seek referrals and introductions from the ones you have already pitched to or met. If a VC likes your startup but is not ready to invest, they might be willing to introduce you to other VCs who might be a better fit or more interested. This can help you expand your reach and credibility, as well as get valuable feedback and insights from different perspectives. You can also ask for introductions from other founders, mentors, advisors, or experts who have connections with VCs.

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  • (edited)

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    A few tips when qualifying and engaging with a potential referee / intro maker:- Ideally want to know the connector well so they feel compelled & confident to make the intro. - Likewise make sure the connector knows the investor well so it's an impactful intro.- Make it clear to why this will be a mutually beneficial connection & value for the connector to make the intro.- Do all the heavy lifting for the connector, prepare them what they need, draft email & pitch deck etc. - Don’t let the connector down, be professional, responsive & highly engaged once the intro is made. - But also be prepared & understand if someone declines to make a connection. They might know better than you whether it is a valuable connection for the investor.


    How can you get Venture Capitalists to notice your startup? (91) 2


6 Showcase your traction and social proof

Finally, you need to showcase your traction and social proof to attract more VCs to your startup. You need to show that you have a viable product, a growing customer base, a strong revenue model, and a scalable potential. You also need to show that you have a reputable team, a loyal community, a positive reputation, and a competitive edge. You can showcase your traction and social proof by creating a landing page, a blog, a newsletter, a podcast, a video series, or any other content that highlights your achievements, challenges, and learnings. You can also leverage social media, press, awards, and testimonials to amplify your visibility and credibility.

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    There's a lot of different ways to get on a VC's radar.But probably the most universally agreed upon way is to have demonstrable traction with customers.The way to do this is to build something valuable and prove you have a distribution model to get it in front of those people.If your team doesn't have technical skills (a red flag for most software companies) you should find a way to build a no-code solution that proves early traction.An example of this is AngelList which launched their initial solution as an email distro of 60 top angel investors.The actual syndicate platform did not launch for years after, but by then they had proven they had found product-market fit.


    How can you get Venture Capitalists to notice your startup? (100) 2


7 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Jonathan Hollis Accelerating Emerging VCs | Partnering with founders raising capital
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    You can increase the likelihood of being contacted cold by investors by making sure your public profiles are up to date (such as those listed on Crunchbase, Pitchbook, Beauhurst or Tracxn).Making sure you have an active presence on LinkedIn will also help.Most VCs now pride themselves on using data and technology to source the best deal - you therefore need to make sure you are there for them to find.


    How can you get Venture Capitalists to notice your startup? (109) 14

  • Anna Gishko VC investor | startup advisor | ex-Apple
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    FOMO... an art to creating FOMO is to meet people and tell them what you are doing without asking for any action on their part, but keeping them informed of your progress. Then get ready with your investment round materials and run the process in a limited amount of time with layered communication of tiered preferred groups of investors.


    How can you get Venture Capitalists to notice your startup? (118) 4

  • Alfred Boediman master of none
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    Courting with VCs, you must know who you're pursuing, make a good first impression, and keep the flame alive to attract them. Learn your target VCs' investing strategy and industry focus. Remember, you want a partner who shares your goal, not money. Your pitch keeps doors open after a warm welcome. Content should be engaging, informative, and data-backed. After the pitch, remain in touch and demonstrate you value their feedback to have a memorable date. Not that one? Do not worry. Find the right match through their network. Finally, social proof and traction trump words. Consider highlighting your strengths, such rising customer base or new solutions. In VC, you want to be remembered, not just recognized. Good luck!


    How can you get Venture Capitalists to notice your startup? (127) 1


Venture Capital How can you get Venture Capitalists to notice your startup? (128)

Venture Capital

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How can you get Venture Capitalists to notice your startup? (2024)


How can you get Venture Capitalists to notice your startup? ›

To truly captivate VCs, demonstrate a deep understanding of your market and how your solution creates a paradigm shift. Personalize your pitch to reflect why your startup is not just another investment but a journey they would regret missing out on. Use data to tell a story, not just to impress with numbers.

How do venture capitalists evaluate startups? ›

VCs look for a competitive advantage in the market. They want their portfolio companies to be able to generate sales and profits before competitors enter the market and reduce profitability. The fewer direct competitors operating in the space, the better.

What do venture capitalist look for in a startup? ›

Venture capitalists don't want to see a “me too” or “also-ran;” they want to see a business that either provides a compelling reason for people to change from their current habits, or see something that is truly unique. For this reason, venture capitalists want to see a product that has strong differentiators.

How to convince venture capitalists? ›

Pitch Perfect: How to Convince VCs to Invest in Your New Startup
  1. Mastering the Art of the Pitch. ...
  2. Riding the Wave of Global Trends. ...
  3. Develop a Strong Value Proposition. ...
  4. Showcase a Strong Team. ...
  5. Validate Your Concept. ...
  6. Address Market Size and Potential. ...
  7. Develop a Clear Business Plan. ...
  8. Build Relationships.
Mar 7, 2024

How do you answer the question why venture capital? ›

Q: Why venture capital? A: Because you are passionate about working with startups, helping them grow, and finding promising new companies – and you prefer that to starting your own company or executing deals.

How to connect with venture capitalists? ›

A good technique to get in touch with a VC is through referrals of investors. Meeting other VCs through fellow investors can be the ideal introduction, especially if they are eager to join your investment round as well.

What do VCs look for in founders? ›

Venture Capitalists highly value prior industry experience in Founders they choose to back for several reasons. Industry experience equips Founders with a deep understanding of market needs, customer pain points, and the competitive landscape, enabling them to better navigate complexities and opportunities.

What does a VC want to hear? ›

VCs will want to know what milestones — particularly those related to growth and revenue — you will hit and when. If your startup has no immediate plan for revenue, say, because product development will take time, you should be ready to list other benchmarks you will achieve in lieu of revenue.

How do I get venture capital for my startup? ›

There's no guaranteed way to get venture capital, but the process generally follows a standard order of basic steps.
  1. Find an investor. Look for individual investors — sometimes called “angel investors” — or venture capital firms. ...
  2. Share your business plan. ...
  3. Go through due diligence review. ...
  4. Work out the terms. ...
  5. Investment.

What questions do VCs ask founders? ›

Founding Team:

Are you 100% fully committed to making your idea a success? How has your previous experience helped you? How do you deal with conflict of interest? How do you approach goal setting and KPIs?

How to pitch to venture capitalists? ›

How to pitch your business to venture capital investors
  1. Have the right type of business. ...
  2. Find the right investors. ...
  3. Focus on the market. ...
  4. Know your numbers. ...
  5. Be honest about the strengths and weaknesses of your team. ...
  6. Find good advisors. ...
  7. Learn from “no”

How to get the attention of a VC? ›

But in grabbing a VC's attention, perhaps the most important thing to remember is that investing is a relationship, and talking with an investor should be a two-way conversation. It's always best to thoroughly research who you're talking to, and allow for a natural exchange of ideas.

How do you introduce yourself to a VC? ›

When you approach a VC at a networking event, you should be respectful and courteous. Introduce yourself with a smile and a handshake. Mention how you found out about them or what you have in common. Ask if they have a few minutes to chat or if they prefer to schedule a meeting later.

How to stand out in a VC interview? ›

To stand out in the interview, understanding your unique blend of professional experience, personal background, and passions – your “sweet spot” – is key. VC interviews usually hit 1 or more of these common question categories – About your background, investment thesis, and deal flow sources.

How to nail a VC interview? ›

The most important things to remember are that you should be able to clearly articulate why you want to join the VC industry overall and the firm in particular, and have knowledge of the markets and industries in which the firm works.

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What are the best ways to show your interest in venture capital during an interview?
  1. Know the industry.
  2. Show your analytical skills. Be the first to add your personal experience.
  3. Highlight your relevant experience. ...
  4. Be curious and humble.
  5. Express your passion and vision.
  6. Here's what else to consider.
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What is the venture capital method of evaluation? ›

In the Venture Capital method, this is usually calculated as a multiple of the company's revenues in the year of sale. Since thismethod is often used to value early stage, pre-revenue startups with negative cash slows, EBIT multiples are usually not applicable.

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VCs often look for startups with a competitive advantage and barriers to entry, often through innovations, expertise, or partnerships.
  1. Team Evaluation.
  2. Product or Service Analysis.
  3. Revenue and Growth Potential.
  4. Cost Structure and Burn Rate.
  5. Fundraising and Financial Strategy.
  6. Market and Industry Risks.
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Check out the startup valuation methods these ten founders and investors recommend for figuring out how much your company is likely to be worth.
  1. Standard Earnings Multiple Method. ...
  2. Human Capital Plus Market Value Method. ...
  3. 5x Your Raise Method. ...
  4. Thinking About The Exit Method. ...
  5. Discounted Cash Flow Method.
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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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