How to Navigate 'Coffee Chats' for Venture Capital | Leland (2024)

If you’re an aspiring venture capitalist, you've probably heard of 'coffee chats.' But, if you're new to the world of venture capital, you may be wondering how to navigate these meetings. In this article, we'll cover everything you need to know about 'coffee chats' for venture capital, from why they're important to dos and don'ts to common mistakes to avoid.

What Are 'Coffee Chats' and Why Are They Important for Venture Capital?

'Coffee chats' in the context of venture capital refer to informal meetings or conversations that individuals, often aspiring entrepreneurs or individuals interested in the venture capital industry, have with professionals already working in the field. These chats typically occur over a cup of coffee (or virtually) and are meant to facilitate networking, knowledge sharing, and relationship building.

Here's why 'coffee chats' are important for venture capital:

  1. Networking: Venture capital is a relationship-driven industry. Building a strong network is crucial for success. Coffee chats allow individuals to connect with established professionals, entrepreneurs, investors, and other stakeholders in the VC ecosystem. These connections can provide valuable insights, introductions, and opportunities down the line.
  2. Learning: Aspiring entrepreneurs and individuals interested in venture capital can gain a wealth of knowledge from experienced professionals during these chats. They can ask questions, seek advice, and learn about the nuances of the industry, investment strategies, market trends, and more. This informal setting encourages open discussions and the sharing of real-world experiences.
  3. Insights into the Industry: Coffee chats offer a glimpse into the day-to-day activities and challenges of venture capitalists. Individuals can learn about deal sourcing, due diligence, investment decision-making, portfolio management, and exit strategies. This insider perspective is invaluable for those looking to break into the industry.
  4. Building Relationships: Venture capital is all about building relationships with entrepreneurs, co-investors, and other stakeholders. Coffee chats provide an opportunity to establish a personal connection, which can lead to more meaningful and productive interactions in the future. Trust and rapport built during these chats can enhance collaboration and deal flow.
  5. Access to Opportunities: For entrepreneurs seeking funding, coffee chats can be a way to pitch their business ideas to potential investors. These conversations might lead to follow-up meetings and, eventually, investment discussions. Even if direct funding doesn't result, the feedback received during the chat can help refine business strategies.
  6. Mentorship and Guidance: Aspiring professionals in venture capital can benefit from mentorship during coffee chats. Seasoned investors can offer guidance on career paths, skill development, and strategies for success in the industry. Such mentorship can be invaluable in a competitive field like venture capital.
  7. Market Intelligence: Professionals in venture capital often have access to early-stage insights about emerging technologies, market trends, and disruptive business models. Coffee chats can provide individuals with valuable market intelligence that can inform their own entrepreneurial pursuits or investment strategies.

In essence, 'coffee chats' serve as a bridge between aspiring individuals and established professionals in the venture capital world. They create an environment for knowledge exchange, relationship building, and potential collaboration, which are all essential aspects of success in the dynamic and competitive field of venture capital.

How to Prepare for a 'Coffee Chat' With Venture Capitalists

Preparing for a 'coffee chat' with a venture capitalist is essential to make a strong impression and maximize the value of the conversation. First, conduct thorough research on the venture capitalist you'll be meeting. Understand their investment focus, portfolio companies, and recent investments. This knowledge will demonstrate your genuine interest and help tailor your questions to their expertise. Additionally, prepare concise and engaging answers to potential questions about your background, career goals, and reasons for wanting to break into venture capital. Be ready to highlight your relevant skills, experiences, and any unique perspectives you bring to the table.

Second, craft insightful questions that showcase your understanding of the industry (see below). Inquire about their investment thesis, preferred sectors, and current market trends they find intriguing. Ask about their experiences working with startups, decision-making processes, and how they assess the potential of early-stage companies. Thoughtful questions demonstrate your eagerness to learn and engage in meaningful discussions about venture capital.

Finally, be authentic and professional in your demeanor. Dress appropriately for a casual yet professional meeting. During the conversation, actively listen to the venture capitalist's insights and ask follow-up questions to delve deeper into their viewpoints. Share your own thoughts and experiences when relevant, but avoid dominating the conversation. Express gratitude for their time and insights at the end of the chat, and follow up with a thank-you email to reinforce the connection.

Questions to Ask

When preparing for a 'coffee chat' with a venture capitalist, asking insightful questions can help you stand out and demonstrate your genuine interest in the industry. Here are some questions you might consider asking:

  • Investment Approach and Philosophy:
    • What sectors or industries are you most excited about right now, and why?
    • How do you evaluate potential investments and assess the growth potential of startups?
    • What criteria do you use to determine if a startup is a good fit for your portfolio?
  • Portfolio and Experience:
    • Can you share a recent success story or a particularly interesting investment experience from your portfolio?
    • What challenges have you faced while working with startups, and how did you overcome them?
    • How do you provide value to the companies in your portfolio beyond just capital?
  • Market Insights and Trends:
    • What emerging trends do you see in the startup ecosystem that could shape the future of venture capital?
    • How do you stay informed about industry developments and identify early-stage opportunities?
    • What are some current market gaps or underserved areas that you believe have significant growth potential?
  • Career Advice and Breaking In:
    • What advice do you have for someone like me who is looking to break into the venture capital industry?
    • What skills and experiences do you think are most valuable for a successful career in venture capital?
    • Are there any specific resources, books, or networks you recommend for learning more about the industry?
  • Relationship Building:
    • How do you approach building relationships with founders and entrepreneurs?
    • What do you look for in potential co-investors or partners for deals?
    • How do you balance maintaining a professional network while managing your portfolio responsibilities?
  • Impact and Ethical Considerations:
    • Do you take social or environmental impact into consideration when evaluating potential investments?
    • How important is diversity and inclusion within the startups you choose to invest in?
    • Are there any ethical considerations or guiding principles that influence your investment decisions?

Remember, the goal is to have a meaningful and engaging conversation, so be sure to ask follow-up questions based on the venture capitalist's responses. This not only shows your genuine interest but also helps you gain deeper insights into their perspective on the venture capital industry.

Dos and Don’ts During a VC Coffee Chat

During a VC coffee chat, it's important to make a positive and professional impression. Here are some dos and don'ts to keep in mind:


  • Do Your Homework: Research the venture capitalist's background, investment focus, and recent investments. This shows your genuine interest and helps you tailor your questions.
  • Be Punctual: Arrive on time for in-person meetings or join the virtual call promptly. Respect the VC's time and demonstrate your professionalism.
  • Engage in Active Listening: Pay close attention to what the venture capitalist is saying. This will help you ask thoughtful follow-up questions and show that you value their insights.
  • Ask Thoughtful Questions: Prepare questions that demonstrate your understanding of the industry and your curiosity about their experiences. This shows your enthusiasm and engagement.
  • Show Your Passion: Share your genuine enthusiasm for venture capital and startups. Let your passion shine through in your conversation.
  • Share Your Story: Briefly talk about your background, experiences, and why you're interested in venture capital. Highlight relevant skills and how they align with the industry.
  • Express Gratitude: Thank the venture capitalist for their time and insights at the end of the conversation. Send a follow-up thank-you email to reinforce your appreciation.
  • Be Respectful: If the conversation touches on sensitive topics or differing opinions, express your thoughts respectfully and listen to their perspective.


  • Don't Overshare Personal Information: While sharing your story is important, avoid divulging overly personal or irrelevant details.
  • Don't Be Pushy: Avoid aggressively promoting your own agenda, such as seeking investment or a job, unless the conversation naturally leads to such discussions.
  • Don't Interrupt: Allow the venture capitalist to speak without interruption. Wait for appropriate moments to ask your questions or share your thoughts.
  • Don't Make Assumptions: Don't assume that the VC is solely interested in hearing about your background. Balance the conversation by asking about their experiences as well.
  • Don't Ask Basic Questions: Avoid asking questions that can be easily answered through online research. Instead, focus on more nuanced inquiries.
  • Don't Monopolize the Conversation: While sharing your thoughts is important, make sure you're allowing the VC to contribute to the conversation as well.
  • Don't Disregard Their Insights: Even if you have differing opinions, avoid dismissing or disregarding the venture capitalist's experiences or viewpoints.
  • Don't Forget to Follow Up: If the conversation goes well, don't forget to follow up with a thank-you email and maintain the connection by periodically sharing relevant updates or insights.

After the Coffee Chat: How to Follow Up

Following up after a coffee chat with a venture capitalist is a crucial step to solidify the connection and maintain the momentum. Firstly, within 24 to 48 hours of the conversation, send a personalized thank-you email expressing your gratitude for their time and insights. Reference specific points from the conversation to demonstrate your active engagement. Emphasize how valuable their perspective was to you and reiterate your enthusiasm for the venture capital industry.

In the email, consider sharing any relevant updates, articles, or insights you come across that align with topics discussed during the chat. This showcases your ongoing interest and engagement in the field. Express your eagerness to stay connected and potentially continue the dialogue in the future. Ultimately, maintaining this connection and relationship-building is essential for breaking into venture capital, and a well-crafted follow-up email can leave a lasting positive impression on the venture capitalist.

Read next:

  • The 10 Best Venture Capital Fellowships
  • How to Get a Venture Capital Internship
  • How to Get Into Venture Capital: Lessons Learned Interviewing 100+ Investors
  • The 20 Most Common Technical VC Interview Questions--and How to Answer Them
How to Navigate 'Coffee Chats' for Venture Capital | Leland (2024)


What should I ask in a VC coffee chat? ›

Questions to ask during a coffee chat
  • What are your career goals and interests?
  • What are you currently working on?
  • What are the biggest challenges and opportunities in your industry?
  • What are your personal interests and hobbies?
  • What are your goals for this coffee chat?
  • What do you like most about your job?

How to ace coffee chats? ›

Make sure to be friendly and engage in small talk – don't directly get into your questions. Treat them like humans before anything else. Use respectful but friendly language to make them feel comfortable. Take this opportunity to share your background and the reason you wanted to have the coffee chat.

How to get better at coffee chats wso? ›

A few thoughts:
  1. Be upfront with why you want to meet. ...
  2. It's ok to lead with general open-ended questions, but make sure you eventually funnel into specific closed-end questions.
  3. Be yourself - as others have said, inject some personality into the conversation.
May 24, 2023

How to stand out in a coffee chat? ›

Make sure to do your research and prepare questions ahead of time. While the conversation can go in any direction, preparation will help you stand out and make the most of the conversation. You will rarely only speak to one person at a company. So use each coffee chat as a chance to research for your next one.

How do I prepare for a virtual coffee chat? ›

Setting up your ideal virtual coffee break
  1. Choose the right platform.
  2. Schedule the coffee break in advance.
  3. Create a comfortable atmosphere.
  4. Encourage participation and engagement.
  5. Provide a variety of beverage options.
  6. Incorporate fun activities or icebreakers.
  7. Allow time for casual conversation and connection.
Feb 12, 2024

What are good questions to ask coffee chat consulting? ›

Questions to ask in a consulting coffee chat
  • How did you get your start in consulting?
  • Having gone through consulting the consulting recruitment process, looking back, what do you know now that you wish you knew then?
  • What has your career progression been like working at X firm?
Mar 28, 2024

How to end a coffee chat? ›

It's as simple as saying, “It was great talking to you—I'm really looking forward to keeping in touch!” and moving on to your next conversation.

How do you arrange a coffee chat? ›

Tips for asking someone for coffee
  1. Be straightforward. It's important to be as straightforward as possible when you're posing the question, so there are no misinterpretations on either end. ...
  2. Respect their time. ...
  3. Use an email or written format to ask. ...
  4. Follow up if you don't get a response. ...
  5. Don't take a no personally.
Feb 3, 2023

How long should a coffee chat last? ›

A coffee chat should not be viewed as a job placement opportunity. Below are some guidelines to help you get the most out of your conversation. The duration of the coffee chat should be approximately 30 minutes or less and should be held at a mutually convenient time and place. consume as a cup of coffee.

What do you wear to a coffee chat? ›

That means long pants… preferably real pants, not jeans — though a nice pair of jeans would probably be okay in a pinch (no tears, markings, rips, etc..), and depending on local temperature, a long-sleeve dress shirt (preferably) or a short-sleeve golf/polo shirt – no slogans, drawings, at most a small brand logo.

When should you follow up after coffee chat? ›

I recommend following up once right after your chat and sending a nice thank-you note. Here's one I recently got that I thought was good: Then, in the coming months, if you work on something cool or explore any new opportunities that are related to what you discussed, make sure to let them know!

What to say in a coffee chat? ›

To make the most of these informal meetings, consider discussing the following topics:
  • Goals for the Coffee Chat. ...
  • Career Goals and Interests. ...
  • Career Development. ...
  • Current Job or Project. ...
  • Personal Achievements. ...
  • Industry or Field. ...
  • Company News and Updates. ...
  • Personal Interests and Hobbies.
Aug 4, 2023

What are MBA coffee chats? ›

Coffee chats allow a potential applicant to ask questions about the firm, show their interest to one of the employees and build a network with the company.

Should I take notes during a coffee chat? ›

Take notes.

Use pen and paper to jot down important takeaways from the coffee chat. This shows your enthusiasm and attentiveness.

How do you ace a coffee chat interview? ›

The key to a successful coffee chat is preparation. Research the person you're meeting – look at their company website and go over their career path by visiting their LinkedIn profile, jot down some key questions you would like to ask, and bring a notepad and a pen to take notes.

What do you say when asking for a coffee chat? ›

For example, “I'd love to set up a quick 20-minute chat to get your thoughts and suggestions. I appreciate you taking the time to speak with me!” Now it's time to follow up. This is probably one of the most important aspects of a meeting request.

How to prepare for a private equity coffee chat? ›

The key to a successful coffee chat is preparation. Research the person you're meeting – look at their company website and go over their career path by visiting their LinkedIn profile, jot down some key questions you would like to ask, and bring a notepad and a pen to take notes.

What questions will a VC ask? ›

They ask a series of discovery questions around the fit with their fund's investment strategy, potential returns, execution risks, and whether the funding round size is appropriate. VCs also try to identify potential deal breakers that will make the investment challenging, if not impossible.

What to expect from a coffee chat interview? ›

Although it's a coffee interview, it's still a job interview, which means the employer will ask many questions, so be prepared and get answers to the most common questions, such as talking about yourself, why you chose their company, the protocol, and what makes you the perfect candidate, etc.


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Name: Tish Haag

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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.