Qualifying for Venture Debt: Eligibility & Requirements (2024)

Qualifying for venture debt from traditional providers, often depended on three factors: who your backers were, how much capital you had raised, and how long it had been since your last raise. With the disruption in the venture debt markets following the collapse of SVB in early 2023, things have changed slightly. Yes, these things still matter, but not nearly as much as they did! In this guide, we break down the typical set of eligibility criteria, as well as the hard requirements of most lenders. Please note: these are the “hard and fast” rules, even though you may not meet the elements we’ve outlined below, you may still qualify for venture debt! Let’s dive in!

A quick refresher on venture debt and its benefits

As the name implies, venture debt is a form of debt financing that must be repaid. Startups receive capital on a lengthy term (often 36-48 months) in exchange for making interest payments on the principal throughout the life of the loan, a bullet payment upon maturity, and in most cases, equity in the business via warrants. These loans are structured to accommodate the unique needs of startups, particularly during their growth phases, more specifically the benefits include: equity preservation, liquidity management, flexibility, runway extension, and speed & efficiency.

  • Equity preservation: One of the most significant advantages of venture debt is that it allows startups to secure funding without relinquishing much (or any) of their equity. This is especially valuable for founders who want to maintain control over their company's direction.
  • Liquidity management: Since most venture debt deals have interest-only periods, startups can effectively put the entire principal balance to work, growing top-line revenues or investing in R&D and product development.
  • Flexibility: Venture debt is one of the most flexible financing options, meaning that startups can use it to fund product development, launch marketing initiatives, or kick off expansion efforts. This is because as mentioned above, it doesn’t need to be immediately repaid.
  • Runway Extension: Technically speaking, no forms of debt financing extend a startup's runway since they need to be repaid plus interest. That said, startups often encounter a funding gap between their initial seed funding or Series A and subsequent equity rounds. This is where venture debt steps in as a bridge, allowing startups to maintain their momentum and execute strategic plans.
  • Speed and Efficiency: Compared to the lengthy process of raising equity financing, securing venture debt is typically quicker and more streamlined. This speed can be crucial for seizing time-sensitive growth opportunities.

For a more in-depth look at the current landscape, check out the startup founders' guide to raising venture debt in 2024.

Exploring venture debt eligibility criteria & requirements

Securing venture debt requires meeting specific eligibility criteria that lenders use to assess a startup's potential to repay the loan. In this section, we'll dive into the key factors lenders may consider when evaluating whether a startup qualifies for venture debt. Ultimately, lenders consider different factors, which is why you may qualify for venture debt from one provider, but not another.

  • Backer quality - Historically, one of the most important factors in qualifying for venture debt, was the quality of your investors. Backing from a tier-one VC was an almost surefire way to qualify for venture debt. Nowadays, it doesn’t matter nearly as much (or at all).
  • Cash balance - Most venture debt providers will lend up to 35-40% of a startup's current cash balance regardless of whether it's “new” or “old” capital. Startups with minimal cash balances may still qualify for venture debt if they have a large amount of non-cash collateral, such as equipment or intellectual property.
  • Collateral - Most venture debt providers require collateral that is valued at 1.25-1.5x the outstanding loan balance. Startups often pledge inventory, equipment, accounts receivable, and intellectual property.
  • Current ratio - the current ratio measures a startup's ability to satisfy its short-term debts, it compares the company’s current assets to their current liabilities. Generally speaking, venture debt providers will not lend under a 1.5 current ratio.
  • Debt service coverage ratio (DSCR) - The debt service coverage ratio (DSCR) compares a startup’s operating income to its debt payments and indicates the startup’s ability to meet its debt obligations. Generally speaking, venture debt providers will not lend over 1.25x a startup's forward operating income.
  • Existing debt or pledged collateral - Generally speaking, startups will not qualify for venture debt if they have other senior debt on their balance sheet if they have already pledged their IP to a junior debt facility, or if they have outstanding all-asset liens.
  • Minimum liquidity and working capital ratios - Liquidity and working capital ratios measure a startup’s short-term financial health. These ratios ensure the startup has enough liquid assets to cover its immediate obligations. Breaching these ratios could signal financial distress and prompt lender action.
  • The recency of funding - Generally speaking, venture debt providers who come in immediately following an equity raise will loan up to 40% of a funding round. So, if XYZ startup raised $20M, they would be eligible for up to an additional $10M venture debt facility. Other venture debt providers that specialize in other sub-forms of venture debt don’t care about how much funding a startup has raised.
  • Revenue - Venture debt providers may or may not require a startup to generate revenue to qualify. Providers that act as follow-on capital providers for equity raises, for example generally do not require revenue. That said, most venture debt deals come with covenants that specify the minimum quarterly revenue that the startup must generate.
  • Runway - generally speaking, venture debt providers will not extend a facility to startups with under 18 months of remaining runway.
  • Venture-debt-to-company-valuation ratio - generally speaking, venture debt providers will only extend between 6% and 8% of the company's last post-money valuation.

Tips for crafting a convincing venture debt application & nailing the raise

Your loan application should be organized and comprehensive, providing lenders with a clear understanding of your startup's financial health. Before starting the loan process ensure that all of your financial documents are up to date and accounting data is accurate. Also, ensure that you have modeled out how much capital you need, the implied revenue growth, and the impact on your runway and cash flow. Ultimately, your goal is to convince the lender that you have a plan for the capital and that your startup will be able to repay the facility. To that end, check out the guide we put together a guide on comparing and negotiating venture debt term sheets.

Here are a few more related tips:

  • Start early, especially when you don’t need it - the end-to-end venture debt process takes 8-12 weeks to complete, so the earlier you start the better. The ideal time to apply is when you do not need the funding, because you’ll have a much easier time qualifying for the funding and even if you don’t pull it immediately you’ll have access to it at a later date (assuming no major adverse changes to your business).
  • Run a tight process - identify your business need, select your target providers, know your numbers inside and out, leverage your connections to land a meeting, and nail the application. For more on running a tight process, view the startup founders’ guide to raising venture debt.
  • Prioritize key terms - Rather than focusing on the headline interest rate or warrant coverage, focus on the covenants and terms of the deal that can significantly impact the day-day operations of your startup. Check out this guide for the venture debt covenants, clauses, and provisions to avoid.
  • Consider the true cost of capital - the true cost of capital is inclusive of the interest rate, the warrants, and fees, the restrictive covenants, and the investor rights that come along with the facility. Consider these factors as well when comparing various term sheets.
  • Take only what you need - Just because you’re approved for $10M doesn’t mean you need to pull the full $10M. Pull only what you need upfront and as you reach the end of the draw-down period re-evaluate whether you need more capital.
  • Add a buffer of 25% - When modeling your needs and assumptions, add in a buffer of 25-30% to account for things not going as planned, because as they say “if something can go wrong, it will go wrong”.
  • Select the right partner - as with all forms of permanent capital, you’ll want to trust the partner you choose to work with. The right partner will consider your interests, be there for you during the good times and the bad, and be willing to work with you if things don’t go as planned.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on qualifying for venture debt

As you delve into the world of venture debt and eligibility criteria, you might have some burning questions. Here are answers to the commonly asked questions.

  • Can early-stage startups with limited revenue qualify for venture debt?
    • Yes, early-stage startups can qualify for venture debt if they can demonstrate strong growth potential, a clear path to profitability, and a compelling business plan. Lenders assess various factors beyond revenue, such as market traction, recent funding, cash balance, and runway.
  • How do lenders assess a startup's ability to repay venture debt?
    • Lenders evaluate a startup's cash flow, financial projections, and the sustainability of its revenue streams. They also consider the management team's experience and risk mitigation strategies.
  • Is having collateral essential for securing venture debt?
    • Collateral is often required for secured venture debt, but not all lenders have the same collateral requirements. Collateral can enhance your eligibility and impact the terms of the loan.
  • Are all venture debt facilities have a bullet structure?
    • No, not all venture debt facilities have a bullet structure. But the bullet structure is typically the most beneficial for startups, which is why it's used so often.
  • What covenants should I avoid when pursuing a venture debt deal?
    • Great question, check out the guide we wrote on the venture debt covenants, clauses, and provisions to avoid.
  • Do all venture debt providers require warrants?
    • No, not all venture debt providers require warrants.

Final thoughts on qualifying for venture debt

Navigating the venture debt landscape can be challenging, but by understanding the factors that lenders evaluate and taking strategic steps to meet these requirements, you can position your startup for success. As you embark on your journey, remember to start early especially when if you don’t need it, run a tight process, prioritize the key terms, take only what you need, and add a buffer of 25% to your estimates. Also, remember that different lenders prioritize different factors, so don’t be discouraged if you are turned down by the first few lenders—keep applying until you find the right partner who meets your needs and aligns with your values.

We’re by no means legal professionals, and this guide is by no means legal advice, but if you’d like an extra set of eyes (or hands) reviewing your venture debt application, or if you’d like introductions to an accounting firm to shore up your books or a venture debt firm, we’d be happy to help out. Get in touch with us!

Happy Building!

Qualifying for Venture Debt: Eligibility & Requirements (2024)


Qualifying for Venture Debt: Eligibility & Requirements? ›

The main requirements for venture debt are strong business performance, positive unit economics, and a recent equity round (within the last 6 months). Generally, even if a startup has great financials, it will be unable to raise this form of capital unless they are backed by a top-tier venture capital firm.

What are the criteria for venture debt? ›

The eligibility criteria for venture debt can vary depending on the lender, but typically include factors such as revenue and cash flow, profitability, and market opportunity. Lenders want to see that the company has a strong financial foundation and the ability to repay the loan.

What is the venture debt process? ›

Most venture debt takes the form of a growth capital term loan. These loans usually have to be repaid within three to four years, but they often start out with a 6- to 12-month interest-only (I/O) period. During the I/O period, the company pays accrued interest, but not principal.

When to get venture debt? ›

Key Takeaways. Venture debt is intended for early-stage businesses that have typically raised $5 million or more in a single round and is typically made available after an equity raise or within a few months of a round closing.

Does venture debt require collateral? ›

Venture debt underwriting focuses less on cash flow and collateral and more on the borrower's ability to raise additional capital to fund growth and repay the debt.

What are the 4 C's of venture capital? ›

How VCs can ensure responsible behavior without excessive regulation through The Four C's “Conviction, Compliance, Confidence, and Consequences.”

What is the 80 20 rule in venture capital? ›

In investing, the 80-20 rule generally holds that 20% of the holdings in a portfolio are responsible for 80% of the portfolio's growth. On the flip side, 20% of a portfolio's holdings could be responsible for 80% of its losses.

What is an example of venture debt? ›

Company A is in its Market & Sales Development stage and is looking to raise $20 million. Instead of raising the full $20 million through a Series B, the company decides to only raise $15 million through venture capital investors and raise the remaining $5 million in venture debt.

What happens if you can't pay back venture debt? ›

A venture loan creates a cash expense for the company every quarter. Unlike equity, it needs to be repaid or refinanced at some point in the future. If the loan is not repaid, the venture lender can take over the company's assets.

How risky is venture debt? ›

While venture debt can be a useful financing tool, startups must understand the risks. One of the most significant risks is the potential for default. Startups that take on too much debt may be unable to make payments, which can lead to bankruptcy or a forced sale of the company. Another risk is the dilution of equity.

What is the difference between debt and venture debt? ›

At its core, venture debt emerges as a specialized financial instrument, specifically tailored for startups and high-growth companies. Unlike equity financing, which involves selling ownership stakes, venture debt operates by offering loans with distinct terms, often acting as a bridge between equity financing rounds.

Is venture debt the same as bank debt? ›

Unlike conventional loans that focus primarily on cash flow, venture debt takes into account the equity already raised by the company, prioritising the borrower's ability to secure additional capital in the future. Typically, commercial borrowers are assessed for credit and debt based on their cash flow generation.

What is the success fee for venture debt? ›

The success fee is usually expressed as a percentage of the company's enterprise value and is often used when a borrower's capital structure is too complicated. Success fees often range from 0.5-1.5% of a company and only become valuable when the company is sold.

How do you pay back venture debt? ›

Venture debt is paid back in monthly instalments, whereas venture capital equity is only paid back by selling your company's shares. You prefer to have experienced advisors to help you grow. Equity investors will sometimes get a seat on your company's board and can become great advisors to startups.

Why is venture debt bad? ›

One of the main drawbacks of venture debt is that it can be very expensive. The interest rates on venture debt are usually much higher than traditional bank loans. This means that you will need to make sure you can afford the monthly payments. Another drawback of venture debt is that it can be difficult to obtain.

What is the default rate for venture debt? ›

The default rates in venture debt lending typically range anywhere from 1% in a really good fund to 5% to 8% in a tough startup environment.

What is the typical structure of venture debt? ›

Typical structure of venture debt deals

The principal amount is determined based on the startup's valuation, financial health, and perceived risk associated with the loan. Startups need to repay this amount over the agreed loan term, which typically ranges from one to four years.

What is the 2 20 rule in venture capital? ›

The 2 and 20 is a hedge fund compensation structure consisting of a management fee and a performance fee. 2% represents a management fee which is applied to the total assets under management. A 20% performance fee is charged on the profits that the hedge fund generates, beyond a specified minimum threshold.

What is the 100 10 1 rule for venture capital? ›

100/10/1 Rule - Investor screens 100 projects, finance 10 of them, and be lucky & able to enough to find the 1 successful one. Sudden Death Risk - Where the founder stops/loses capability to work on the idea. Investors usually choose the incubator strategy to avoid this risk.

What is the minimum amount to start venture capital? ›

Fund sizes vary from a few million dollars ($5-$15 MM) for pre-seed investments to several hundred million for later-stage growth funds backed by institutional investors.


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