Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (2024)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (1)

This thread will be my showcase for various builds in 1.4 Terraria (and some older examples) / Journey mode, 100% Vanilla, no mods /
All buildings are meant to be functional with at least one useful room (except for the purely decorative of course).
Please forgive me for any grammar mistakes since English is not my first language.
I will try to answer all questions regarding the used resources, but it will not be really fast since most of the time I am at work (shifts).

!!! All rights belong to Re-Logic !!!

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (2)

1) Every uploaded build can be found in the "spoiler" tags below (for large constructions) or in the first post under this one (for smaller builds and examples).
2) UP&DA stands for "un-painted and de-actuated"
3) If any further indication of copyrights is required, it will be stated explicitly.


Inspired by @Pellaeon 's "Blacksmith workshop build"

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (3)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (4)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (5)


Build #1 - Jungle grove with "world-tree" (upload 13.09.2020) - artificial jungle biome with two-way teleport system for moving up and down the tree.

Houses for the Painter, Dryad and Witchdoctor (in that order from left to right) with the corresponding Jungle Pylon.
Inspiration from:
@Blobtit* 's "Revamped Living Tree" / @Pellaeon 's roof, window and stairs design (Painter's house) / @BigManTing0w0 's exquisite 3D(2.5D) designs (Witchdoctor's shack) / @Khaios 's tree sculpting tutorial

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (6)

Build #2 - Trade post (upload 13.09.2020) - two story house with living quarters above the first-floor shop and stacked wares with horse carriage (no horses) in the grotto/ravine.

Lake for fishing/relaxing, the pathways above the lake are actually connected to the bottom "roots" of three adjacent living trees on the upper surface.
The whole lake area is subjected to further development in version 2 (in the section).
Inspiration from: @Pellaeon 's general builds / @Khaios 's house foundation tutorial

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (7)

Build #3 - Ocean Pylon with pirate ship, small fisherman's hut for the Angler (he needs that attitude fixed a.s.a.p.) and pirate-cove inspired house for the Pirate (upload 13.09.2020).

There are also some columns for the pylon and an extra beach villa in case some other NPC shows up.
Inspiration from: @Pellaeon 's general house design / @ED209 's column design / Black Pearl's ship model (around 40% of the ship is based on it) and other sailing ships

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (8)

Build #4 - Surface mushroom biome with the corresponding pylon and houses for the Guide and Truffle (upload 22.09.2020).

Inspiration from: @gemma 's "Mushroom tree base" for the whole biome and @Pellaeon 's builds / @Khaios 's builds for the Guide's house.

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (9)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (10)

Build #5 - Desert biome with pylon and houses for the Stylist and Dye Trader (on one side of the Pyramid), and Nurse and Arms Dealer (on the other side) (upload 04.10.2020).

Full view of the biome, the only naturally generated part is the oasis in the middle. The mountain on the left side and the castle build are both discontinued.

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (11)

And now the "inspiration" list: Special thanks to @CheesyPaninie for getting me into wardrobe/closet design! Stylist's house inspired by @SamStone2020 ("Beach house");
Nurse's clinic inspired by @OddGirl ("Research Facility"); House and furniture design inspired by @Pellaeon; Various designs inspired by @Khaios (but mostly castle and hoik elevator (tutorials))


--------------------------------------- 1.4.2 New world - new and updated builds ---------------------------------------

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (15)

World Tree with improved teleportation system (the hole in the base of the trunk is a walk-in teleport - beams you up between the Painter's and the Dryad's houses; the white gate teleports you down to the base of the stairs on the forest floor), added Living Trees on both sides. Connected to the Lake Grotto beneath (you can see the root system in both builds). UP&DA version and close-ups of the grove and tree-crown can be found in the thumbnails below:

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (19)

<o> <o>

Mushroom Biome (Surface, upload 07.02.2021) - more compact version, re-build of the Guide's house and added tax office for the Collector, with hanging vault beneath. New giant mushroom and additional teleportation system for access to the forest biome above:

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (23)

UP&DA version in the thumbnails below and close-up of the NPC houses::


Mushroom pillar with UP&DA version in the thumbnail (upload 12.07.2021):

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (26)

Full view of the Pylon build:

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (28)

Night view in the thumbnail below:

Stylist's salon close-up:

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (30)

UP&DA version:

Pirate's base/house close-up:

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (32)

UP&DA example:

Angler's fishing hut close-up:

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (34)

UP&DA version:

Full view of the Pylon build - it is an artificial Desert Biome floating island:

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (36)

NIght view and UP&DA version in the thumbnails below:


Nurse's clinic close-up:

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (39)

UP&DA example:

Arms Dealer's shop and Dye Trader's facilities (close-up):

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (41)

UP&DA example:

Full view of the complete Pylon build:

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (43)

Mining Depot - mine, smelters, ore/metal storage and living quarters (upper floors). Also, explosives ... UP&DA example in the thumbnail below:

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (44)

Tavern - the link to the Surface (hoik elevator) goes directly between the reception and the bar. The Hellevator below continues down to the Underworld.
UP&DA version in the thumbnail:

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (46)

"Ravine" or whatever that Surface element is (you should know what is in the thumbnail by now Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (48) ) :

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (49)

Clothier's house and shop (UP&DA example in the thumbnail below):

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (51)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (56)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (60)

Night view, UP&DA examples:


Night view in the thumbnail.

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (63)

Close-ups of the wizard tower in the extra thumbnails :

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (65)

UP&DA version:

Wizard tower - day view, night view and UP&DA example below:

Expanded version of the "Lake Grotto" build, with added houses/stations and small "Underbeach". Connections to the Jungle Pylon World Tree above the lake and West Coast Lighthouse above the upper right corner.

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (70)

Grotto left side - UP&DA version and Lake House close-up in the thumbnails below:

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (71)


Grotto right side - UP&DA version and West Coast HELLevator Station close-up in the thumbnails below:

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (74)


Underbeach (artificial second beach under the regular one, based on the principle of ocean cave generation, but on a smaller scale) - UP&DA version in the thumbnail below:

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (77)

Lighthouse on a cliff (west coast of the Ocean), the Pirate Ship and a Buoy. The light effect is inconsistent and unreliable, it is achieved with fog machines, which are visible at least 50% of the time and ruin the intended view. They also work only when a player is nearby.

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (79)

Dayview of the build (it is still very bright):

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (80)

Close-up of the Lighthouse during the day and night with the effect on:


Example without the machines and, as usual, UP&DA version of the build (Echo blocks not visible, forgot to put my goggles on):


Full view of the build, partial inspiration from GandalfHardcore (interior design), Nova4334 (crystal pillars) and Khaios (some of the house design):

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (85)

Night view in the thumbnail below:

Since the build is on the bigger side, it is separated in three parts for the close-ups:

1) Pillars of rock, ice and crystal

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (87)

UP&DA version:

2) Viking Settlement/Fortress

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (89)

UP&DA version:

3) Chained Floating Island

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (91)

UP&DA version:

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (93)

UP&DA version in the thumbnail:

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (95)

UP&DA example in the thumbnail:

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (97)

UP&DA example in the thumbnail:

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (99)

UP&DA example:

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (101)

Night view and UP&DA example in the thumbnails:


Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (104)

UP&DA version:

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (106)

Night view and UP&DA example:

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (109)

Night view and UP&DA example in the thumbnails below:

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (112)

NIght view and UP&DA version:

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (115)

Night view + UP&DA:


Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (118)

Night view and UP&DA version:

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (121)

Night view and UP&DA:


Roof design by @Eiv :

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (124)

Night view + UP&DA:

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (127)

Subway station "Central" for my trans-map railway (new 1.4. world), just below the spawn point, you can see the hellevator going up and down. Unpainted and de-actuated version in the thumbnail:

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (128)

Jungle Guardian, Outpost, HELLevator and fishing pond below the statue (Hallow is expected from the left side):

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (130)

Outpost close-up. Subway station and UP&DA example in the thumbnails below:

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (131)

Jungle Subway station, just below the outpost:


Defender of the East, guard tower and bridge. That is one of the two guardians of the central base and forest biome. As you can see, Corruption is already present:



Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (135)

Close-up view of the tower and bridge:

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (137)

As usual, night view and UP&DA example below:


Frost Sentinel, placed on top of the arctic hellevator, with guard tower and bridge below the statue (Corruption is expected from the right side):



Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (140)

Close-up view of the tower, bridge and subway station "Tundra":

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (141)

Night view and UP&DA version in the thumbnails below:


Desert Bulwark, second gaurdian of the central region (Hallow is expected from the right side):



Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (144)

Desert guard tower/pyramid :

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (145)

Night view and UP&DA example in the thumbnails below:


Full view below. Non-graveyard background, night view and UP&DA example in the thumbnails:

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (148)

<o> <o>

Inspired by the town of Tower from Heroes 3. Full view below, raised drawbridge variant and UP&DA examples (in sections) in the thumbnails:

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (152)


Complete version - view from the "light" side. Corruption view, night view and UP&DA example in the thumbnails:

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (160)

<o> <o>

ALPHA version - Greatsword build. Full view and UP&DA example in the thumbnails (upload 31.03.2021):

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (164)


Ninght view in the thumbnail, UP&DA versions after each separate segment below:

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (167)

Military Airship

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (169)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (171)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (173)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (175)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (177)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (179)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (181)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (184)


Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (187)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (188)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (189)


Desert Rock Shelter (upload 07.11.2021)

Ice Mountain (upload 03.04.2022)


Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (191)

Variants :

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (192)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (193)

Variants :

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (194)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (195)

Variants :

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (196)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (197)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (198)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (199)

Night view of the pillar with and without the glowing stones :

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (200)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (201)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (202)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (203)

Stone formations & desert rock examples:

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (204)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (205)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (206)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (207)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (208)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (209)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (210)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (211)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (212)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (213)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (214)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (215)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (216)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (217)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (218)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (219)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (220)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (221)

<< Part 2 - Roof in three variants >>

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (222)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (223)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (224)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (225)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (226)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (227)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (228)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (229)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (230)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (231)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (232)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (233)

Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (234)


Recommended threads from my personal inspiration list:
@Pellaeon : PC - ~Pellaeon's creations~ - The first person that I learned from, eternal respect!
@BigManTing : PC - Bigmans Builds - Grandmaster of the 3D
@Khaios : PC - Khaios' Build Spectacle - The name speaks for itself, we all learned from him at one point or another
@Eiv : PC - Ballin' houses by Eiv - Houses and roofs are a work of art

@Flor3nce2456 : PC - ~FLOR3NCE2456's BUILDS COLLECTION~
@rulick15 : PC - Rulick's Builds Moeum

@WarWar : PC - WarWar's Builds
@simirian : PC - Simi's Creations

@NotSoCursed : NotSoCursed's Build Collection v2
@Blobtit* : Blobtit's Builds
@OddGirl : OddGirl's Builds



Center :

East :

West :

Defeated bosses : Eye of Cthulhu (failed to prevent the spawning) and Skeletron (needed access to the Dungeon to complete the subway).
There is a massive Meteorite ball (900+ blocks)
above the easternmost forest, to prevent any more meteors from landing. Be aware if you convert the world to a non-Journey mode.
Two huge Underground sections are left empty - that is on purpose as they are a stage for several future builds.
Underworld is still under construction.
If you see a switch on the wall, but no visible door or portal/teleporter - that is actuated Block-door, flip the switch for entry/exit.
TELEPORTS: All subway stations have walk-in teleports in " X " pattern, for gaining access to the lower/upper floors. Look for "fake" staircases in a recess in the walls. There are some walk-in teleports at the beginning of the Dungeon as well (because of the subway tunnel).
DESERT (PYLON) ACCESS: Floating desert island can be accessed via teleport in the guard tower/pyramid.
WORLD TREE ACCESS: There is a walk-in teleport at the base of the tree trunk - yes, the "black hole". It will get you straight up in the tree-crown. Similar method is used to get down - walk-in teleport below the Painter's house, masked as the top part of the white spiraling staircase.
CLOUDSPIRE (SKY ISLAND) ACCESS: Teleport available at the spawn point house, second floor.
HOIK Elevators: Every entry and exit point is marked with (glowing) arrows, indicating the working direction.
MUSHROOM BIOME: is a dead-end open cave. Use the teleport pads to gain access to the forest above OR the various staircases at the spawn-point mega tree.

Version 1.13 - 25.09.2022 :
>> Included new builds:

  • Floating Island Farm & Floating Island Overhaul
  • SCP-F: Corruption core - Isolation Chamber Sigma
  • Giant Gorge
  • Arcane Crystal Tree
  • No paint construction #1 and #2
  • Whitestone Bridge
  • Cavern layer nature/surface pocket
  • Jungle Tower
  • Greentile Residence
  • Construction Site
  • Azure Rose Temple
  • Small seaside mansion
  • "Half&Half design" residence

Version 1.12 - 03.04.2022 :
>> Included new builds:

  • Winter outpost
  • Sky Lake village
  • Cave beach shack
  • Ice mountain (background)

Version 1.11 - 31.01.2022 :
>> Included new builds:

  • Alpine Lodge
  • Elipse Residence
  • Desert Rock shelter
  • Cliff Villa
  • Jungle Floating Island
  • Full revamp of the spawn point

Version 1.10 - 29.09.2021 :
>> World condition changes (approximate percentage) :

  • Eastern Forest biome's landscaping (mostly lower level surface) is 75% complete (up from 50%).
  • Massive custom Sky island (with a city) created above the western end of the jungle, next to the Jungle World Tree.
  • East Ocean preservation is down to 50% (from 80%), expanded underbeach below with tropical island.

>> Included new builds:

  • Cloudspire, the skycity
  • House concept #15
  • Small tropical island
  • Log cabin
  • "Rhombus house" lake resort
  • Greystone estate
  • Jones' BBQ
  • Teleport station, variant 3

Version 1.09 - 30.07.2021 :
>> World condition changes (the percentage is roughly estimated) :

  • Eastern Forest biome's landscaping (between Dungeon and Ocean) is 50% complete.
  • Dungeon (Surface) is 95% untouched (down from 99%).
  • Artificial sky islands are relocated/transformed.

>> Included new builds:

  • "Shrine for the ones we lost"
  • Glasshouse villa
  • Mushroom rock pillar
  • Windmill farm
  • Castle Valtara
  • "Sword Ravine"
  • Verdant cliff arches
  • Spawn-point Arcane Towers

>> Minor improvements to most builds

Version 1.08 - 31.03.2021 :
>> World condition changes (the percentage is roughly estimated) :

  • Underground is 90% untouched (down from 97%), except the corrupted points (removed).
  • Cavern layer is 95% untouched (down from 97%).

>> Included new builds:

  • Cavern Pylon (Cavern layer, artificial half-surface biome, NPC houses for Clothier, Tavernkeep and Demolitionist).
  • Small animal farm.
  • Sailing ship (medium size).
  • Greatsword (pixel-art & barrier).
  • Small grotto.
  • Spawn point overhaul, added one more custom floating island.

Version 1.07 (release) - 20.02.2021 :
>> World condition (the percentage is roughly estimated) :

  • Three major points of Corruption infestation are destroyed completely in order to free space for building. Termination was thorough, down to the upper Cavern layer.
  • Overall Surface area is expanded around 20% due to vertical layering of the biomes (with TEdit).
  • Dungeon (Surface) is 99% untouched.
  • Snow biome is preserved 95%, covered area expanded additional 30%.
  • Jungle is 95% untouched.
  • Forest is 90% preserved, surface area expanded additional 30%.
  • Existing Desert is expanded additional 5%, there was smaller area (around 1/3 the size) between two infested points, completely removed due to corruption.
  • West Ocean is heavily modified - around 30% of the original is left (biome surface area increased additional 20% due to the under-beach).
  • East Ocean is 80% preserved (pending single or double layer expansion with under-beaches).
  • Underground is 97% untouched, except the corrupted points (removed).
  • Cavern layer is 97% untouched.
  • Underworld is 99% untouched.
  • Sky Islands are moved to safer positions with TEdit.

>> Included major builds:

  • World Tree / Jungle Pylon (NPC houses for Painter, Dryad and Witch Doctor)
  • Mushroom Biome / Pylon (Surface, artificial biome, NPC houses for Guide, Truffle and Tax Collector)
  • Ocean Pylon (East Coast, NPC houses for the Stylist, Pirate and Angler)
  • Desert Pylon (NPC houses for the Nurse, Arms Dealer and Dye Trader)
  • Lake Grotto and under-beach
  • Light House and Pirate Ship (west Ocean)
  • Viking Settlement / Fortress (Snow biome, next to the Dungeon)
  • Trans-map Railway with subway stations
  • Biome Guardians (4 of them) with guard towers and bridges

World name is "Aegis8", current version 1.13, the files are in the attached rightmost zip archive below:



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Builds - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods) (2024)


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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Views: 5603

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (62 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.