CFA Vs FRM: Detailed Comparison on Salary, Difficulty, Syllabus, Fees etc. (2024)

The Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and Financial Risk Manager (FRM) certifications are two gleaming jewels in the crown of finance qualifications. Each stands as a testament to the holder’s commitment to excellence, rigorous training, and continuous learning in their respective domains. But as a budding finance enthusiast or an already established professional looking for the next step up, how do you choose between them? Which certification aligns more closely with your career aspirations? Does one offer broader opportunities over the other? Or are they both indispensable in their own right?

Navigating this decision requires an understanding of what each certification represents, the niche they cater to, and the opportunities they present. This post is your compass, guiding you through the distinguishing features of the CFA and FRM programs.

By the end, you’ll be equipped to decide which path, if not both, resonates with your aspirations in the expansive world of finance.

Table of Contents hide

1. An Overview of the CFA Program

1.1. Purpose of the CFA Program

1.2. Who is the CFA Program For?

1.3. Content Covered

1.4. Pros and Cons

1.5. Career Opportunities

2. An Overview of the FRM Program

2.1. Purpose of the FRM Program

2.2. Who is the FRM Program For?

2.3. Content Covered

2.4. Pros and Cons

2.5. Career Opportunities

3. CFA Vs FRM: Exam Structure

3.1. CFA Examination Process

3.2. FRM Examination Process

5. CFA Vs FRM: Cost

5.1. CFA Program Costs

5.2. FRM Program Costs

5.3. Returns on Investment

6. CFA Vs FRM: Global Recognition and Value

6.1. CFA: Chartered Financial Analyst

6.2. FRM: Financial Risk Manager

7. CFA Vs FRM: Job Prospects and Salaries

7.1. CFA: Chartered Financial Analyst

7.2. FRM: Financial Risk Manager

8. The CFA Plus FRM Combo

8.1. Complementary Skill Sets

8.2. When Pursuing Both Makes Sense

8.3. Benefits Witnessed by Dual-Holders

9. How to Decide Between CFA and FRM?

9.1. 1. Define Your Career Goals

9.2. 2. Evaluate the Curriculum

9.3. 3. Assess Duration and Commitment

9.4. 4. Return on Investment (ROI)

9.5. 5. Geographical Preferences

9.6. 6. Consult with Industry Professionals

10. Decision Matrix for Choosing Between CFA and FRM

10.1. How to Use the Matrix

10.2. Hypothetical Example

11. Conclusion

12. Frequently Asked Questions

An Overview of the CFA Program

The Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) program stands as one of the most highly regarded certifications in the world of finance. Let’s delve into what makes the CFA program unique, who it is designed for, the topics it covers, as well as its pros and cons.

Purpose of the CFA Program

The primary objective of the CFA program is to elevate your expertise and competence in the expansive field of investment management. It aims to equip you with practical knowledge and ethical grounding to excel in roles that involve investment decision-making, risk assessment, portfolio management, and financial analysis.

Who is the CFA Program For?

The CFA is most suitable for individuals who are:

  • Investment Professionals: Such as portfolio managers, investment advisors, and asset valuation experts.
  • Financial Analysts: Those involved in equity research, ratings, and forecasting.
  • Students: Particularly those in finance, economics, or business who aim to pursue a career in investment management or financial analysis.

Content Covered

The CFA curriculum spans across three levels—Level I, Level II, and Level III. Each level has its own set of topics but generally covers:

  • Ethical and Professional Standards: A foundational aspect emphasised across all three levels.
  • Investment Tools: Including Quantitative Methods, Economics, and Financial Reporting and Analysis.
  • Asset Classes: Such as Equity Investments, Fixed Income, and Derivatives.
  • Portfolio Management: Strategies for constructing and managing a diversified portfolio.

Pros and Cons


  • Global Recognition: The CFA charter is recognized and respected globally, which can open doors to international career opportunities.
  • Broad Skillset: The comprehensive curriculum ensures you’re well-versed in all aspects of investment management.
  • Career Advancement: Many firms look favourably on the CFA designation for promotions and higher-level responsibilities.


  • Time-Consuming: With a recommended 300 hours of study per level, the CFA program is a significant time commitment.
  • Expensive: Between registration fees, exam fees, and study materials, the financial investment can be substantial.
  • High Difficulty Level: Given the breadth and depth of the curriculum, the program is considered challenging with relatively low pass rates.

Career Opportunities

Once you earn the CFA designation, you’re qualified for a wide array of roles:

  • Investment Banking: As a financial analyst or associate.
  • Asset Management: Portfolio management and risk assessment roles.
  • Consulting Firms: Specialising in financial strategy.
  • Corporate Finance: Roles such as Financial Planner, Treasurer, or CFO.

Whether you’re aspiring to climb the corporate ladder or carve a niche for yourself in investment management, the CFA certification can provide the credentials you need to validate your skills and knowledge in the finance industry.

An Overview of the FRM Program

The Financial Risk Manager (FRM) certification is the gold standard in risk management, specifically tailored for those who are eager to master the complexities of financial risk. Here, we’ll illuminate the facets of the FRM program, its intended audience, its expansive curriculum, and the various pros and cons associated with it.

Purpose of the FRM Program

The FRM program is a rigorous endeavour designed to equip individuals with the advanced skills and knowledge required to understand and navigate the challenges of financial risk management. Its primary focus is on enabling candidates to identify, analyse, and control potential threats to the financial well-being of an organisation.

Who is the FRM Program For?

The FRM caters primarily to:

  • Risk Professionals: Individuals actively involved in risk management roles.
  • Banking Professionals: Especially those in risk departments of banks and financial institutions.
  • Finance Graduates: Who are keen on specialising in the risk sector of the financial industry.

Content Covered

The FRM curriculum is structured into two main parts—Part I and Part II. They encompass:

  • Foundations of Risk Management: Introducing the foundational concepts and techniques.
  • Quantitative Analysis: Statistical techniques and risk modeling.
  • Financial Markets and Products: Instruments and risk dynamics of markets.
  • Valuation and Risk Models: Valuing financial products and assessing potential risks.
  • Operational and Integrated Risk Management: Including risks related to operations, integrated risk management, and risk in various global markets.

Pros and Cons


  • Specialised Skillset: Provides a niche skillset, setting you apart in the world of finance.
  • Increasing Demand: With growing global financial complexities, risk managers are in higher demand than ever.
  • Strong Network: GARP (Global Association of Risk Professionals) offers a powerful network of professionals in the risk industry.


  • Niche Focus: While the specialisation is a strength, it may not provide as broad a set of opportunities as some other certifications.
  • Rigorous Curriculum: The FRM program is dense and challenging, demanding a substantial commitment.
  • Expensive: Like the CFA, the FRM requires a financial commitment in terms of exam fees, study materials, and potential preparatory courses.

Career Opportunities

Securing the FRM designation can pave the way for several high-demand roles:

  • Risk Manager: In banks, investment firms, and corporate finance departments.
  • Credit Analyst: Assessing the creditworthiness of businesses or individuals.
  • Operational Risk Analyst: Evaluating and mitigating operational risks in organizations.
  • Regulatory Risk Analyst: Ensuring compliance with various financial regulations and standards.

For those passionate about ensuring financial stability and foreseeing potential threats in the complex tapestry of financial markets, the FRM provides both the credentials and the skills required to excel.

CFA Vs FRM: Exam Structure

Navigating the realm of finance qualifications can be complex, and understanding the examination structure of certifications like the CFA and FRM is pivotal for those considering either path. Both these certifications have distinct exam structures, formats, and policies. Let’s dissect them for a clearer view.

CFA Examination Process

  • Levels: The CFA program consists of three levels: Level I, Level II, and Level III. Candidates must pass each level sequentially.
  • Format & Question Types:
    • Level I: Comprises multiple-choice questions.
    • Level II: Focuses on item set questions, where a vignette is followed by a set of multiple-choice questions.
    • Level III: Combines item set questions with constructed response (essay) questions.
  • Grading System: CFA exams are graded on a curve. The CFA Institute does not disclose the exact passing score, which can vary slightly from one exam to another.
  • Re-examination and Passing Rates:
    • Candidates can retake the exam if they do not pass.
    • Historically, Level I has had a pass rate of around 40-45%, Level II around 45%, and Level III approximately 55%. However, these rates can vary by year.

FRM Examination Process

  • Parts: The FRM program is divided into two parts: Part I and Part II. While candidates can take both parts on the same day, they must pass Part I before their Part II exam is graded.
  • Format & Question Types:
    • Part I: Contains 100 multiple-choice questions centered around foundational risk management concepts.
    • Part II: Consists of 80 multiple-choice questions that focus on the application of the tools acquired in Part I.
  • Grading System: The Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) doesn’t reveal the minimum passing score or the weightings of the questions. It employs a process wherein the top quartile of exam takers set the benchmark for the passing score.
  • Re-examination and Passing Rates:
    • Candidates can reappear for the exam if they don’t pass.
    • Historically, the pass rates for Part I hover around 40-50%, while Part II generally sees a pass rate of 50-60%. As with the CFA, these rates can fluctuate based on the year and the cohort.

Both the CFA and FRM certifications, while differing in content and focus, are renowned for their rigorous examination processes. A prospective candidate should be prepared for a significant commitment in terms of time, study, and persistence to navigate either program’s challenging exam structure.

CFA Vs FRM: Content and Focus Areas

In choosing between the CFA and FRM certifications, understanding the core content and emphasis areas is essential. Both programs offer extensive curricula, but each leans towards distinct aspects of finance.

CFA Program Content and Focus Areas

  • Core Syllabus:
    • Ethical and Professional Standards: A cornerstone of the program that emphasizes ethical behavior in finance.
    • Investment Tools: Includes Quantitative Methods, Economics, Financial Reporting, and Analysis.
    • Asset Classes: Incorporates Equity Investments, Fixed Income, Derivatives, and Alternative Investments.
    • Portfolio Management and Wealth Planning: Strategies and concepts behind successful portfolio construction and management.
  • Unique Areas of Emphasis:
    • In-depth analysis of Equity Markets: The CFA program gives detailed insights into equity valuations and analysis.
    • Corporate Finance and Valuation: Offering a blend of both theory and practical applications in corporate finance.
  • Industry Alignment: The CFA program is particularly suited for those aiming for roles in investment banking, portfolio management, equity research, asset valuation, and more. It provides a broad-based foundation in finance, suitable for diverse roles across the financial sector.

FRM Program Content and Focus Areas

  • Core Syllabus:
    • Foundations of Risk Management: Delving into the critical principles and foundational aspects of risk.
    • Quantitative Analysis: Deep dive into statistical techniques and their applications in finance.
    • Financial Markets and Products: Overview of different financial instruments and the dynamics of global markets.
    • Valuation and Risk Models: Techniques for assessing the value of various financial products and understanding potential risks.
    • Operational and Integrated Risk Management: Emphasizing the risks associated with operations and the importance of integrated risk management.
  • Unique Areas of Emphasis:
    • Credit Risk: Understanding the creditworthiness of borrowers, significant in banking sectors.
    • Liquidity Risk and Treasury Management: Key for professionals in treasury and liquidity management roles.
    • Current Issues in Financial Markets: Keeping practitioners updated with evolving challenges and trends.
  • Industry Alignment: The FRM program is crafted for those wanting to specialize in risk management, catering to roles in credit risk, operational risk, regulatory risk, and more. It’s especially relevant for professionals in banks, corporate finance departments, and risk advisory roles within consulting firms.
ParameterCFA ProgramFRM Program
Core Syllabus– Ethical and Professional Standards
– Investment Tools
– Asset Classes
– Portfolio Management
– Foundations of Risk Management
– Quantitative Analysis
– Financial Markets and Products
– Valuation and Risk Models
– Operational and Integrated Risk Management
Unique Areas of Emphasis– Equity Markets Analysis
– Corporate Finance and Valuation
– Credit Risk
– Liquidity Risk and Treasury Management
– Current Issues in Financial Markets
Industry AlignmentSuited for roles in investment banking, portfolio management, equity research, asset valuation, etc.Tailored for roles in credit risk, operational risk, regulatory risk, especially in banks, corporate finance, and consulting firms.

While both the CFA and FRM programs offer a deep dive into financial principles and practices, their emphasis differs. The CFA is broader, catering to a wider range of financial professionals, whereas the FRM zeros in on risk management, making it ideal for those dedicated to this specialization. Choosing between them often boils down to your career aspirations and the domain you’re keen on mastering within the vast financial industry.

CFA Vs FRM: Cost

When contemplating professional qualifications like the CFA and FRM, one cannot overlook the financial aspect. Beyond the time and effort, there’s a tangible cost associated with these certifications. This section provides a comparison of these costs and sheds light on the potential return on this investment.

CFA Program Costs

  • Exam Fees:
    • Early Registration: Approximately $700-$950 (depends on when you register)
    • Standard Registration: Around $1,000-$1,400
    • Late Registration: Roughly $1,300-$1,700
    Note: These fees are per level, and the CFA has three levels.
  • Preparation Materials:
    • CFA Curriculum: Included in the registration fee.
    • Third-party Study Guides and Mock Exams: Can range from $300-$1,500 based on the provider and package chosen.
  • Other Associated Costs:
    • Membership Fee: To become a CFA charterholder post-exams, one must pay an annual membership fee, generally between $275-$350.

FRM Program Costs

  • Exam Fees:
    • Part I: Roughly $750-$1,050 depending on when you register.
    • Part II: Approximately $350-$750.
  • Preparation Materials:
    • GARP’s Official Books: Around $250-$300 for both parts.
    • Third-party Study Materials: Generally between $200-$1,000 based on the chosen provider.
  • Other Associated Costs:
    • Annual Membership: To maintain the FRM designation, there’s an annual fee of about $150-$250.

Returns on Investment

  • CFA:
    • Career Growth: The CFA is recognized globally and can significantly boost career prospects in investment banking, equity research, and portfolio management.
    • Salary Increment: While exact figures vary by location and role, CFA charterholders can expect salary increases of 15%-20% or even more in some cases.
  • FRM:
    • Career Growth: The FRM certification is a mark of excellence in risk management, providing an edge in roles like risk analyst, credit risk manager, and regulatory risk professional.
    • Salary Increment: FRM holders often witness a salary boost in the range of 10%-15%. In roles heavily centered on risk management, this can be even higher.
Enrollment FeesApprox. $450Approx. $400
Exam Registration– Early: Approx. $700
– Standard: Approx. $1,000
– Late: Approx. $1,450
– Early: Approx. $650
– Standard: Approx. $850
Study MaterialsVaries ($300-$1,500, depending on provider)Varies ($250-$700, depending on provider)
Total Cost for All Levels/PartsApprox. $2,550 – $4,850 (excluding study materials)Approx. $1,300 – $1,950 (excluding study materials)
Returns on InvestmentPotential for higher salaries in asset management, equity research, etc.Potential for specialized roles in risk management with competitive salaries

Both the CFA and FRM come with their respective costs, but they’re investments in one’s future. While the upfront financial commitment is tangible, the potential returns in terms of career acceleration and salary increments can make these certifications highly valuable in the long run.

CFA Vs FRM: Global Recognition and Value

In the global financial arena, certifications play a pivotal role in establishing a professional’s credibility and expertise. Both the CFA and FRM designations are recognized and respected, but their value might vary across regions and sectors. Here’s a deep dive into their worldwide acceptance and the esteem attached to each.

CFA: Chartered Financial Analyst

  • Global Recognition:
    • North America: The CFA charter is highly recognized, especially in the US and Canada. These regions house a significant portion of the world’s CFA charterholders.
    • Asia: With the rapid growth of financial markets in Asia, especially in countries like China, India, and Singapore, the CFA designation has seen a surge in recognition.
    • Europe: The CFA is respected, particularly in the UK and Switzerland, major hubs for banking and finance.
    • Middle East and Africa: The CFA is gaining traction, especially in financial centers like Dubai.
  • Value to Employers: The CFA designation is seen as a gold standard in investment management. For roles in equity research, asset management, and financial analysis, many employers prioritize or even mandate the CFA qualification. It signals rigorous training, a strong ethical foundation, and deep financial knowledge.
  • Prestige: The CFA charter is globally esteemed. Completing the three levels of exams, coupled with the required work experience, is no small feat. As such, CFA charterholders often hold senior roles in finance, contributing to the prestige of the designation.

Popular Course in this category

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FRM: Financial Risk Manager

  • Global Recognition:
    • North America: The FRM designation is valued, especially within risk management circles in banking and corporate finance.
    • Asia: Given the burgeoning financial markets and increasing complexity of financial instruments, the FRM has gained notable recognition in Asian financial hubs.
    • Europe: Recognized, but more so in financial capitals like London and Frankfurt, where risk management plays a critical role.
    • Middle East and Africa: Growing recognition, especially in regions emphasizing financial regulation and risk control.
  • Value to Employers: The FRM, governed by the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP), is often seen as the go-to certification for risk professionals. Employers, particularly in banking and financial consulting, view the FRM as evidence of specialized knowledge in risk, making these professionals invaluable in an era of financial intricacies.
  • Prestige: As one of the premier qualifications for risk management, the FRM is held in high regard. Given the crucial role of risk management in today’s financial landscape, FRM holders are often revered for their specialized skill set and analytical prowess.

Popular Course in this category

FRM® Part I Prep Course

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Global RecognitionHighly recognized in North America, Europe, and parts of AsiaHighly recognized in banking hubs like Hong Kong, Singapore, and parts of Europe
Affiliating InstitutionsCFA InstituteGlobal Association of Risk Professionals (GARP)
Number of Charterholders/Certified ProfessionalsOver 150,000 charterholders globally (as of 2021)Over 50,000 certified professionals globally (as of 2021)
Prestige & InfluenceEsteemed in investment management circles, with influence in broader financeHighly valued in risk management sectors, especially banking and financial services
Employer ValueSought after by asset management firms, investment banks, consultanciesSought after by banks, credit agencies, corporate risk departments, and regulatory bodies

In summary, while both the CFA and FRM are globally respected, their recognition might vary based on the specific financial niche. The CFA, with its broader finance curriculum, enjoys wide acclaim in investment circles, whereas the FRM, with its concentrated risk focus, is the crown jewel for risk professionals. Regardless of the chosen path, both certifications carry weight and can significantly elevate a professional’s standing in the global finance community.

CFA Vs FRM: Job Prospects and Salaries

When professionals decide to invest time, effort, and money into certifications, they often seek clarity on the tangible benefits they’ll gain. Here’s a detailed comparison of the career paths and salary structures associated with the CFA and FRM certifications.

CFA: Chartered Financial Analyst

  • Job Roles:
    • Equity Analyst: Research and analyze equity securities to provide buying, holding, or selling recommendations.
    • Portfolio Manager: Oversee a portfolio of assets, making decisions on buying or selling based on investment strategies.
    • Investment Banker: Facilitate capital raising for companies, M&A, and other advisory roles.
    • Financial Advisor: Provide clients with financial advice, including investment, tax, and retirement planning.
    • Private Equity Analyst: Evaluate potential investment opportunities in private companies.
  • Employers: CFA charterholders often find roles in:
    • Investment banks (e.g., Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan)
    • Asset management firms (e.g., BlackRock, Fidelity)
    • Private equity firms
    • Hedge funds
    • Consulting firms (e.g., McKinsey, Bain & Company)
  • Average Salaries: Salaries for CFA charterholders can vary based on experience, region, and role. On average:
    • Entry-level: $50,000 – $70,000
    • Mid-career: $80,000 – $150,000
    • Senior roles: $150,000 – $500,000+ (especially in roles like senior portfolio managers or in hedge funds)

Also Read: CFA Jobs in India – Scope, Salary, and Recruiters

FRM: Financial Risk Manager

  • Job Roles:
    • Risk Analyst: Evaluate and predict financial risks and returns, suggesting actions to minimize volatility.
    • Credit Risk Manager: Assess the likelihood of a borrower defaulting on its debt obligations.
    • Operational Risk Analyst: Identify and assess risks arising from internal procedures.
    • Regulatory Risk Manager: Ensure compliance with financial regulations and standards.
    • Liquidity Manager: Manage and monitor the liquidity risk of an organization.
  • Employers: Professionals with the FRM designation often work for:
    • Commercial banks (e.g., Bank of America, Citibank)
    • Investment banks
    • Central banks
    • Regulatory bodies
    • Consulting firms specializing in risk (e.g., Oliver Wyman, Deloitte)
  • Average Salaries: FRM salaries can differ based on the niche of risk management, experience, and geographical location:
    • Entry-level: $45,000 – $65,000
    • Mid-career: $70,000 – $130,000
    • Senior roles: $130,000 – $300,000+ (particularly in roles overseeing vast risk portfolios or in regulatory bodies)

You might like: FRM Jobs in India – Scope, salary and Recruiters

Key Job Roles– Portfolio Manager <br> – Equity Research Analyst <br> – Investment Banking Analyst <br> – Financial Advisor <br> – Risk Manager– Risk Analyst <br> – Credit Risk Manager <br> – Operational Risk Analyst <br> – Asset Manager <br> – Regulatory Risk Manager
Preferred IndustriesInvestment Banking, Asset Management, Financial Consultancies, Mutual FundsBanking, Corporate Finance, Regulatory Bodies, Credit Rating Agencies
Average Starting SalaryApprox. $50,000 – $70,000 (varies by region and role)Approx. $60,000 – $80,000 (varies by region and role)
Mid-Career Average SalaryApprox. $90,000 – $130,000 (varies by expertise and role)Approx. $100,000 – $150,000 (varies by expertise and role)
Top-Tier Average SalaryCould exceed $200,000, especially for senior roles in asset management and investment bankingCould exceed $180,000, particularly in senior risk management positions in major banks

Both the CFA and FRM certifications offer substantial career advancement opportunities. While the CFA tends to focus on investment management and analysis, the FRM delves deep into the complexities of risk management. As for salaries, while there’s overlap, CFA charterholders, especially in high-paying investment roles, may see a slightly higher pay ceiling. However, given the increasing importance of risk management, FRM professionals are in high demand and can command competitive salaries.

The CFA Plus FRM Combo

In a dynamic financial landscape, having an extensive toolkit is invaluable. While both the CFA and FRM programs are comprehensive in their own rights, together they create a robust blend of financial acumen and risk management expertise.

Complementary Skill Sets

  • Depth & Breadth: The CFA program provides a wide coverage of finance, from corporate finance, equity analysis, to ethical considerations. The FRM, on the other hand, delves deeply into the various aspects of risk, providing a nuanced understanding of credit risk, market risk, operational risk, and more.
  • Analytical Rigor: Both certifications emphasize analytical skills. While CFA candidates hone their abilities to analyze securities, create valuation models, and understand financial statements, FRM candidates sharpen their expertise in analyzing risks, understanding intricate financial instruments, and predicting potential future scenarios.
  • Ethical Foundation: Both programs underscore the importance of ethics in finance, although from different perspectives. The CFA emphasizes ethical decision-making in investment management, while the FRM emphasizes it in risk identification and mitigation.

When Pursuing Both Makes Sense

  • Risk Roles in Investment Firms: Investment professionals, especially those in asset management or hedge funds, have to understand not only the potential returns but also the associated risks. Having both certifications allows a more holistic approach to portfolio management.
  • Regulatory and Compliance Roles: With increasing financial regulations, there’s a need for professionals who not only understand the intricacies of risk but also the broader financial landscape. Such professionals can bridge the gap between regulatory requirements and financial strategies.
  • Consulting: Financial consultants advising firms on both investments and risk management can significantly benefit from the comprehensive knowledge provided by both certifications.

Benefits Witnessed by Dual-Holders

  • Versatility: Professionals with both designations are often viewed as versatile, capable of straddling roles that require both investment acumen and risk expertise.
  • Competitive Advantage: In a saturated job market, having both the CFA and FRM can provide an edge, signaling commitment to the profession and extensive knowledge.
  • Salary Premium: While both certifications individually can boost earnings potential, together they can further enhance remuneration, especially in roles that value both skill sets.

While pursuing both the CFA and FRM can be challenging in terms of time, effort, and financial commitment, the potential benefits in terms of career opportunities, professional growth, and salary increments can be substantial. Professionals seeking a nuanced, comprehensive understanding of the financial world may find this combination to be particularly rewarding.

How to Decide Between CFA and FRM?

When you’re at the crossroads of deciding between the CFA and FRM, it’s pivotal to assess your career aspirations, strengths, and the kind of knowledge you seek. Here’s a structured approach to help make that decision:

1. Define Your Career Goals

  • Investment Management:
    • If you see yourself managing investment portfolios, making decisions on asset allocation, or conducting equity research, the CFA is your best bet.
    • Example: Portfolio managers at BlackRock or Fidelity often have the CFA designation to back their investment decisions.
  • Risk Management:
    • If you’re interested in the intricacies of risk—how to measure it, predict it, and manage it—the FRM is the gold standard.
    • Example: Risk analysts at global banks like J.P. Morgan or HSBC typically possess the FRM certification.

2. Evaluate the Curriculum

Focus AreaCFAFRM
Investment AnalysisComprehensive coverageBasic to intermediate understanding
Corporate FinanceDetailed understandingPeripheral coverage
EthicsDeep dive into investment ethicsFocus on risk-related ethical scenarios
Risk ManagementBasic to intermediate understandingExtensive, specialized coverage
Quantitative AnalysisEssential tools for investment analysisAdvanced tools for risk measurement

3. Assess Duration and Commitment

  • CFA:
    • Three levels, typically requiring 300+ hours of study per level.
    • Most candidates take between 2 to 4 years to complete.
  • FRM:
    • Two levels, with a recommended 200-240 hours of study for each.
    • Can be completed in just over a year if both exams are taken consecutively.

4. Return on Investment (ROI)

  • CFA:
    • Broader in scope, which can open doors to varied roles in the finance sector.
    • Higher potential salary increments, especially in asset management and investment banking roles.
  • FRM:
    • Niche focus, making it invaluable for specific risk roles.
    • High demand in banks, regulatory bodies, and consulting firms, ensuring competitive salaries.

5. Geographical Preferences

If you have a specific region or country in mind for your career, consider the popularity of each designation there. For instance:

  • North America: CFA has strong recognition due to the numerous investment firms and hedge funds.
  • Asia (especially Hong Kong and Singapore): Both CFA and FRM are valued given the blend of investment and risk roles in their financial hubs.

6. Consult with Industry Professionals

  • Networking with professionals in roles you aspire to can provide invaluable insights.
  • LinkedIn can be a tool here; see which certifications frequent profiles that hold your dream job.

While both CFA and FRM are prestigious and can elevate your career, the right choice hinges on your individual career aspirations, preferred subjects, time commitment, and ROI expectations. It’s not about which certification is better overall, but which is better for you. Remember, some professionals even choose to pursue both, leveraging the comprehensive knowledge from each program.

Decision Matrix for Choosing Between CFA and FRM

CriteriaWeight (1-10)CFA Score (1-10)FRM Score (1-10)CFA Weighted ScoreFRM Weighted Score
Alignment with Career Goals8957240
Curriculum Relevance9786372
Duration & Commitment7684256
ROI (Return on Investment)9867254
Geographical Preference6975442
Industry Recognition8977256

How to Use the Matrix

  1. Criteria: List all the factors that are important to you when deciding between the CFA and FRM.
  2. Weight (1-10): Assign a weight to each criterion based on how important it is to you. A weight of 10 means the criterion is extremely important.
  3. CFA Score & FRM Score (1-10): Rate each program on how well it meets each criterion, from 1 to 10.
  4. Weighted Score: Multiply each program’s score by the weight for each criterion. Sum these up to get a total weighted score.
  5. Total: The program with the higher total weighted score is the more suitable option for you.

Hypothetical Example

Let’s assume John is contemplating between CFA and FRM. He is leaning more towards asset management but is also intrigued by risk analytics. He also wishes to work in North America and values industry recognition. For him, ROI is significant as he sees this as a long-term career investment. His matrix would look something like the one above.

  • After completing the matrix, the CFA has a higher total weighted score (375) compared to the FRM (320).
  • Given these weights and scores, John would lean towards pursuing the CFA as it aligns more closely with his career goals, geographical preferences, and offers a better ROI as per his analysis.

By populating this matrix with your own weights and scores, you can make a data-driven decision that takes into account all the factors that are personally important to you. This will help you make a more informed choice between the CFA and FRM certifications.


Choosing between the CFA and FRM certifications is a pivotal moment for any finance professional. Both programs offer rigorous training, global recognition, and can significantly elevate one’s career trajectory. Yet, they cater to somewhat different niches within the vast domain of finance.

The CFA is a broad-based qualification suitable for those aiming to delve deep into investment management, portfolio strategy, and asset allocation. It’s a badge of honor for those seeking a comprehensive understanding of the financial markets and investment strategies.

On the other hand, the FRM is specialized, catering to those passionate about understanding risk in its many forms and nuances. It’s for the individuals who want to stand on the front lines, safeguarding financial institutions from potential threats and uncertainties.

In the end, the choice isn’t about which certification is objectively better. It’s about introspection: understanding your personal career aspirations, strengths, and how you envision your role in the dynamic world of finance. For some, it might even make sense to pursue both, creating a formidable blend of investment and risk expertise.

Whatever path you choose, remember that the journey towards achieving either designation is as valuable as the end result. The skills you acquire, the networks you build, and the challenges you overcome will all shape you into a seasoned finance professional.

Best of luck with your decision, and here’s to a prosperous career ahead!

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the primary difference between the CFA and FRM programs?

The CFA focuses broadly on investment management, including portfolio strategy and asset allocation, while the FRM is specialized in risk management, measuring, and managing financial risks.

Which is more difficult: CFA or FRM?

Both are challenging in their own right. The CFA covers a broader range of topics over three levels, while the FRM is more concentrated on risk but dives deep into its complexities across two levels.

Can I pursue both CFA and FRM?

Yes, you can pursue both, and many professionals do. Combining the CFA’s investment knowledge with the FRM’s risk expertise can provide a competitive edge.

CFA Vs FRM: Detailed Comparison on Salary, Difficulty, Syllabus, Fees etc. (2024)


Is CFA more difficult than frm? ›

Difficulty Level Comparison of FRM & CFA

The CFA curriculum is bulkier and it is much more comprehensive. This is one reason why certain portions of FRM may seem a bit dry. Based on the difficulty level of the questions, both FRM Part 1 and Part 2 exams are considered a notch tougher than the CFA level 1 exam.

What is the salary of CFA Plus FRM in the US? ›

As of May 14, 2024, the average hourly pay for a Cfa Frm in the United States is $25.64 an hour. While ZipRecruiter is seeing hourly wages as high as $33.89 and as low as $13.94, the majority of Cfa Frm wages currently range between $22.36 (25th percentile) to $28.85 (75th percentile) across the United States.

Should I do both CFA and FRM? ›

While CFA provides knowledge of investments, FRM specialises in risk assessment and management. If your aim is to become a CFA with a specialisation in risk management, then opting for the CFA and FRM combination is a wise call.

Can CFA work in risk management? ›

If you are interested in a more versatile finance career path that touches on both risk management and other investing concepts, the CFA charter may be more aligned with your needs.

Is CFA extremely difficult? ›

The CFA exams are difficult, taking about 4-6 hours each. Candidates must complete 180 questions during that time in the Level I exam, which is not an easy task. To be successful, candidates need more than just intelligence and stamina. They also need the right tools at their disposal.

Which level of CFA is most difficult? ›

Commonly cited as one of the world's hardest exams, CFA Level 1's difficulty is comparable to a diploma level and gets harder from then on. But I didn't know that it's never-seen-before-and-by-the-way-you-could-definitely-fail tough.

Is FRM in demand in USA? ›

FRM designations have always been and will continue to be in demand around the world. They are sought after by corporations and banks for market survival and growth. Some of the most influential organizations to hire FRMs include ICBC, Bank of China, HSBC, Citigroup, KPMG, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), etc.

What is the salary after FRM in USA? ›

Frm Salary
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$120,000$10,000
75th Percentile$112,000$9,333
25th Percentile$52,500$4,375

What is the salary of FRM fresher in the US? ›

According to Payscale and Glassdoor, the annual salary for a professional who works in financial risk is anywhere from $44,000 to $128,000. A professional who has earned the FRM designation can expect a salary in the range of $55,000 to $211,000, with managers and senior directors earning more.

Which one to do first, FRM or CFA? ›

​It really depends on your preferred career route: if you're into risk management, FRM is the clear choice. If you're less sure but keen on a career in finance, perhaps CFA is a better choice for a broader finance base.

Can a FRM become CEO? ›

Recently, the pattern has shifted, and an increasing number of chief executive jobs are being filled by people with strong financial experience, which is a beautiful chance for most finance managers. It is regarded as the finest professional route to apply for and seek the job of CEO, but it does not ensure success.

Is CFA equivalent to Masters? ›

Is the CFA Equivalent to a Master's Degree? Since both the CFA Program and an MSFA require an undergraduate degree in most cases and require about the same total amount of study, the CFA is generally considered to be equivalent to a master's degree.

How to choose between CFA and FRM? ›

Both certifications are highly respected in the finance industry, but they cater to different areas. CFA is focused on investment management and financial analysis, while FRM specialises in risk management. Your choice should align with your specific career aspirations and the field you're passionate about.

Which company hires most CFA? ›

Consulting and Advisory Firms: Companies like KPMG, Deloitte, and PwC are top-tier consultancies that hire CFA charterholders for their financial advisory, risk management, and consulting roles.

Can you be a financial advisor with a CFA? ›

They provide professional advice to assist clients or employers in making sound investment decisions. For example, financial advisors can provide tax management guidance. Chartered Financial Analysts (CFAs) and Certified Financial Planners (CFPs) are among common types of financial advisor certifications.

Is CFA the hardest finance exam? ›

The Chartered Financial Analyst credential is one of the most demanding exams on Earth when it comes to preparation and study time required. The average pass rate for the CFA Level 1 is only 41%. For Level 2, you're looking at a passage rate of 45%. And Level 3 is not much easier at 52%.

Is frm very difficult? ›

The FRM exam is very quantitative, and the curriculum takes a lot of time to master. More people fail FRM Part I than pass it, and barely half of those who take the FRM Part II exam, pass it. As a result, only 25 percent of those who register for the exam end up passing both parts.

What is the pass rate for the CFA Level 1 exam? ›

Exam Pass Rates by Level

From 2012 to 2022, pass rates for the level 1 exam have averaged 41%. Since 2020, the average has been hovering around 37%.


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