The BRRRR Method, Explained For Beginners (2024)

Heard of the BRRRR method and wondering what it is?

Well, you’ve come to the right place.

In this guide, we’re going to discuss what BRRRR stands for and how it works in real estate investing. We’ll then give you some detailed “how to” advice, and share a real-life example of the BRRRR method.

Let’s dive in.

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What is BRRRR?

BRRRR stands for buy, rehab, rent, refinance, and repeat. It’s a real estate investment strategy where the investor buys distressed properties with other people’s money (hard money or private money), rehabs the property, rents it out to tenants, and then does a cash-out refinance that allows them to purchase a new property with the same funds.

The BRRRR method allows you to recycle your initial funds into new properties and grow your business beyond your personal financial capabilities — that’s the biggest benefit.

In fact, BRRRR is exactly the strategy that Ryan Dossey — our founder — has used to build a portfolio worth $8.8 million… which is why you’re going to be seeing some of his YouTube videos throughout this article!

But how exactly does the BRRRR method work? And more importantly, how canyou start doing your own BRRRR deals? Let’s dive into the details.

1. Buy

It all starts with finding a good deal.

As the old real estate saying goes, “You make your money when you buy.”

That’s because youonly make money if you find a great deal. In fact, we recommend trying to meet these two criteria with the properties you purchase as often as possible…

  • Purchase homes that are likely to appreciate over time.
  • Only purchase homes that are A-C class assets.

But how do you know if you’ve found a great deal?

You’ve probably heard of the 75% rule before — it states that an investor should pay no more than 75% of the ARV (After Repair Value) of a property. For BRRRR, though, you’ll also need to consider holding costs. Here’s some more details on the 75% rule.

The idea is that, if the ARV of a home is worth $200,000, an investor should pay no more than $150,000minus holding costs and repair costs. Assuming repair costs are $30,000 and holding costs are $5,000, then in this example, the investor’s max offer on the home should be $115,000.

Of course, all of this assumes that you know how to determine the ARV of a property… which is easier said than done.

But it’s not rocket science.

Here’s a video where Ryan explains how to run comps on a propertyfor free using Zillow (this is what he would do when he was just starting out.

Okay, so the final two questions are…

  1. How do you find deals in the first place?
  2. How do you secure private money or hard money for your BRRRR deals?

To find deals, we highly recommend sending direct mail every single month. This is the number one way that investors find deals and if it works for them… it’ll work for you. Most investors secure about one deal per 1,000 – 2,000 mailers, so consider that when you’re deciding how many mailers to send every month.

The best mailing lists are…

  • Tax default mailing lists
  • Vacant house lists
  • Expired listing lists
  • Pre-foreclosure lists
  • Out-of-state landlord lists

You can pull data like this from Propstream. For creating mail that gets a response from as many people as possible, check out our sister company, Ballpoint Marketing, which creates hand-written (i.e. robot-written with real pen and ink) mailers.

As for securing funds for your deals (a critical part of the BRRRR method), check out our 2,000-word, 12-point guide to finding private money lenders.

Or check out the video below to learn how Ryan raises private money in his biz.

2. Rehab

Assuming that you’ve found a good deal, secured funding, and purchased a property, it’s now time to rehab.

Of course, you should have a very good idea of rehab costs before you buy (the 75% formula doesn’t work without a rehab cost estimate).

And it’s difficult to overstate the importance of being accurate in your rehab cost estimate. This is one of the most common places for deals to go sideways — because an optimistic investor underestimates rehab costs.

So how do you determine how much it’ll cost to fix up a property?

Here’s a video from Jerry Norton where he explains a simple and quick method for estimating repair costs…

Those numbers should give you a ballpark idea, but as Jerry mentions in the video, the repair cost is subjective to your market and the specific property that you’ve found.

If you’re new to real estate investing, don’t be afraid to call contractors and ask for quotes before you make an offer or commit to buying.

Also, it’s never a bad idea to pay for a full-blown inspection. As a BRRRR real estate investor, every property becomes a long-term asset, so it’s worth spending a little extra money up front to have a professional inspector check the home for hidden damage you might not have noticed.

And remember: the goal isn’t to rehab the property until it’s in pristine condition; you simply want to rehab the property until it’s in a functional and liveable state for tenants.

Rehabbing the property is a critical part of the BRRRR process because it allows you to rent out the property and get it cash-flowing.

3. Rent

The next “R” in BRRRR stands for “Rent”.

You’ve found a deal, purchased it with someone else’s money, rehabbed it, and now it’s time to find some tenants to get the property cash-flowing. This is critical so that you can start paying back your loan (and ideally, make a little profit every month, too).

In fact, the only way the BRRRR method works is if your properties keep cash flowing.

That requires tenants…good tenants.

But how do you find good tenants? Well, the first step is marketing. List the rental on as many websites as you can: Zillow, Realtor,,, etc. You can also put a sign in the yard of the property or pay for an ad in the local newspaper. The more you market it, the faster you’ll find tenants.

Here are some criteria for choosing tenants.

  • Don’t consider tenants who’ve been evicted before.
  • Tenants should make 2.5 to 3 times the cost of their rent.
  • Verify the tenant’s income and rental history.
  • If there’s no rental history, require someone to cosign.
  • Check referrals.

Once you’ve found high-quality tenants, you obviously have tomanage the property. You can do that yourself if you live in the same city, but we don’t recommend doing so if you want to grow your real estate portfolio beyond like 5 houses.

Instead, find a good property management company.

4. Refinance

This is where the rubber meets the road and you find out if you got yourself a good deal in the first place.

You’ll want to do a cash-out refinance. This type of refinancing allows you to recoup and reinvest your own moneyorpay back your hard money lender so that you can find a new hard money lender.

So long as the property is cash flowing, it should pay for itself on the new mortgage.

Unfortunately, you’ll usually have to wait at least 12 months before doing a cash-out refinance — this is called the “seasoning period” and nearly all banks require it.

That’s why finding a good deal is so important… the deal can’t just be goodright now… it’ll need to be good one year from now, too.

But finding a bank that will do a cash-out refinance can take some time. Seek out local regional community banks and ask them…

  • Do they do cash-out refinancing on residential properties?
  • What is the interest rate?
  • How long is their seasoning period?

Try and stay away from institutional lenders, which typically have a much higher interest rate.

In the below video, Ryan Dossey will walk you through finding cash-out refinance lenders using List Source.

5. Repeat

Now you repeat the process!

If your first deal went well, you have the choice of using the same private money lender or finding a new one.

With time, discipline, and no small dose of mathematical skepticism, you can purchase millions of dollars of real estate using the BRRRR method — Ryan Dossey has purchased more than $8 million worth of assets in just a couple of years!

A Real-Life BRRRR Example

To help you understand how BRRRR works in the real world, let’s look at an example…

As described in the video, these investors estimated the ARV of the property to be about $130,000 and repair costs to be about $30,000.

If we plug that into the 75% rule formula that we learned earlier, their purchase price should be no more than $67,500.

($130,000 x .75) – $30,000 = 67,500

They went a little bit above that and used private money to purchase the house from a wholesaler for $72,000.

This means that, upon buying and repairing the home, the investors immediately gained $32,500 in equity ($130,000 – $97,500)without spending any of their own money(one of the greatest benefits of the BRRRR method).

The investors then filled the home with tenants, charging $1,300 per month and cash-flowing about $200 per month (holding costs were $1,100 per month).

And finally, they did a cash-out refinance on the property, paid back their private money lender, and prepared to repeat the process over again.

That’s what a well-done BRRRR deal looks like.

Final Thoughts

You now understand what the BRRRR method is, why it’s appealing to real estate investors, and hopefully, how to start doing your own BRRRR deals!

Buy cheap, repair like a minimalist, pay close attention to the numbers, find good tenants, refinance as soon as possible, and repeat.

That’s the process.

Are you ready to get started?

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The BRRRR Method, Explained For Beginners (2024)


The BRRRR Method, Explained For Beginners? ›

How the BRRRR method works. What is BRRRR, and what does it stand for? Letter by letter, BRRRR stands for “Buy, rehab, rent, refinance and repeat.” It's like flipping, but instead of selling the property after renovation, you rent it out with an eye on long-term appreciation.

What is the BRRRR method for dummies? ›

The BRRRR Method is a real estate investment approach that involves flipping a distressed property, renting it and taking out a cash-out refinance to buy other properties in need of renovations.

Is the BRRRR method good for beginners? ›

With so many ways to approach real estate investing, it's important to have a detailed strategy to guide you through every step of the process. For many investors—including beginners—the BRRRR method is preferred.

What is the 75% rule for Brrr? ›

But how do you know if you've found a great deal? You've probably heard of the 75% rule before — it states that an investor should pay no more than 75% of the ARV (After Repair Value) of a property. For BRRRR, though, you'll also need to consider holding costs.

What is the 1 rule in BRRRR? ›

What is the 1% Rule in BRRRR? The 1% rule in BRRRR investing is a quick method to determine how much rent to charge as a landlord. If you follow the 1% rule, the rent you charge your potential tenants should equal at least 1% of what you paid for the house, including renovation costs, repairs, and other improvements.

What are the downsides of BRRRR? ›

The BRRRR Method

There are, however, legitimate downsides to BRRRR investing. It requires a good understanding of real estate valuations and renovation costs to accurately forecast after-repair values (ARVs)—a mistake here could result in being stuck with a mortgage that's higher than the property's worth.

How do I start my first BRRRR? ›

How the BRRRR method works
  1. Buy. The first step is to find a property that has potential. ...
  2. Rehab. Once you've found a property, the next step is to rehab it. ...
  3. Rent. After the property is rehabbed, it's time to start renting it out. ...
  4. Refinance. ...
  5. Repeat. ...
  6. Potentials pros. ...
  7. Potential cons.

What is the 70% rule for Brrr? ›

Basically, the rule says real estate investors should pay no more than 70% of a property's after-repair value (ARV) minus the cost of the repairs necessary to renovate the home. The ARV of a property is the amount a home could sell for after flippers renovate it.

What are the downsides of Brrr? ›

Disadvantages of the BRRRR Strategy
  • You need to qualify for a mortgage in order to purchase a property. ...
  • You have to find a deal that makes sense. ...
  • You may have to leave some of your initial investment in the deal.
Mar 15, 2023

Is BRRRR better than flipping? ›

The BRRRR method, if executed correctly, provides a continuous stream of funds indefinitely, in contrast to the one-time profit of a flip. Nevertheless, both strategies offer opportunities for quicker cash and potential leverage. The goal remains the same: to create equity and capitalize on that profit.

Do you pay taxes on Brrr? ›

Because you are retaining the property to rent to tenants, you have not disposed of (sold) the property therefore there are no company or personal taxes to pay on any sale at the moment. Eventual sale and rental profits are however taxable.

What is an example of Brrr strategy? ›

Here's a simplified version of the BRRRR method (we're not including fees or taxes in this example): Buy a $300,000 house ($60,000 down payment; $240,000 loan) Spend $60,000 Rehabbing the property ($60,000 down payment + $60,000 rehab costs = $120,000 total investment) Rent the property for $1,500 per month.

How long does it take to do a BRRRR? ›

How long does BRRRR investing take? Ideally, you should aim to complete a BRRRR project within 4-12 months. The timelines are very similar to what you would aim for when completing a fix and flip.

What is the 4 3 2 1 rule in real estate? ›

Analyzing the 4-3-2-1 Rule in Real Estate

This rule outlines the ideal financial outcomes for a rental property. It suggests that for every rental property, investors should aim for a minimum of 4 properties to achieve financial stability, 3 of those properties should be debt-free, generating consistent income.

How much monthly profit should you make on a rental property? ›

However, if you'd really like to succeed, you should always aim higher at around 15%. Anything between these percentages will be seen as favorable cash flow properties as long as you have a current tenant and are receiving the expected rental income without having to outlay massive fees and expenses.

What is a good cap rate for rental property? ›

Generally, the higher the cap rate, the higher the risk and return. Market analysts say an ideal cap rate is between five and 10 percent; the exact number will depend on the property type and location.

What is an example of a Brrr strategy? ›

Here's a simplified version of the BRRRR method (we're not including fees or taxes in this example): Buy a $300,000 house ($60,000 down payment; $240,000 loan) Spend $60,000 Rehabbing the property ($60,000 down payment + $60,000 rehab costs = $120,000 total investment) Rent the property for $1,500 per month.

What is the 70 rule in BRRRR? ›

This rule states that the most an investor should pay for a property is 70% of the After Repair Value minus the estimated rehab cost. The idea is that the remaining 30% will cover the real estate commission, closing costs and so forth while still leaving a healthy profit.

How much money do you need for the BRRRR method? ›

How Much Money Do I Need to Started The BRRRR Method? The amount that one needs varies, but it is usually about $50-$150K at a minimum because these numbers reflect what would be needed if purchasing another real estate property using BRRRR investing.


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