Star Rug Aj Worth (2025)

1. Star Rug - Animal Jam Collectors Item Worth Wiki - Fandom

  • 25 apr 2024 · Last Updated 4/25/24 The Star Rug is a non-member den item. It was first released at Jam Mart Furniture on June 24, 2011, and left stores in ...

  • Last Updated 4/25/24 The Star Rug is a non-member den item. It was first released at Jam Mart Furniture on June 24, 2011, and left stores in May 2012. It returned for a second release on June 24, 2012, and left stores on May 27, 2014. Only the blue and red variants are obtainable through The Forgotten Desert. Demand Among Collectors: Medium

2. STAR RUG WORTH?? help!!! | Fandom - Animal Jam Item Worth Wiki

  • ok this website says a star rug is worth around a bad long but its low demand. i have a white one, which seems to be the highest value.

  • ok this website says a star rug is worth around a…

3. Star Rug - The Animal Jam Expert

4. Videography Collection - Animal Jam Item Worth Wiki - Fandom

  • 29 jul 2023 · The Videography Collection was sold at the Diamond Shop from August 29, 2019 to September 1, 2019, as part of a Wild Weekend sale. Contents.

  • Last Updated 7/29/23 The Videography Collection was sold at the Diamond Shop from August 29, 2019 to September 1, 2019, as part of a Wild Weekend sale.

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Star Rug Aj Worth (2025)


Is Star Rug a den beta? ›

The Star Rug is a non-member den item. It was first released at Jam Mart Furniture on June 24, 2011, and left stores in May 2012. It returned for a second release on June 24, 2012, and left stores on May 27, 2014.

Is Fruit Bowl a Den beta? ›

The Fruit Bowl was released in November 2010, and was formerly sold at Jam Mart Furniture. It left stores in December 2015. It is obtainable through The Forgotten Desert. Notice: This item is considered a "fake" Den Beta.

Is the tan carpet worth anything aj classic? ›

Tan Carpet. This is worth a good short wristband-bad long wristband or 2-3 other den betas. Cami's Frog. This is worth a decent long wristband or three other den betas.

What are worn blankets worth AJ? ›

Worn Blanket
15-20 RIMs15-20 RIMs1 Den Beta, maybe less
1-2 Diamonds1-2 Diamonds15-20 Diamonds
1 more row
Jun 3, 2024

Is the sewing machine a real den beta? ›

Notice: This item is considered a "fake" Den Beta even though it was released during the beta testing period.

What is a quarter of a den beta Animal Jam? ›

Last Updated 4/29/24A Clothing Beta is not necessarily clothing from the Beta Testing, but are deemed a "clothing beta" by the community. Some are worth a quarter of a den beta, which means four of them are traded for a den beta and some are worth a den beta.

How many clothing betas is a Den Beta worth? ›

A Clothing Beta is not necessarily clothing from the Beta Testing, but are deemed a "clothing beta" by the community. Some are worth a quarter of a den beta, which means four of them are traded for a den beta and some are worth a den beta. There are many clothing items that are "fake" clothing betas.

Is the paw rug a den beta? ›

The Paw Rug is a den item. It was originally released in the Beta Testing as one of the Den Default Items in all Jammers' inventory.

What are den betas in Animal Jam? ›

Den Betas refer to a specific set of den items, the general majority of which were released during the Beta Testing. However, a handful of other later items are also included in this, even if the term 'beta' isn't factually correct.

Is the rocking horse a den beta? ›

The Rocking Horse is a non-member den item.


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Name: Van Hayes

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.