Pet Friendly RV Rentals: Pet Friendly Motorhomes & Campers | RVshare (2024)

RVing With Pets

Finding an RV that fits your family and lifestyle is a challenge in itself. When you add a pet into the mix, it can make it that much harder. It doesn’t have to be hard, though! With a little more research, you’re sure to find the right RV rental that will meet not only your expectationsbut your pets as well.

Here on RVshare, you can search whether or not the RV you chose is pet-friendly. The owners will write in their description if they want (or don’t want) your pets to come with you. This will make your search that much easier!

How to find a Pet-Friendly RV Rental

First thing’s first. You want to find an RV that will be a second home for your pet. How do you accomplish this? Obviously, your RV rental won’t be as large as your house. That being said, your pet will feel quite limited as to where they can run, play, and lounge about.

Certain animals will feel nervous while traveling. You’ll want to check on them occasionally to make sure they’re doing okay. If your furry companion has a special blanket they sleep on, make sure you bring it with you. Do they have a favorite toy? That will help calm their nerves while traveling hundreds of miles at a time. Don’t forget to bring treats with you, too! Make sure you reward them for not scratching the furniture or using the bathroom in the RV (unless, of course, they’re cats and use the litter box)!

Do you smoke? If not, you don’t want to rent an RV that has a cigarette odor lurking around. This should be fairly easy, as RV owners will clean up after themselves and freshen up the place. Keep in mind that if you smell something, your pet will smell something. You see, animals have a better sense of smell than us humans do. This is good, though! Your pet will most likely show signs when they don’t feel comfortable in the area they’re in.

If you're looking for an RV rental with pets allowed, look no further than RVshare. There are so many owners who (like you) have pets that they don’t want to leave at home while traveling. You will, without a doubt, find the perfect RV for you, your family, and your pets in a matter of minutes.

Pet-Friendly RV Campgrounds

Many owners, like you, travel with pets. Some feel uneasy leaving their animals at home for a few days, and some just like the company that their animal brings them. It’s not uncommon to go to a campground and see cats in the window of an RV, dogs walking with their owners, or even tiny pets in cages, (such as rabbits and guinea pigs)!

While most campgrounds do allow pets, you may come across a few that don’t. If you want to play it safe, make sure you look up “Pet-friendly RV parks” before you leave. This will give you the reassurance needed to have a relaxing weekend camping. You don’t want to make the mistake of not checking if the park you choose allows pets ahead of time. This could result in being told you need to leave. There will be, in many cases, a pet fee of usually a $1 per pet one time all the way to $5-6 a day! Make sure to do your research and prepare for any additional pet fees.

You shouldn’t have any problems finding a great RV park that allows pets. Often, RV parks have great walking and hiking trails. This will be great for you and your pets! Neither of you will have to stay cooped up in (or around) your RV. Maintaining proper exercise for your pet is important, and being able to keep up on it is important while camping. You don’t want your pets to fall into a routine where they don’t want to walk as much!

Best RV For Pets

Depending on what type of pet you have (cat, dog, or smaller animal), will depend on the type of RV you want to rent. Do you trust your animal in a pull behind all alone? Take note that this environment is new to them. They might become antsy. Are they going to destroy the furniture before you’ve even had the chance to enjoy it?

Most of the time, feline companions will be fine in a pull behind. Cats enjoy their privacyand are curious creatures by nature. They will most likely explore this new area while you’re driving and settling in. By the time you’ve reached camp and unpacked, your cat will feel at home!

Dogs, however, might need the reassurance from their owners that they’re okay. Dogs can be timid, and get frightened easily. A motorhome might be the best option for man’s best friend. If you choose a motorhome, your dog will be able to sit with your passenger and look out the window while being pet and comforted. They will also have the freedom to lay down directly behind you while driving.

All animals are different. If you feel like your pet will be fine in a pull behind, then, by all means, that’s what you should choose. If you’re unsureand want to play it safe, a motorhome may be your best bet. Remember: the motorhome you choose does not belong to you. You should think it through before you choose. You don’t want to return the RV rental that's pet friendly to its rightful owner with torn up furniture and soiled floors. Chances are, you’ll be the one that pays for the damage.

Traveling with pets is a wonderful way to bond with them. Exploring new places, going for longer walks, and meeting friends with other animals will be a great experience for both of you.

Pet Friendly RV Rentals: Pet Friendly Motorhomes & Campers | RVshare (2024)


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