Ethereum Price (ETH/USD)

Ethereum price stood at $3,798.83.

According to the latest long-term forecast, Ethereum price will hit $5000 by the end of 2024 and then $8000 by the end of 2025. Ethereum will rise to $9000 within the year of 2030, $10000 in 2031 and $12000 in 2034.

2024 $4,075 $5,909 +56%
2025 $6,576 $8,056 +112%
2026 $7,253 $7,183 +89%
2027 $7,387 $8,218 +116%
2028 $9,040 $8,775 +131%
2029 $9,234 $8,541 +125%
2030 $9,132 $9,719 +156%
2031 $10,302 $10,881 +186%
2032 $11,457 $10,884 +187%
2033 $11,400 $11,913 +214%
2034 $12,424 $12,932 +240%
2035 $13,434 $13,938 +267%

Ethereum Price Prediction 2024-2025

Ethereum price started in 2024 at $2,294.70. Today, Ethereum traded at $3,798.83, so the price increased by 66% from the beginning of the year. The forecasted Ethereum price at the end of 2024 is $5,909 - and the year to year change +158%. The rise from today to year-end: +56%. In the middle of 2024, we expect to see $4,075 per 1 Ethereum. In the first half of 2025, the Ethereum price will climb to $6,576; in the second half, the price would add $1,480 and close the year at $8,056, which is +112% to the current price.

The forecast for tomorrow, near days and months:

  • Friday, May 31 - $3,808
  • Saturday, Jun 1 - $3,817
  • Sunday, Jun 2 - $3,826
  • Monday, Jun 3 - $3,834
  • Tuesday, Jun 4 - $3,843
  • Wednesday, Jun 5 - $3,852
  • Thursday, Jun 6 - $3,861
  • Friday, Jun 7 - $3,870
  • June 15 - $3,941
  • July 15 - $4,225
  • August 15 - $4,534
  • September 15 - $4,842
  • October 15 - $5,142
  • November 15 - $5,451

Ethereum Prediction 2026-2030

These five years would bring an increase: Ethereum price would move from $8,056 to $9,719, which is up 21%. Ethereum will start 2026 at $8,056, then dipp to $7,253 within the first six months of the year and finish 2026 at $7,183. That means +89% from today.

Ethereum Prediction 2031-2035

In this period, the Ethereum price would rise from $9,719 to $13,938, which is +43%. Ethereum will start 2031 at $9,719, then soar to $10,302 within the first half of the year, and finish 2031 at $10,881. It is about +186% from today.

The prediction is updated on daily basis. The coin price is updated every 15 minutes.

About Ethereum

Ethereum is a open-source blockchain system that fundamentally extends the concept of blockchain beyond its original association with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Introduced in 2015 by Vitalik Buterin and a team of developers, Ethereum is designed as a decentralized platform that enables Smart Contracts and Distributed Applications (DApps) to be built and operated without any downtime, fraud, control, or interference from a third party.

At its core, Ethereum's primary innovation lies in its use of smart contracts. Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into lines of code. These contracts automatically enforce and execute the terms of the agreement based on predefined rules, without the need for intermediaries. This capability has opened up a vast array of applications, from the creation of decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms that offer lending, borrowing, and trading services without the need for traditional financial intermediaries, to the creation of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) that operate based on collective decision-making of their members without centralized leadership.

Ethereum also introduced the concept of a programmable blockchain, where developers can create their own operations of any complexity, thus enabling the creation of diverse decentralized applications. This is facilitated by Ethereum's native programming language, Solidity, which allows developers to write smart contracts and deploy them on the Ethereum blockchain.

Ethereum's significance lies not only in its cryptocurrency but in its wide-ranging applications enabled by smart contracts. It's a platform that has paved the way for a new era of decentralized digital applications, from finance and gaming to supply chain management and beyond, challenging traditional models of control and offering a new paradigm of distributed consensus and trust.

Why Is the Ethereum Price So Volatile?

Ethereum, like many cryptocurrencies, is known for its price volatility. This means the price of Ethereum can rise or fall dramatically in a very short period of time. Several factors contribute to this volatility, making it both an exciting and risky investment.

Firstly, market sentiment plays a huge role. News stories, social media posts, and public statements by influential people can sway people's perceptions positively or negatively, leading to rapid price changes. For instance, if a well-known entrepreneur tweets something positive about Ethereum, its price might surge as more people rush to buy it, hoping the value will continue to climb.

Speculation also adds to the volatility. Many people buy Ethereum not to use it, but hoping it will increase in value so they can sell it at a profit. This speculative trading can lead to rapid price swings as investors react to short-term opportunities or threats, often based on limited information or rumors.

The liquidity of Ethereum — how easily it can be bought or sold at a stable price — also affects its volatility. Compared to traditional markets like stocks or real estate, the cryptocurrency market is less liquid, meaning even small trades can have a big impact on the market price. This lack of liquidity can lead to dramatic price movements as traders attempt to enter or exit their positions.

Additionally, regulatory news can cause significant price movements. When a government announces new regulations or bans concerning cryptocurrencies, it can lead to uncertainty among investors. For example, if a major economy like the United States or China introduces strict regulation, it might cause the price to plummet as people fear the impact on Ethereum's usability and acceptance.

Lastly, the technology and development of Ethereum itself can influence its price. Updates, new features, or significant changes in the Ethereum blockchain can lead to price changes. Investors might react positively to upgrades that improve the platform's efficiency, security, or scalability, leading to price increases. Conversely, delays or problems with updates can lead to decreases in price.

Historical Predictions


Ethereum Price Prediction 2024-2025

Ethereum price started in 2024 at $2,294.70. Today, Ethereum traded at $2,997.76, so the price increased by 31% from the beginning of the year. The forecasted Ethereum price at the end of 2024 is $4,962 - and the year to year change +116%. The rise from today to year-end: +66%. In the middle of 2024, we expect to see $3,422 per 1 Ethereum. In the first half of 2025, the Ethereum price will climb to $5,522; in the second half, the price would add $1,242 and close the year at $6,764, which is +126% to the current price.

Ethereum Prediction 2026-2030

These five years would bring an increase: Ethereum price would move from $6,764 to $8,160, which is up 21%. Ethereum will start 2026 at $6,764, then dipp to $6,089 within the first six months of the year and finish 2026 at $6,030. That means +101% from today.

Ethereum Prediction 2031-2035

In this period, the Ethereum price would rise from $8,160 to $11,705, which is +43%. Ethereum will start 2031 at $8,160, then soar to $8,650 within the first half of the year, and finish 2031 at $9,137. It is about +205% from today.


Ethereum Price Prediction 2024-2025

Ethereum price started in 2024 at $2,294.70. Today, Ethereum traded at $3,142.38, so the price increased by 37% from the beginning of the year. The forecasted Ethereum price at the end of 2024 is $6,306 - and the year to year change +175%. The rise from today to year-end: +101%. In the middle of 2024, we expect to see $4,349 per 1 Ethereum. In the first half of 2025, the Ethereum price will climb to $7,970; in the second half, the price would add $823 and close the year at $8,793, which is +180% to the current price.

Ethereum Prediction 2026-2030

These five years would bring an increase: Ethereum price would move from $8,793 to $11,872, which is up 35%. Ethereum will start 2026 at $8,793, then dipp to $7,484 within the first six months of the year and finish 2026 at $7,736. That means +146% from today.

Ethereum Prediction 2031-2035

In this period, the Ethereum price would rise from $11,872 to $15,307, which is +29%. Ethereum will start 2031 at $11,872, then dipp to $11,160 within the first half of the year, and finish 2031 at $11,788. It is about +275% from today.


Ethereum Price Prediction 2024-2025

Ethereum price started in 2024 at $2,294.70. Today, Ethereum traded at $3,608.69, so the price increased by 57% from the beginning of the year. The forecasted Ethereum price at the end of 2024 is $8,359 - and the year to year change +264%. The rise from today to year-end: +132%. In the middle of 2024, we expect to see $5,765 per 1 Ethereum. In the first half of 2025, the Ethereum price will climb to $10,564; in the second half, the price would add $1,091 and close the year at $11,655, which is +223% to the current price.

Ethereum Prediction 2026-2030

These five years would bring an increase: Ethereum price would move from $11,655 to $15,736, which is up 35%. Ethereum will start 2026 at $11,655, then dipp to $9,920 within the first six months of the year and finish 2026 at $10,254. That means +184% from today.

Ethereum Prediction 2031-2035

In this period, the Ethereum price would rise from $15,736 to $20,287, which is +29%. Ethereum will start 2031 at $15,736, then dipp to $14,792 within the first half of the year, and finish 2031 at $15,624. It is about +333% from today.


Ethereum Price Prediction 2024-2025

Ethereum price started in 2024 at $2,294.70. Today, Ethereum traded at $3,689.07, so the price increased by 61% from the beginning of the year. The forecasted Ethereum price at the end of 2024 is $7,772 - and the year to year change +239%. The rise from today to year-end: +111%. In the middle of 2024, we expect to see $6,983 per 1 Ethereum. In the first half of 2025, the Ethereum price will climb to $9,537; in the second half, the price would lose $951 and close the year at $8,586, which is +133% to the current price.

Ethereum Prediction 2026-2030

These five years would bring an increase: Ethereum price would move from $8,586 to $12,595, which is up 47%. Ethereum will start 2026 at $8,586, then dipp to $8,503 within the first six months of the year and finish 2026 at $8,745. That means +137% from today.

Ethereum Prediction 2031-2035

In this period, the Ethereum price would rise from $12,595 to $17,927, which is +42%. Ethereum will start 2031 at $12,595, then soar to $13,351 within the first half of the year, and finish 2031 at $14,102. It is about +282% from today.


Ethereum Price Prediction 2024-2025

Ethereum price started in 2024 at $2,294.70. Today, Ethereum traded at $3,386.04, so the price increased by 48% from the beginning of the year. The forecasted Ethereum price at the end of 2024 is $6,211 - and the year to year change +171%. The rise from today to year-end: +83%. In the middle of 2024, we expect to see $5,581 per 1 Ethereum. In the first half of 2025, the Ethereum price will climb to $7,622; in the second half, the price would lose $760 and close the year at $6,862, which is +103% to the current price.

Ethereum Prediction 2026-2030

These five years would bring an increase: Ethereum price would move from $6,862 to $10,067, which is up 47%. Ethereum will start 2026 at $6,862, then dipp to $6,796 within the first six months of the year and finish 2026 at $6,989. That means +106% from today.

Ethereum Prediction 2031-2035

In this period, the Ethereum price would rise from $10,067 to $14,328, which is +42%. Ethereum will start 2031 at $10,067, then soar to $10,671 within the first half of the year, and finish 2031 at $11,271. It is about +233% from today.


Ethereum Price Prediction 2024-2025

Ethereum price started in 2024 at $2,294.70. Today, Ethereum traded at $2,782.29, so the price increased by 21% from the beginning of the year. The forecasted Ethereum price at the end of 2024 is $5,934 - and the year to year change +159%. The rise from today to year-end: +113%. In the middle of 2024, we expect to see $4,695 per 1 Ethereum. In the first half of 2025, the Ethereum price will climb to $6,547; in the second half, the price would lose $975 and close the year at $5,572, which is +100% to the current price.

Ethereum Prediction 2026-2030

These five years would bring an increase: Ethereum price would move from $5,572 to $8,626, which is up 55%. Ethereum will start 2026 at $5,572, then soar to $5,760 within the first six months of the year and finish 2026 at $6,624. That means +138% from today.

Ethereum Prediction 2031-2035

In this period, the Ethereum price would rise from $8,626 to $11,559, which is +34%. Ethereum will start 2031 at $8,626, then soar to $9,144 within the first half of the year, and finish 2031 at $9,658. It is about +247% from today.


Ethereum Price Prediction 2024-2025

Ethereum price started in 2024 at $2,294.70. Today, Ethereum traded at $2,269.98, so the price decreased by -1% from the beginning of the year. The forecasted Ethereum price at the end of 2024 is $3,918 - and the year to year change +71%. The rise from today to year-end: +73%. In the middle of 2024, we expect to see $3,100 per 1 Ethereum. In the first half of 2025, the Ethereum price will climb to $4,323; in the second half, the price would lose $644 and close the year at $3,679, which is +62% to the current price.

Ethereum Prediction 2026-2030

These five years would bring an increase: Ethereum price would move from $3,679 to $5,694, which is up 55%. Ethereum will start 2026 at $3,679, then soar to $3,803 within the first six months of the year and finish 2026 at $4,373. That means +93% from today.

Ethereum Prediction 2031-2035

In this period, the Ethereum price would rise from $5,694 to $7,631, which is +34%. Ethereum will start 2031 at $5,694, then soar to $6,036 within the first half of the year, and finish 2031 at $6,376. It is about +181% from today.


Ethereum Price Prediction 2024-2025

Ethereum price started in 2024 at $2,294.70. Today, Ethereum traded at $2,509.82, so the price increased by 9% from the beginning of the year. The forecasted Ethereum price at the end of 2024 is $4,139 - and the year to year change +80%. The rise from today to year-end: +65%. In the middle of 2024, we expect to see $3,373 per 1 Ethereum. In the first half of 2025, the Ethereum price will drop to $3,726; in the second half, the price would lose $36 and close the year at $3,690, which is +47% to the current price.

Ethereum Prediction 2026-2030

These five years would bring an increase: Ethereum price would move from $3,690 to $6,059, which is up 64%. Ethereum will start 2026 at $3,690, then soar to $3,795 within the first six months of the year and finish 2026 at $4,364. That means +74% from today.

Ethereum Prediction 2031-2035

In this period, the Ethereum price would rise from $6,059 to $8,551, which is +41%. Ethereum will start 2031 at $6,059, then soar to $6,423 within the first half of the year, and finish 2031 at $6,062. It is about +142% from today.


Ethereum Price Prediction 2024-2025

Ethereum price started in 2024 at $2,294.70. Today, Ethereum traded at $2,281.51, so the price decreased by -1% from the beginning of the year. The forecasted Ethereum price at the end of 2024 is $3,462 - and the year to year change +51%. The rise from today to year-end: +52%. In the middle of 2024, we expect to see $2,821 per 1 Ethereum. In the first half of 2025, the Ethereum price will drop to $3,117; in the second half, the price would lose $30 and close the year at $3,087, which is +35% to the current price.

Ethereum Prediction 2026-2030

These five years would bring an increase: Ethereum price would move from $3,087 to $5,067, which is up 64%. Ethereum will start 2026 at $3,087, then soar to $3,175 within the first six months of the year and finish 2026 at $3,651. That means +60% from today.

Ethereum Prediction 2031-2035

In this period, the Ethereum price would rise from $5,067 to $7,150, which is +41%. Ethereum will start 2031 at $5,067, then soar to $5,371 within the first half of the year, and finish 2031 at $5,069. It is about +122% from today.


Ethereum Price Prediction 2023-2024

Ethereum price started in 2023 at $1,193.48. Today, Ethereum traded at $2,264.07, so the price increased by 90% from the beginning of the year. The forecasted Ethereum price at the end of 2023 is $2,539 - and the year to year change +113%. The rise from today to year-end: +12%. In the first half of 2024, the Ethereum price will climb to $2,801; in the second half, the price would lose $417 and close the year at $2,384, which is +5% to the current price.

Ethereum Prediction 2025-2029

These five years would bring an increase: Ethereum price would move from $2,384 to $3,863, which is up 62%. Ethereum will start 2025 at $2,384, then soar to $2,464 within the first six months of the year and finish 2025 at $2,878. That means +27% from today.

Ethereum Prediction 2030-2034

In this period, the Ethereum price would rise from $3,863 to $5,254, which is +36%. Ethereum will start 2030 at $3,863, then soar to $4,111 within the first half of the year, and finish 2030 at $4,358. It is about +92% from today.


Ethereum Price Prediction 2023-2024

Ethereum price started in 2023 at $1,193.48. Today, Ethereum traded at $2,094.53, so the price increased by 75% from the beginning of the year. The forecasted Ethereum price at the end of 2023 is $2,275 - and the year to year change +91%. The rise from today to year-end: +9%. In the first half of 2024, the Ethereum price will climb to $2,510; in the second half, the price would lose $374 and close the year at $2,136, which is +2% to the current price.

Ethereum Prediction 2025-2029

These five years would bring an increase: Ethereum price would move from $2,136 to $3,462, which is up 62%. Ethereum will start 2025 at $2,136, then soar to $2,208 within the first six months of the year and finish 2025 at $2,579. That means +23% from today.

Ethereum Prediction 2030-2034

In this period, the Ethereum price would rise from $3,462 to $4,708, which is +36%. Ethereum will start 2030 at $3,462, then soar to $3,685 within the first half of the year, and finish 2030 at $3,906. It is about +86% from today.


Ethereum Price Prediction 2023-2024

Ethereum price started in 2023 at $1,193.48. Today, Ethereum traded at $1,982.40, so the price increased by 66% from the beginning of the year. The forecasted Ethereum price at the end of 2023 is $2,352 - and the year to year change +97%. The rise from today to year-end: +19%. In the first half of 2024, the Ethereum price will drop to $2,117; in the second half, the price would lose $20 and close the year at $2,097, which is +6% to the current price.

Ethereum Prediction 2025-2029

These five years would bring an increase: Ethereum price would move from $2,097 to $3,556, which is up 70%. Ethereum will start 2025 at $2,097, then soar to $2,157 within the first six months of the year and finish 2025 at $2,482. That means +25% from today.

Ethereum Prediction 2030-2034

In this period, the Ethereum price would rise from $3,556 to $5,100, which is +43%. Ethereum will start 2030 at $3,556, then soar to $3,785 within the first half of the year, and finish 2030 at $3,558. It is about +79% from today.


Ethereum Price Prediction 2023-2024

Ethereum price started in 2023 at $1,193.48. Today, Ethereum traded at $1,810.23, so the price increased by 52% from the beginning of the year. The forecasted Ethereum price at the end of 2023 is $1,967 - and the year to year change +65%. The rise from today to year-end: +9%. In the first half of 2024, the Ethereum price will drop to $1,771; in the second half, the price would lose $17 and close the year at $1,754, which is -3% to the current price.

Ethereum Prediction 2025-2029

These five years would bring an increase: Ethereum price would move from $1,754 to $2,974, which is up 70%. Ethereum will start 2025 at $1,754, then soar to $1,804 within the first six months of the year and finish 2025 at $2,076. That means +15% from today.

Ethereum Prediction 2030-2034

In this period, the Ethereum price would rise from $2,974 to $4,263, which is +43%. Ethereum will start 2030 at $2,974, then soar to $3,165 within the first half of the year, and finish 2030 at $2,975. It is about +64% from today.


Ethereum Price Prediction 2023-2024

Ethereum price started in 2023 at $1,193.48. Today, Ethereum traded at $1,554.04, so the price increased by 30% from the beginning of the year. The forecasted Ethereum price at the end of 2023 is $1,806 - and the year to year change +51%. The rise from today to year-end: +16%. In the first half of 2024, the Ethereum price will drop to $1,537; in the second half, the price would add $52 and close the year at $1,589, which is +2% to the current price.

Ethereum Prediction 2025-2029

These five years would bring an increase: Ethereum price would move from $1,589 to $2,770, which is up 74%. Ethereum will start 2025 at $1,589, then soar to $1,856 within the first six months of the year and finish 2025 at $2,190. That means +41% from today.

Ethereum Prediction 2030-2034

In this period, the Ethereum price would rise from $2,770 to $3,721, which is +34%. Ethereum will start 2030 at $2,770, then soar to $2,948 within the first half of the year, and finish 2030 at $3,081. It is about +98% from today.


Ethereum Price Prediction 2023-2024

Ethereum price started in 2023 at $1,193.48. Today, Ethereum traded at $1,675.52, so the price increased by 40% from the beginning of the year. The forecasted Ethereum price at the end of 2023 is $1,843 - and the year to year change +54%. The rise from today to year-end: +10%. In the first half of 2024, the Ethereum price will drop to $1,569; in the second half, the price would add $53 and close the year at $1,622, which is -3% to the current price.

Ethereum Prediction 2025-2029

These five years would bring an increase: Ethereum price would move from $1,622 to $2,829, which is up 74%. Ethereum will start 2025 at $1,622, then soar to $1,894 within the first six months of the year and finish 2025 at $2,235. That means +33% from today.

Ethereum Prediction 2030-2034

In this period, the Ethereum price would rise from $2,829 to $3,803, which is +34%. Ethereum will start 2030 at $2,829, then soar to $3,011 within the first half of the year, and finish 2030 at $3,147. It is about +88% from today.


Ethereum Price Prediction 2023-2024

Ethereum price started in 2023 at $1,193.48. Today, Ethereum traded at $1,633.27, so the price increased by 37% from the beginning of the year. The forecasted Ethereum price at the end of 2023 is $1,849 - and the year to year change +55%. The rise from today to year-end: +13%. In the first half of 2024, the Ethereum price will drop to $1,831; in the second half, the price would add $52 and close the year at $1,883, which is +15% to the current price.

Ethereum Prediction 2025-2029

These five years would bring an increase: Ethereum price would move from $1,883 to $3,457, which is up 84%. Ethereum will start 2025 at $1,883, then soar to $2,167 within the first six months of the year and finish 2025 at $2,557. That means +57% from today.

Ethereum Prediction 2030-2034

In this period, the Ethereum price would rise from $3,457 to $4,904, which is +42%. Ethereum will start 2030 at $3,457, then dipp to $3,235 within the first half of the year, and finish 2030 at $3,429. It is about +110% from today.


Ethereum Price Prediction 2023-2024

Ethereum price started in 2023 at $1,193.48. Today, Ethereum traded at $1,650.48, so the price increased by 38% from the beginning of the year. The forecasted Ethereum price at the end of 2023 is $1,852 - and the year to year change +55%. The rise from today to year-end: +12%. In the first half of 2024, the Ethereum price will drop to $1,834; in the second half, the price would add $52 and close the year at $1,886, which is +14% to the current price.

Ethereum Prediction 2025-2029

These five years would bring an increase: Ethereum price would move from $1,886 to $3,463, which is up 84%. Ethereum will start 2025 at $1,886, then soar to $2,171 within the first six months of the year and finish 2025 at $2,562. That means +55% from today.

Ethereum Prediction 2030-2034

In this period, the Ethereum price would rise from $3,463 to $4,911, which is +42%. Ethereum will start 2030 at $3,463, then dipp to $3,240 within the first half of the year, and finish 2030 at $3,434. It is about +108% from today.


Ethereum Price Prediction 2023-2024

Ethereum price started in 2023 at $1,193.48. Today, Ethereum traded at $1,841.87, so the price increased by 54% from the beginning of the year. The forecasted Ethereum price at the end of 2023 is $1,864 - and the year to year change +56%. The rise from today to year-end: +1%. In the first half of 2024, the Ethereum price will climb to $1,927; in the second half, the price would add $324 and close the year at $2,251, which is +22% to the current price.

Ethereum Prediction 2025-2029

These five years would bring an increase: Ethereum price would move from $2,251 to $3,819, which is up 70%. Ethereum will start 2025 at $2,251, then soar to $2,757 within the first six months of the year and finish 2025 at $2,923. That means +59% from today.

Ethereum Prediction 2030-2034

In this period, the Ethereum price would rise from $3,819 to $5,066, which is +33%. Ethereum will start 2030 at $3,819, then soar to $3,991 within the first half of the year, and finish 2030 at $4,230. It is about +130% from today.


Ethereum Price Prediction 2023-2024

Ethereum price started in 2023 at $1,193.48. Today, Ethereum traded at $1,826.47, so the price increased by 53% from the beginning of the year. The forecasted Ethereum price at the end of 2023 is $1,860 - and the year to year change +56%. The rise from today to year-end: +2%. In the first half of 2024, the Ethereum price will climb to $1,923; in the second half, the price would add $323 and close the year at $2,246, which is +23% to the current price.

Ethereum Prediction 2025-2029

These five years would bring an increase: Ethereum price would move from $2,246 to $3,812, which is up 70%. Ethereum will start 2025 at $2,246, then soar to $2,751 within the first six months of the year and finish 2025 at $2,917. That means +60% from today.

Ethereum Prediction 2030-2034

In this period, the Ethereum price would rise from $3,812 to $5,055, which is +33%. Ethereum will start 2030 at $3,812, then soar to $3,984 within the first half of the year, and finish 2030 at $4,223. It is about +131% from today.


Ethereum Price Prediction 2023-2024

Ethereum price started in 2023 at $1,193.48. Today, Ethereum traded at $1,931.71, so the price increased by 62% from the beginning of the year. The forecasted Ethereum price at the end of 2023 is $2,366 - and the year to year change +98%. The rise from today to year-end: +22%. In the first half of 2024, the Ethereum price will climb to $2,433; in the second half, the price would add $367 and close the year at $2,800, which is +45% to the current price.

Ethereum Prediction 2025-2029

These five years would bring an increase: Ethereum price would move from $2,800 to $4,382, which is up 57%. Ethereum will start 2025 at $2,800, then soar to $3,430 within the first six months of the year and finish 2025 at $3,329. That means +72% from today.

Ethereum Prediction 2030-2034

In this period, the Ethereum price would rise from $4,382 to $7,053, which is +61%. Ethereum will start 2030 at $4,382, then soar to $4,664 within the first half of the year, and finish 2030 at $4,944. It is about +156% from today.


Ethereum Price Prediction 2023-2024

Ethereum price started in 2023 at $1,193.48. Today, Ethereum traded at $1,914.67, so the price increased by 60% from the beginning of the year. The forecasted Ethereum price at the end of 2023 is $2,338 - and the year to year change +96%. The rise from today to year-end: +22%. In the first half of 2024, the Ethereum price will climb to $2,405; in the second half, the price would add $363 and close the year at $2,768, which is +45% to the current price.

Ethereum Prediction 2025-2029

These five years would bring an increase: Ethereum price would move from $2,768 to $4,333, which is up 57%. Ethereum will start 2025 at $2,768, then soar to $3,391 within the first six months of the year and finish 2025 at $3,292. That means +72% from today.

Ethereum Prediction 2030-2034

In this period, the Ethereum price would rise from $4,333 to $6,974, which is +61%. Ethereum will start 2030 at $4,333, then soar to $4,612 within the first half of the year, and finish 2030 at $4,889. It is about +155% from today.


Ethereum Price Prediction 2023-2024

Ethereum price started in 2023 at $1,193.48. Today, Ethereum traded at $1,647.37, so the price increased by 38% from the beginning of the year. The forecasted Ethereum price at the end of 2023 is $2,177 - and the year to year change +82%. The rise from today to year-end: +32%. In the middle of 2023, we expect to see $1,864 per 1 Ethereum. In the first half of 2024, the Ethereum price will climb to $2,830; in the second half, the price would add $171 and close the year at $3,001, which is +82% to the current price.

Ethereum Prediction 2025-2029

These five years would bring an increase: Ethereum price would move from $3,001 to $4,521, which is up 51%. Ethereum will start 2025 at $3,001, then soar to $3,037 within the first six months of the year and finish 2025 at $3,493. That means +112% from today.

Ethereum Prediction 2030-2034

In this period, the Ethereum price would rise from $4,521 to $5,893, which is +30%. Ethereum will start 2030 at $4,521, then soar to $4,792 within the first half of the year, and finish 2030 at $5,062. It is about +207% from today.


Ethereum Price Prediction 2023-2024

Ethereum price started in 2023 at $1,193.48. Today, Ethereum traded at $1,857.77, so the price increased by 56% from the beginning of the year. The forecasted Ethereum price at the end of 2023 is $2,193 - and the year to year change +84%. The rise from today to year-end: +18%. In the middle of 2023, we expect to see $1,878 per 1 Ethereum. In the first half of 2024, the Ethereum price will climb to $2,851; in the second half, the price would add $172 and close the year at $3,023, which is +63% to the current price.

Ethereum Prediction 2025-2029

These five years would bring an increase: Ethereum price would move from $3,023 to $4,553, which is up 51%. Ethereum will start 2025 at $3,023, then soar to $3,059 within the first six months of the year and finish 2025 at $3,518. That means +89% from today.

Ethereum Prediction 2030-2034

In this period, the Ethereum price would rise from $4,553 to $5,931, which is +30%. Ethereum will start 2030 at $4,553, then soar to $4,826 within the first half of the year, and finish 2030 at $5,097. It is about +174% from today.


Ethereum Price Prediction 2023-2024

Ethereum price started in 2023 at $1,193.48. Today, Ethereum traded at $1,829.69, so the price increased by 53% from the beginning of the year. The forecasted Ethereum price at the end of 2023 is $2,131 - and the year to year change +79%. The rise from today to year-end: +16%. In the middle of 2023, we expect to see $1,852 per 1 Ethereum. In the first half of 2024, the Ethereum price will climb to $2,616; in the second half, the price would lose $77 and close the year at $2,539, which is +39% to the current price.

Ethereum Prediction 2025-2029

These five years would bring an increase: Ethereum price would move from $2,539 to $3,910, which is up 54%. Ethereum will start 2025 at $2,539, then soar to $2,672 within the first six months of the year and finish 2025 at $2,313. That means +26% from today.

Ethereum Prediction 2030-2034

In this period, the Ethereum price would rise from $3,910 to $6,116, which is +56%. Ethereum will start 2030 at $3,910, then soar to $4,145 within the first half of the year, and finish 2030 at $4,378. It is about +139% from today.


Ethereum Price Prediction 2023-2024

Ethereum price started in 2023 at $1,193.48. Today, Ethereum traded at $1,848.26, so the price increased by 55% from the beginning of the year. The forecasted Ethereum price at the end of 2023 is $2,183 - and the year to year change +83%. The rise from today to year-end: +18%. In the middle of 2023, we expect to see $1,897 per 1 Ethereum. In the first half of 2024, the Ethereum price will climb to $2,680; in the second half, the price would lose $79 and close the year at $2,601, which is +41% to the current price.

Ethereum Prediction 2025-2029

These five years would bring an increase: Ethereum price would move from $2,601 to $4,006, which is up 54%. Ethereum will start 2025 at $2,601, then soar to $2,737 within the first six months of the year and finish 2025 at $2,369. That means +28% from today.

Ethereum Prediction 2030-2034

In this period, the Ethereum price would rise from $4,006 to $6,267, which is +56%. Ethereum will start 2030 at $4,006, then soar to $4,246 within the first half of the year, and finish 2030 at $4,485. It is about +143% from today.



Will Ethereum hit 10k in 2024? ›

According to a blog by a leading cryptocurrency exchange CoinDCX, it is anticipated that 2024 may lay a firm foundation for ETH's upward movement. The upswing could intensify, potentially pushing prices to surpass the crucial $10,000 and setting a new all-time high.

Will Ethereum reach $3,000 again? ›

That being said, it is a 100% return from current levels and, therefore, will be a difficult target to hit. The Digital Coin Price Ethereum forecast calls for the market to be relatively flat through most of 2023 but does have an Ethereum Price Prediction of higher levels in 2024, breaking the $3000 level.

How much will 1 Ethereum be worth in 2030? ›

Ethereum (ETH) Price Prediction 2030

According to your price prediction input for Ethereum, the value of ETH may increase by +5% and reach $ 5,066.45 by 2030.

Can Ethereum reach 50k? ›

Can ethereum reach $50,000? Ethereum prices could surpass $50,000 by 2030 in a best-case scenario, according to VanEck.

Can Ethereum reach $15,000? ›

Lark Davis predicts Ethereum's significant rise in 2024. Potential ETH value forecasted at $15,000 per coin. Investing in Ethereum is considered a low-risk crypto move.

How much is 1 Ethereum in 2040? ›

1 ETH would be worth $18,341 in 2040 based on an 11.1% yearly growth rate. Calculate your potential ETH profits with our Ethereum profit calculator.

What's the highest Ethereum can go? ›

In like fashion, Ethereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency, is expected to maintain its upward trajectory and form higher highs in 2025. Moreover, with increased adoption and the demand for ETH, the ETH coin price can create a new all-time high $14,925.

Will Ethereum reach $100,000? ›

It's nearly impossible. There is no path for Ethereum to hit 100k before 2030, it's impossible. ETH can realistically hit $10,000 in the coming years, either in 2025 or in 2026. We are confident with our current 2024 ETH prediction, in which we forecast ETH to hit $3,525.50 before summer of 2024.

Will ETH hit 5000? ›

The crypto market anticipates a bullish cycle with the potential approval of ETH ETFs. Top cryptocurrencies like BTC are poised to reach $90K, while ETH could hit $5000. Established coins like SOL, XRP, and ADA are expected to achieve new ATHs.

Will Ethereum ever reach $10 000 in price? ›

A price target of $10,000 by the year 2030 might sound outlandish, but it's actually more conservative than other price targets for Ethereum. If you look across the crypto industry, you can find price forecasts of $50,000 and higher for Ethereum.

What will ETH be worth in 2050? ›

Their long-term Ethereum price prediction for 2050 is much higher, indicating a maximum price of $89,316.15. These ambitious estimates suggest that Ethereum could reshape the cryptocurrency market in the next few decades.

What is the prediction for Ethereum in 10 years? ›

We now see ETH network revenues rising from an annual rate of $2.6B to $51B in 2030. Assuming ETH takes a 70% market among smart contract protocols, this implies a token price of $11.8k in 2030, which we discount to $5.3k today at a 12% cost of capital derived from ETH's recent beta.

How high will ETH go in 2024? ›

Ethereum price prediction 2024 & 2025 by crypto experts

After analyzing forecasts from 10 leading crypto experts, Ethereum's average price prediction for 2024 stands at $6,962.1.

Which crypto will explode in 2024? ›

Notable coins like 5thScape and DarkLume have shown significant growth. The article discusses the next cryptocurrency to explode in 2024, highlighting promising projects like 5thScape and DarkLume. The potential of crypto coins to increase in value is one of the many reasons investors choose to invest.

Can Ethereum reach $10,000? ›

By the year 2025, Ethereum is expected to reach the maximum level of $6,500 with a minimum of $4,500 and an average of $5,500. And by the year 2030, it is expected that it may go up to a maximum of $20,500.”

How high will Ethereum go after the halving? ›

Price prediction for ETH in 2025

Bitcoin and many altcoins are also expected to reach historic all-time highs 12-18 months after these halving events, so 2025 may be the year we see these increases. Based on these projections, ETH might achieve an all-time high of $6,600, a new low of $2,800, and an average of $3,200.

How much Ethereum do I need to become a millionaire? ›

To have a million dollars worth of Ethereum at $3000, you would need around 333.33 ETH tokens. The cost of 333.33 ETH at current prices is about $747,333. However, if ETH reaches its all-time high of $4878.26, the same investment would be worth around $1,626,000 ($1.62 million).


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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.