The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 11 1046 18 Birmingham Hands Cleveland One Hit Defeat in 3 to 0 ROSS' BAT HELPS AMMONS OILS GROMEK WIN 4 2 BIO OR OURTHINROW JAMES DOYIE to Get on Base v'1 4 WE 10 HIT GOAL 4 A i Royal Million Mark in Attendance Will Be Reached Sunday SERVO IS STILL A CHAMPION Keep A Leaders rom Welter Title by Dec 1 Clinching Pennant sion here yesterday the NB A come out of Broken Bow Okla 10 hit attack on four Cincinnati powers ruled that Marty stood off the Phillies with six hurlers the Brooklyn Dodgers justified tn 'Withdrawing from his scheduled championship match with give the St Louis Cardl trounced the Reds 8 0 today Rny (Sugar) Robinson at New Yorkidals a 4 1 victory which kept for their sixth straight victory 1 4 Vl 4 r1 I I it 4 1 I A tv I ft ft Race af a Glance 0 5 1 0 Night games (10 0 2 A 0 A i A 0 3 1 3 1(1 1 1 0 ooo A 0 A 2 10 1 2 0 which sent 3 32 7 27 10 0 0 Minor League Play Offs carried on 0 10 0 2 0 0 League No 0 AMERICAN LEAGUE DOI 1 before Chicago 2 BETTER GOL League MIDGET AUTO RACES 9 BIG 9 Akron important Medical Advance in SOCIAL DISEASE of the down Rubber Bowl NATIONAL RADIO SCHOOL Dille Ce) (Edl NAME Tonite 8:30 ADDRESS EN 2250 5005 Euclid rnnxE 1 1 Phone ENdicoH 9182 and then moving along on infield out And that the extent of Clevelands fu efforts against the 216 pound second on plate took and tallied LUCKY TO BE A YANKEE 4 3 4 2 4 3 0 2 41 0 7 2 1 0 1 0 4 Stovens I Schultz 1 Reese Cleveland soar past first time 2 0 0 to Servo to have Robinson on the 0 0 0 Zarilla rf Lehner cf 0 0 0 1 thorn two games in front of the second place Brooklyn Dodgers Brecheen a stylish moundsman 1 1 7 1 0 0 Sbrl Trail 5 3 2 0 Retires 17 Batters in Order Permits Only 3 Runners Mnty Scno ordeied off the welterweight boxing throne by She New York State Athletic Commis sion a week ago is still the cham pion tn the eyes of the National Boxing Association Taking action on the Servo case in their afternoon convention ses sion nere yesteraay we in a 4 At 2 2 0 4 0 A Bookworm Speaks rainy days in Cleve remarks a sterling citi zen prefer to have his name kept out of it nothing llike better than to curl up in a good and bet on horses going in fields afar where the weather is clear and the track 50 51 60 64 76 79 81 78 Mellon the fifth straight Dodger hurler to go the route the first tune five Brooklyn hurlers 19th field Gro A 4 ty Eitperh Wke Really Know How! TIME PAYMENTS 0 0 2 10 27 11 Rosen rf Thomson 3 Young Gnr'fton if Kerr Laic'kie 2 Gladd Tnnkto Kenned'' pBlaUner Grissom Totals 3t festive board at the linllrnden Hotel last of the Cleveland Musial Will Play With eller's Team Stan Musial St Louis Cardinal slugger will join Bob eller's all star team on its exhibition tour that opens Sept 30 in Pittsburgh the Cleveland Indian hurling ace announced last night If the Cardinals win the National League pennant Musial will go on the jaunt as soon after the world senes as possible 8 urlllo Stanky 2 TIGERS TAKE 2D TOP RED SOX 9 1 Witte 1 Berardi no 2 'KISS rannin ooo WX) Don's Homer and Single Score 3 Runs as Steve Beats Yanks for I st Victory Since June 28 4 1 Hi Black in 2: Malloy 0 Attendance 18487 last riday aught then ordered him to defend his crown against Robin son by Dec 1 or abandon all claims to it It was also voted that the champion should post a $10000 bond guaranteeing said defense? Abe Greene EVA president stated that the organization outstanding medical authorities at their in arriving at the deci sion that nose injury was sufficient reason for doubting that ho was in condition for a champion ship fight last week Weill Sends Leiter Al Weill manager sent letters from two nose specialists and pictures of nose to lhe cnnventioning group Wrote Wedi would have been an injustice to lhe public and made him box scheduled date" Greene said 3 1 2 AHO A 4 12 0 4 0 0 2 1 2 1 0 groups from Harvey home town Junior 1:30 AB (Protected bv John note: The new printed diagram Applying Backspin ran be obtained by tending a 3c stamped elf addresed en velop to Sam 'Snead Ln of the lair Dealer! Pct GB 635 2 433 27 423 29 By Sam Snead you practice you compile good golf habits And as you gather knowledge and skill you will begin to pick out your one or two fundamental flaws sjy you're today's pic tured player and that you usu ally slice More likely than not your slice is due to your hands I can hear Mr Stanislaus Totaloss saying: "What Maxim talk like dees? He's got BOXING CEIBlil'IirS gathered around thr National Boxing Association's banquet In the night Left to right are Slanlcv ofall chairman Boxing oinmlsMoti Larry Atkins ixlh City matchmaker whd served as loajtmasler Eddie Bohn of Denver past president of the A and Abe (Irrenr Paterson A president of the NB A Wniti hemi Hctchpr I Russell cf Elliott ft Sakeld ox kiner If Handley 3 Sewell Gerheauser Totals only one after the third and fanned eight He got Henrich twice after the homer Chandler who has 17 victories I allowed all of the seven hits I in suffering his eighth setback He bowed out for a pinch hitter in the seventh and Randy Gumpert fanned four of the seven Indians he faced The Indians 'now have won two straight and are even for their cur rent home stand' Now took the lead in the second with a run made from sin gles by Charley Keller Aaron Rob inson and Phil Rizzuto the latter's a bunt to first base Two were out when Henrich poled his homer in the third inning Cleveland missed a fine oppor tunity in the second fizzling with three on and only one out Ross' made it a game with bis drive in the third a line smash that soared over tiie 375 foot marker in 'the bleachers Les leming started the fourth inning rally with a single Lou Boudreau poled another single into right Les taking third Ray Mack fanned but Jirn Hegan walked to fill the sacks Gromek tried a squeeze bunt and leming was thrown out at the plate by Chand ler elix Mackiewicz smashed a single off Bill Johnson's shoetop Boudreau scoring Hegan taking third and Gromek second Ross took a strike fouled off" another accepted a wide pitch for a ball and then cracked the big single After five and one half innings of play two of them in the rain time was called for 55 minutes When the sun broke through Emil Bossard and his crew succeeded in making the diamond playable and uromeK 1 I Dodgers Keep Pace by Routing Reds 8 0 3 4 3J 8 27 11 OHO I 9 Grecn ebb New York that of the times: Only four Yesterday we discussed the importance of thinking always of the swing itself and avoiding letting your thoughts roam to the possible re suits Since a swing is composed of many parts ob Batted Ba ti ed St Lrnik Philadelphia Slauahter Kumwski 2 Donnelly Errors Dinsrs Seminick Runs batted Musial hurnwakl Sig ler Garaginla Gilbert Two base hits Kurowgki' Verban Newsome Three base hit Kurowiiku Stolen Walker Sac rifice Sislrr Double play Walker to Mu sial to Rrecheen Left on St Ihiis ft PhihidelphiA 1 Rasps nn balls Don nelly 2 Brecheen 1 Mulligan 1 Struck Brocheen 5 Donnelly Don nelly 8 Mulhcan 0 in 1 Hit by pitcher Donnelly (Smler'i Don nelly Attendance 30085 Irainwn1 iwd arettiral tnfet with elaborated br this rttnle Signs writers are traveling with the Yan kees instead of the customary score Tiny Bonham and Allie Reyn olds win pitcn me nnaie in Park today at New York fMjinwejsg Snuchock Gordon 2b Johnson 3b Hpnrirh 1h DiMaggio cl neitcr fI Robinson Lindell rf Rizzuto ss Chandler tEtten Gumpert Total 1 i ii i a Mackiewicz cl Ross 3b Seerey If Edwards rt kmiqs lb Boudreau ns Mack 2b Hogan Gromek Totals Openings for leagues from 9 A Mill 4 and 11 fill 3 A SHAKER HEIGHTS RECREATION 1 541 6 Kinsman SK 51 51 A 4 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 0 1 0 3 3 9 0 Hod gin ashington Chicago Runs Yost Priddy 2 Evans Wright Phllley Hitchco*ck Pierettl Mi chaels Smith Runs batted In Vernon Priddy 2 Mi chaels Two base hit Wright Home runs 2 Stolen Yost PhlHey Sacrifices Hitch wk Pieretti Yost Kol Inway Double Priddy II itch wk and Vernon Left on bases fi Chicago 6 Bases on balls Pieretti 4 Smith 3 Struck out Pieretti 2 Smith 3 Maltzberger 1 Smith 5 in 7: Maltz herger in 2 Smith 1:48 13 43j Nats' Pieretti Hurls 4 Hitter CHICAGO Sept Tony Pieretti making his first start of the season tonight held the Chi cago White Sox to four hits as Washington' won 1 to 10 HJ Ycst 3 Lewis rf Grace If Vernon 1 Priddv 2 Spence cf Rvans Hitchco*ck a ieretu Totals The New York State Athletic Commission ruled last week you know that Marty Servo had nosed himself out of the welterweight championship But the National Boxing Com mission announced here yes terday that the condition of the Servo schnozzle had warranted withdrawal from his scheduled title match with Sugar Robinson and 'thus "he still belonged on what One Round Haircut calls 'da They Sweated It Out Lack of ice at the big ice house on the avenue Monday night turned 6425 boxing cus tomers: into a lot of drips They were all swelter champs Howly Smoke! Howls a ballyhoo sheet from the office of the ancient and honorable Dr Jack Kearns' The $1000000 gate of the Kearns Oempsey Rickard era has not been ruined by the Louis Conn debacle' "Thanks to the flailing fists of Clevelander Joe a in) and managerial sagacity the combination that eliminated Jersey Joe Walcott as No 1 heavyweight championship challenger the re turn of record recking boxing receipts and attendance is not far off Maxim takes a better punch than Jack Dempsey and say ing a mouthful Joe Maxim is the gamest fighter who ever laced on a boxing glove Joe Maxim is the fastest left hand Joe Maxim is a big pocket edition of Gene Tunney James Corbett with more stretch inally: MAXIM HAS THE ONLY STYLE THAT WILL DEEAT THE BROWN BOMBER!" New York Pittsburgh 5 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Brooklyn 8 Cincinnati 0 Boston 10 Chicago 2 St Louis 4 Philerfelphia 1 nizhL Pittaburoh 7 New York 4 night TODAY GAMES Pittsburgh at New York two game Chicago at Boston Cincinnati at Brooklyn St Louis at Philadelphia TOMORROW GAMES Pittsburgh Boston two games Chicago at Philadelphia two games St Louis at Brooklyn Cincinnati at New York ATTENTION! 2nd and 3rd Shift Bowlert NOW ORMING South East Industrial Morning League to bowl riday morning at 1 1 A or information call SK 5151 have gone the distance consecutive ly this season The Dodgers sewed up the game the initial inning jumping on Starter Ed Heusser for three runs with Ed Stevens knocking in all three tallies by doubling with the sacks jammed 'finatl Ciay Zieniare I rey 2 Ihke rt Haas 1 Mueller Larnanno Lukon If Corbitt a Hever Blackwell dGoldstein snoun ivven dalluy T'rxi 1 'Batted 4Balted Brooklyn Runs Stank: Runs halted Stevens 3 f'lnl r4 avaMHn hila Clay Galan 5 Thrt'fl brii hi I lalnn ski Mr! ton fitftnfev i Ix'fl on Cincinnati 6 Brooklyn 6 Bases on Heusser Blackwell I Melton 5 Struck out: Blackwell 3 Mel lon 4i riis tieusser well 2 in 3: Shoun in 1 Heusser EAGIES fly home PHILADELPHIA Sept Th Philndplnhia acrl Gaw In from their Saranac Lake (N training camp on chartered air planes today to prepare for the pnr tn ot ti MmatMent rwr ninth annual exhibition end same irelUW with the Chicago Bears riday medieatma night unaer me auspices of the Philadelohia Charities Ine 3I inc 4 Hour to a 34 fm Harns In fifth for Johnson in seventh fur Brown ninth um Of: 300 110 Williams Lake 2 Kell berg 2 Wakefield 2 Cullenbine rixifu Mvrt'i Runs batted Williams Wakefield 3 HutehinS' 2 Greenberg vers Teh hettj Two base hila DiMaggio Cullen bine Evers Three naxe hit Home runs Williams Wakefield Greenberg Sacrifice Kell Double plays Pesky Doerr and York: Russell Doerr ind York 2 Ixift on Boston ft Detroit a Base on Harris 1 Dretewed 2 Hutchinson 3 Struck Harns 3 Johnson 2 Hutchinson ft Harris 7 in 4: Johnson 1 in 2: ireis wrr(i 2M: Brown 2 in Harns 1579b Results Birmingham Ala 3 Cleveland 0 Pontiac Mich 4 "Memphis 0 Dayton 7 Atlanta Ga 3 Michigan Jnterconnty League 5 Oak Mich innings Dearborn vk Detroit rain i anion 3 Youngstown 1 Eliminated 0 0 Totals 30 4 27 11 batted for JJmith in seventh 1OO 101 OiX) 020 "JOLTING JOE OWN STORY! Yes Dr Kearns has the brass and Joe Maxim has the knuckles A Neutral Reports Sacramento's good gray Sr Johnny Rogers manager of Cleveland California Lloyd Mar shall is a gentleman who gets around quite some Winding up a vacation in his old home state of Maine recently Mr Rogers de cided to look in on the Maxim Walcott fight in Camden and the third mitting of Harold Green and Sammy Secreet in Cleveland before returning to the Pacific Coast there in Mr Rogers told us yes terday was as neutral as Sweden So you can take my word for it that Maxim really did hand that Walcott a whale of a lacing It took fighter only a couple of rounds to learn that he had what was needed for the handling Of Mr Jersey Joe and what a lesson he gave him from there Short Priced Ensign Maker of the best selling future book on the $36000 Little Brown Jug Pace which will be presented at Delaware a week from today Mr A Topper of Bucyrus now has Ensign Hanover (Continued on Page Ifn Rafted tBatled Pittsburgh New York Pletcher Russell 2 Elliott 2 Balked Handley Rucker Rosen Lalexkie Tnnkle Errors Laieskie Thomson Runs batted Elliott 3 Salkeld Tnn kle Rucker 2 Whitebead Kiner 5oun Two base hits Russell Whitehead 'Ihree basn Rosen Home Rucker Stolen Elliott Double Hand lev and letcher: Kerr Laieskfe and Young Ift on Pittsburgh 8 New York 4 Bases on Tnnkle 5 Sewell 2 Gerhenuser 1 Kennedy 4 Grissom 1 Sewell 4 in 12 Gcrheauscr 2 in 7H: Trinkle 6 In fi: Kennedy none in Schumacher none in Gnom 1 in 2 Gerheauser Loser Trinkle Time 2:21 9 bb8 rX ball atory of the action packed intimate etnry of Joe DiM aggro lhe real atory of Rijr Learie baaeball! At 11 booksterra Clothbocnd 2 Paper II Publish trf byRu dnlph Dwtribwted hv KtmuriWhter JI 12 NATIONAL 137 135 133 134 134 137 137 131 PHILADELPHIA Sept 10 I P) Hhtv Brecheen best left handed pitcher ever toi pitching of Rube Melton and a PiratesTriumph Over Giants 7 4 NW YORK Sept Pitts burgh opened its last eastern trip of the season tonight with a 7 4 victory over dropped the Giants within four per centage points of the last place Pirates 1'lftfch'ro 4 Hfl A 1 I 2 1 4 30 0 l' 2 0 1 1 2 5 i ') 4 2 0 0 Chicago Judge Buys Cage Team CHICAGO Sept John A Sbarbaro judge of the Cook County Superior Court and for eight years sponsor of major collegiate basketball games today acquired control of the Chicago franchise of the newly formed Basketball Association of America 12 city professional cage league which function in some of the nation's largest in door arenas Judge Sbarbaro will be presi dent of the Chicago team which will play its 1946 47 home sched ule of approximately 30 games in the Chicago Stadium a ai 4 12 3 1 Tucker cf 3 0 1 01 Apphng 3 01 0 KuhM 1 4 1 J3 0 Wright rf 4 3 3 Philley If 4 0 0 0 Kolloway 3 3 0 3 niMtrhaeh 2 5 a nayes 1 Cmith 1 Itodffin 1 0 31 5 27 15j Malt zb ger 0 0 BOWLERS Opening for 2 teams for Jr league 815 team average Shore Bow! 22400 Lika Shm Blvd RE 1155 By Alex Zirin Don Ross smiling Californian who is back in the line up because of a break stepped out with another exhibition of solid clubbing at League Park yesterday and the happiest beneficiary of all was Steve Gromek Rapping a home run smash and a rally clinching single good in all for three runs Don enabled Gro inek to halt the New York Yan kees 4 to 2 and nail his first tri umph since the 28th of June Ross was returned to third base Sunday when Ken Kellner incurred a cold and it was his four bagger that gave Bob eller his 23d vic tory Still in the mood Don earned the tribe its first tally off Spud Chan dler the thud inning yesterday pounding the ball into the distant left field seats Next inning with three on and two out he lined a single over second tor the two runs that proved the payoff Although lie still couldn't fully control his home run pitch Gromek in many respects was at his sea best in the rain interrupted clash which was watched by only 1595 paying smallest turn out since Bill Veeck took over the club four months ago Tommy Henrich drove his circuit crack over the right fence in the third 21st off mck tins year However that was the last run for the fading Yan kees who were mathematically eliminated from the pennant race and dropped into third place three percentage points behind the De troit Tigers Gromek taking his fifth victory against 14 defeats granted five hits The 'gentleman might add that if a guy doesn't feel like curling up himself those bookswill make him curl up even tually Hot Doggerel Champ Servo shouts: hip hooray! got the Shelley Browns Repel Mackmen 5 to 1 ST LOUIS Sept 10 The St Louis Browns still hoping to top the American League second divi sion bunched three singles a walk and an infield out for two runs in the seventh inning tonight to break a 1 1 tie and went on to defeat the Philadelphia Athletics 5 1 rhli Vain rt Hamllry 2 KnnnDka 1 McCosky rf Chapman If Rirhmnnri 3 Wallasea 9 4 owIpt 2 Chrislop 0 Total? 33 24 9 Philadelphia St Louis Handley Lehner Stephens Heath 2 Bernardino Runs batted in Heath McCosky annin 2 Christman Moss Two base hits Mc Cosky Heath 2 bowler Ste phens Double play Moss and Christman It on Philadelphia 7 Ixnus 8 Bases on owler 1 annin Chris topher 3 Struck owler 5 annin 5 owler 7 in 6 Christopher 1 in Hit by pitcher Christopher iMos Wild owler Loser owler Time 1:32 4323 (paid ATI Al Brooklyn AHO A 2 2 4 5 4 1 2 1 1 30 II 1 0 I 3 O' 3 4 5 CLEVELAND Kuns batted Rizzuto Home runs Henrich Ross NA1LI VaL rt xx irrirmiii CTianiher 2 Gromek 2 Gumpert 1 Struck handler Gromek Gum DerJ 4 HXlsd in 6: Gum 2' Heean LoslC Grieve Paoaretla 1 595 Hubbar1 1:55 Attendance A 4 AMERICAN a LAST RESULTS Louisville 12 St Paul 0 Minneapolis 2 Indianapolis 1 12 innings GAMES St Paul at Dnuisville Minneapolis at Indianapolis INTERNATIONAL LEAGl YESTERDAY games scheduled GAMES'" r' Ballimnre at Syracuse Newark at Montreal MM'TKKRN ASSOCIATION LAST NIGHT'S RESULTS Memphis 6 Chattanooga Atlanta 8 New Orleans 2 5 GAMES New Orleans at Atlanta Chattanooga at Memphis MID ATLANTIO Niagara all 4 Erie 1 OHIO STATE Springfield 8 Newark 5 BROOKLYN Sept the Behind the three hit LEARN RADIO ELECTRONICS all Classes orming Now! WETEB AlkjC aa aiainq entirely at Govt VC I EKKlo) espouse under 4he I Bill or full isformatioa WRITE Oil PHONE MAURIEI10 AT 196 NEW YORK Sept Tami Mauriello Bronx cafe owner who meets Joe Louis tor the world heavyweight boxing crown Sept 18 weighed 196 pounds today after a four mile jaunt on the road end eight rounds in the ring i "MHeirlrtRi Uaieet 1 iiDHLbn Hivinuii)Cards TrIp philhes 4 1 bin boxer musi ueicna DETROIT Sept 10 The runaway Boston Red Sox needing only one victory over the Detroit Tigers lu clinch the American Teague flag were stalled again to day as the Tigers handed them their fourth straight setback 9 to 1 Dick three run homer in lhe first inning off Mickey Harris sent the Tigers off to a flying start and they coasted in back of reddie seven hit pitching to grab second place from the New York Yankees Hank Greenberg hoisted his 32d homer into the upper left field stands off Earl Johnson in the filth and Ted Williams produced Boston's only run by belting his 36th four bagger into the third deck in the sixth HoUm MlWUC if Dlaggio rf 4 Williams if 2 11 Ixxrr 2 4 14 York 1 1 0 8 Rush'll I 1 0 hartee a a Harris IQ 0Lazor 1 Johnson ft VMelkovich 1 0 0 0 0 jirown JMcBrlde TotalsBailed tBaitedBatted Boston Detroit WHEEL ALIGNING ON AIL CARS 1 today and may twice tomorrow Ipveland A Ai jjhvjs ci Testruth Turk 3 PfoslH 1 Erne if 3 Payne 3 i Tummer 3 Schmitz rf 3 Durdil 1 I Bradley 1 Steeh 1 Gcssler I Total 2ft 124 13b itted for Davis in ninth Birmingham XX) 200 3 Runs Howard Grammas McMichael Runs batted Busby Grammas Davis Davis Two base Sands Stolen Davis Welch Double play Payne and Piesnn Left on Cleveland 3 Birm mitnaiii uac wi uuiull A olrUf Durdil 2 Bradley 1 Sterh 1 Am VIOUSIV YOU mnn4 8 Durdil 4 tn 3 (none out in 4th: Bradly 5 in 3' Stroh 2 in 1 Cannot think Of Hit by Ammon (J Davlso Brad ley (Welch Passed Tommer looser them all during a swing nut as you gradually acquire skill much of your swing will be come automatic MA 11 ctnnno AWW QVClllC balance hip and shoulder pivots face head posi tions will be something youwon't need to think about if as St Iul A If A 4 0 2 OsChnstman 3 5 2 1 2 1 011 1 3 I 2 1 that if Robinson should refuse to meet Servo by Dec 1 Marty would be required to meet Reau Jack for the title inside the same date limit Should Servo ig nore the command the president added the A would recog nize a championship fight between Robinson and Jack who will be named as the two leading welter weight title contenders in the A ratings to be issued today "This is the most sensible solu tion both for the fighters and lhe declared Greene one that eliminates the possibility ot a fantastic tournament We would like to have New York go along with the decision in amity and ac cord just as we stood on the side E( lines and permitted its commission I shirr to negotiate a title In an earlier session the associa tion banned indefinite suspensions of fighters and made a ruling that all debarrments must have a ter minal date Montreal was chosen as the site of the 1947 convention YESTERDAY'S RESULTS CLEVELAND 4 New York 2 Detroit ft Boston 1 Washington 4 Chios tn 2 night St Loui? 5 Philadelphia 1 night CLEVELAND New York Park 1:30 Boston at Detroit Washington at Chlraco Philadelphia at Si Louis rAUC CLEVELAND vs Boston League Park 1:30 New York at Detroit Philadelphia at Chicago Washington at St Louis night LEAGUE 87 84 73 70 58 58 56 53 Rlrm'hro inn i ruiuy i 0 0 31 Welch 2 0 0 Sands 1 31 Hnwsrri if 82 11 Grammas 4 113 4 3 Davis 4 2 12 0 0 4 1' McMIchl cf 3 22 0 0 0 0 Burks 3 3000 0 Ot Ammons 3 10 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 Totals 32 12 27 9 2 0 2 2j Galan 3 2 4 0 2 0: Lavasrctto 3 2 ii ti I 2 1 Whitman If 2 0 11 Walker rf 3 0 2 0 Ilrmvski rf Jill XKI vu 001 3W uujt 1 1 Two base Mean' i Leit on bases Bases on balls! for Schumacher in seventh for Gladd ninth 202 002 030 000 4 A HO A i 1 Gilbert rf 1 tRowe 0 1 Muilman cf rnms labor 3 Scminlrk erban 2 Dinars 1 Donnelly nR Hughes Northey rf Tnt a 1 for Donnelly in eighth fnr Gilbert in eighth 3on non UUl (MAJ By John Henahan YOUNGSTOWN Sept 10 The weather cooled off here today and so' did the Rosen blums in the 33d National Amateur Baseball ederation tournament Class A champions who scored 23 runs and rapped 38 hits while racking up throe straight tri umphs were held to one bingle by Walter Ammons of the Bir mingham (Ala) Acipcos and lost 3 0 in a fourth round con test at Shady Run ield irst Baseman Joe Pieson whose four hits sparked the Rosies' open ing dav 9 8 victory over Cincinnati collected the only hit off Ammons a line single to right with one out in the fourth innmg He was the last Clevelander to reach first as Ammons a cagey 35 year old right hander with almost perfect control retired the last 17 hitters to post the finest etching effort of the current tourney Rosies (let On Base Jackie Davis was the only other Rosenblum player to become a base runner being hit by a pitched ball to open the game and being saved by irst Baseman Ed Davis' error with one out in the third Davis also was the only Rosie to reach third stealing second in the first Bill was tile Ammow at one time the property of the St Louis Cardinals and a 8 2 winner over the Michigan In tercountv League nine last Satur day Ammons who helped hurl Birmingham to the title here in 19 11 fanned 13 and gave up nine hits to Michigan and today whiffod eight He hasn't allowed a base on balls in 18 innings Birmingham meanwhile rapped Mel Durdil Jim Bradley and Bob Steeh for 11 safeties to post its third victory against a 1 3 setback by Dayton 10 1 loser to Cleveland yesterday Durdil "drafted from the Yale Clothes allowed one hit in the first three innings but was routed with out retiring a hitter the fourth when the first three Alabamans hit safely Bradley Halts Rally Bradley stopped the uprising and blanked Birmingham until the seventh when he slipped on the steep mound and hurt his left hip He left the game with runners on first and second and one out being replaced by Stech who rushed in without a warm up The Volk Jew eler ace ivas tagged for a single to right bv Pratt Busby that drove in the third Alabama run He got the next two hitters tn order and gave up a single with two out in the eighth Catcher Peck Sands opened Bir two run fourth inning with a double to left but was nailed at the plate trying tu score on Jim Howard's single to the same spot when rancis (Cap' Erne made a one handed pickup of the ball and cut loose with a perfect throw to Catcher Bob Tommer Howard moved to second on the throw and scored on Pete line single to center Durdil to the bench Grammas moved to Davis) throw to Hie third on a passed ball on Ed single to center Dick McMichael's single to right sent Davis to third but Bradley got out of the hole when McMichael was nailed on an attempted double steal and Howard Burks grounded to Pieson McMichael opened the seventh with a one base knock to center and after Burks fouled out ad vanced on single to cen ter Bradley then hurt his hip pitching to Busby and Stech took over George Chakan Volk Jeweler southpaw star who hurled a three hitter to defeat Akron 3 1 last Sunday probably will be Manager Art mound choice tomor row in an effort to keep the Rosen blums in the tourney Drawings will be made tomorrow morning Detroit and Dearborn Mich only unbeaten teams were rained out play Stophens 6 Heath If It is appropriate that baseball attendance will the million mark for the in history Sunday afternoon when Loll Boudreau is honored with a jn the stadium In observance of the eventful afternoon Bill Veeck is co operat ing with the Touchdown Club ol Cleveland to make it one of the most elaborate programs ever staged here Joining in the show will be rep resentative 111 Lou's Chamber of Commerce and the Baseball Writers Association of America Gov rank Lausche will make the presentation of the featured gift to Boudreau Connie Mack manager of the Philadelphia Athletics also will participate Veeck will spring several novel ideas on the crowd One of his agents is in New York lining up special entertainment Johnny Price will give his jeep performance for the first time be fore a Cleveland crowd Bob Evans secretary of the Touchdown Club is handling con tributions for the main gift and also will officiate as master of ceremonies" OR BETTER HEATtT Supervised Uondltlontoc Bath Massare eto BARNEY KORON Health Chib Kt 36 Yr 823 hrtr A rr St Louis Brooklyn being ahead of the club head impact Then obviously thecincinnati thing to dp is to think of 'Philadelphia that one part of your swing The correction is in making sure that you pour more hand wrist action into the shot dur ing the last third swing Use those hands ONLY 10 MORE DAYS THISTLE DOWH RACING Post Timo 2:30 A A Detroit SOD 0 Iake a i ten a fl var rf 2 1 1 (jiGrcenberc 1 3 1 6 4 1 4 51 Wakeftoiait 3 1 14 6( ul nbine rf 3 2 2 I 1 ft 5 Webb2 401 i i uiTebbeta 1 0 Totals 31 4196 12 0 0 2 12 0 who is called "The because he is a light footed brilliant fielder didn't have too much trouble in an nexing his 13th victory as compared to 13 setbacks The Cardinals started him off to a 3 0 lead in the first inning Sin gles by Al Schoendienst and Harry Walker a scoring fly by Sian Musial a triple by George (Whitey) Kurowski and a single by Dick Sisler produced the damage Ex Cardinal Pitcher Sylvester (Blix) Donnelly the relief hurling star of the 1944 world series against the Browns was the victim SI I hOrlHl Walker el Musittl 1 kurnwski A Adam If (araKlola Manon Brecheen ToUla 1 0 0 Eduards 0 0 0 Ui Anderson Melton 28 3 24 12 I Totals 33 tor Blackwell in sixth for Shoun in mhth 321 002 cy 3 Galan Walker ornin La va getto MPVP1W sronKV Herman i 2 Double play Galan and Stankv ar srnemro 4 BNNARIH OHWVAN BUREN UROLOGY CLINIC TT CR Hwm fteokMl reave? A 1 i Jr I as: TLLir'i it i Jiriil i MLLE Ak 1 1 JT VW 5r xjft 1 4 1 7 1 CM 1 ft 9S If XY I i It A I Leag i t) 8 jfEITER 1 I fl I I 1 1 i 1 3 1 1 I 1 LbI 2 0 0 0 2 0 3 Ei i JR El 0 0 0 0 2 7 24 1 I 1J7 I AR a ir rs wL 3 i 2 1 1 I fla 1 4 0 0 4 I fuM 4 0 0 2 0 0 Kw8l 4 0 2 4 0 0 fliK I 4 1 I 3 0 0 JI VV 7 1 1 33 0 0 31 4 27 1 2a YEAGER jQ 1 1 fatnM Games Club Games Lot It Behln4 Left St Louis 137 87 50 635 17 Biooklyn 135 84 51 622 2 19 Remaining Games ST 1 (H is BROOK! YN Sept 11 At Philadelphia Sept 11 Cincinnati Sept 12 13 14 At Broukljn Sept 12 13 14 St Louis Sept 15 16 17 At New York Sept 15(21 15 17 Chicago Sept n8 At Boston Sept 18 19 20 Pittsburgh Sept 21 22 23 At Chicago Sept 21 22 2 At Boston Sept "25 Cincinnati Sept 23 24 25 Philadelphia Sept 27 28 29 Chicago Sept 28 29 Boston Pct GB Boston 140 96 44 686 Detroit 134 7757 575 16 New York 138 79 59 572 16 Washington 137 67 70 Chicago 138 63 75 457 33ts CLEVELAND 139 62 77 St Louis 134 58 76 433 35 Philadelphia 138 47 91 341 48 WHEEL ALIGNING ON Alt CARS win i ns I I I I Phone ENdicoH 9182 A SPECIALISTS SINCE 120.

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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.